Czech Open 2019 (World Tour)

Harimoto lost the match not because of the FH.
He began the match with the mood to sprint cross the park and first 2 games were just like that.
But he had no idea about what tactics he would need against that oponent.
The first time Harimoto reminded that there is something called Tactics was just when Pletea had the game point for the 3rd game.
The real crisis began with the 5th game. Harimoto couldn't deal with Pletea's serves. Discouraged, confused, with lost concentration, and - for me the most important - not proper coaching, no tactical help how to deal with the oponent, and no technical advise how to deal with the oponent style.
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Jul 2017
Harimoto always struggles against the young guns, no matter if it's Pletea, Moregards, Wang Chuqin, Lin Yun-Ju, it's a trauma.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Ito vs Hayata.

G4, Hayata 10:8, 10:12. I gotta wonder why Hayata didn't serve the reverse pendulum.

Speak of the devil. She just did it at 4:6 in G5 and lost the point. TO. Another one at 4:7, drifted long and got killed. 7:11.

Hayata gotta solve the issues of serve-and-attack and the 2nd-and-4th strokes. She had a hard time getting past the early phase on equal footing.
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says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
Well-Known Member
Feb 2015
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I don't care what anyone else says, Liu Weishan's tomahawk serve should be illegal. It's just too OP. It's like DN's tomahawk on steroid.
I don`t see anything bad or extraordinary on this serves ...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2018
Ito vs Hayata.

G4, Hayata 10:8, 10:12. I gotta wonder why Hayata didn't serve the reverse pendulum.

Speak of the devil. She just did it at 4:6 in G5 and lost the point. TO. Another one at 4:7, drifted long and got killed. 7:11.

Hayata gotta solve the issues of serve-and-attack and the 2nd-and-4th strokes. She had a hard time getting past the early phase on equal footing.

Well ... Hayata is gaining 7070 ... Tentatively nr. 28 in the next rating list ....
If in Paraguay she gets into the semifinals (Honoka!), She will add a little more for the next month ....
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Hayata is not targeting Tokyo 2020 her objective is now WTTC 2021

If Ishikawa doesn't make the singles, there's still a chance for Hayata.

And then for Harimoto, dropping game 3 gave Pletea a 2nd chance.
“That is for sure the biggest win of my career. We have been playing against each other since we were juniors, which helped me today. I know his style and I felt he was a little bit nervous today. Also, I played really well today, my tactics were perfect. I was down 0-2 and 3-6 but I managed to win the game. Then I was 1-3 down but I was still fighting. I knew that it was not over. I started well in the fifth game then I also won the sixth. And in the seventh game, you never know what happens. I also felt big support from the spectators and I would like to thank them. I hope that tomorrow I will play well again.” – Cristian Pletea
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Time capsule for 2028. Seeing XF 2:4 DO now, and ZZH 2:4 Harimoto last week, I hereby make the gloomy prediction that the men's top 10 will be void of any penholders.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2018
Well ... Hayata is gaining 7070 ... Tentatively nr. 28 in the next rating list ....
If in Paraguay she gets into the semifinals (Honoka!), She will add a little more for the next month ....

Mima Ito withdrew her application for participation in Raraguay ....Hayata's chances of reaching the finals in Paraguay are now higher ....
Most likely, before the new year, Hayata will be at the end of the third ten in the ITTF rating ....
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2018
The match against Ito clearly showed that Hayata is not there yet. My best JNT team for Tokyo would be Ito, Hirano & Ishikawa.

Unfortunately, in the first round, Hayate had to play with Mima Ito, and not with Ishikawa or Hirano .....And I'm not sure whether Ishikawa or Hirano would have won ....
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Jun 2011
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On the men's side, I looked at all the matches that didn't get TV tables and the only one I could even quibble with was Franziska vs Kallberg. I would prefer to see them all but a job well done in picking matches for tables.

Oh crap I really thought they were streaming it.. I saw multiple cameras pointed at Franziska vs. Kallberg ,.. but now I cant find any video of it.
Still a great match, I was talking to Franziska after the match, told him I was surprised of the result, expecting easier win 4:0, 4:1 .. he said: "EGAL " .. :) .. so .. win is all that counts, he had a serve at 9:9 in the final game, converting both, thats all that counts..

Was the ZZ / MT match not on ITTV? I can’t find it anywhere

Nope, they played at no-stream table..

Neo FH of Harimoto did not work as expected I guess.This is a huge mental loss for sonny.
You cant even imagine..
They have been talking in the backstage with his dad and one more person for hours after the match..
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2011
Read 7 reviews
Time capsule for 2028. Seeing XF 2:4 DO now, and ZZH 2:4 Harimoto last week, I hereby make the gloomy prediction that the men's top 10 will be void of any penholders.

You never know..
I was talking with one of the players, he told me about these chinese players..
He said, that all these 2nd ranked players that are attending pro-tours are never going to be great.
China saves the best players in background untill they are ready. Just like they did with Liang Jingkun.
He attended maybe one-two pro tours and then only played in China..
When he was ready, they released him on the circuit and now he is world no. 10 I think?
So Xue Fei, Zhai Zihao .. well they are not ment to be .. best..
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Jun 2011
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for me the most important - not proper coaching, no tactical help how to deal with the oponent, and no technical advise how to deal with the oponent style.

And this is really weird, because all the time there were 4-5 japanese guys running around with cameras, recording all the matches they could. I got to chat with one of them, he said he only picks up matches for the japanese coach.
The jap. coach has all the matches you can think of, recorded and available for analyzis..
I doubt pretty much that they wouldnt have videos and tactics analyzis for Pletea..
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This user has no status.
Jul 2019
The match against Ito clearly showed that Hayata is not there yet. My best JNT team for Tokyo would be Ito, Hirano & Ishikawa.

Unfortunately, in the first round, Hayate had to play with Mima Ito, and not with Ishikawa or Hirano .....And I'm not sure whether Ishikawa or Hirano would have won ....

I kinda agree with both of you. Hayata is not top 10 player in the world right now, but Ishikawa and Hirano arent too. Both benefit from good seeding all year long and doesnt do any meaningful with it. Ito is the best japanese player by quite a large margin and can at least compete against the top CNT member.

I would put Hirano, Ishikawa and Hayata at a similar level. Hirano might be the most consitent, Hayata has to most upset potential and is a great doubles fit for Ito. Ishikawa... well, she wins most games she is favored (against WR 20-50), but has quite some mental issues. Especially against every CNT player. Her Doubles are not that good too.

Right now i would pick Ito and Hirano for singles and Hayata for the team games.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
And this is really weird, because all the time there were 4-5 japanese guys running around with cameras, recording all the matches they could. I got to chat with one of them, he said he only picks up matches for the japanese coach.
The jap. coach has all the matches you can think of, recorded and available for analyzis..
I doubt pretty much that they wouldnt have videos and tactics analyzis for Pletea..

Oh, you mean these folks.
