Goat meat nutrition

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says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
Well-Known Member
Nov 2010
Read 8 reviews
Pretty similar to lamb all in all. There are some Pakistani restaurants here in Houston that make amazing goat dishes. As for nutritional value, it is a little leaner than other red meats. Because of this, it is best in stews, curries and hotpots.

And you can glue it on your BH side if you don't like Tenergy. /s
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2010
ROFLAO .. good one @Baal ....
You have to slow cook it really well on medium / high heat with constant stirring with spices .. once the oil starts separating from goat pieces and the spices .. the taste is second to none ! .. goes well with rice/pulao/roti/parantha/chapathi/naan ... much like tenergy goes well with most blades ... here is one of favorite recipes ...

Pretty similar to lamb all in all. There are some Pakistani restaurants here in Houston that make amazing goat dishes. As for nutritional value, it is a little leaner than other red meats. Because of this, it is best in stews, curries and hotpots.

And you can glue it on your BH side if you don't like Tenergy. /s
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says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
Well-Known Member
Nov 2010
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What is the best way to boost goat meat?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
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Goat meat has less fat and cholesterol than chicken.

Fat and cholesterol are good for you so I am not sure why you are running away from them. They only cause issues when high amounts of sugar are present in the blood to damage blood vessels and oxidize lipoproteins.
I dunno, but it was a favorite saying of Sergeants to Privates that they smelled like goat in a rut stankin' azz when they failed to shower after morning exercise.

When I was in the army we could shower no more than once per week :rolleyes:

And another fact, that sounds like a joke - somewhen during the socialism our First Man visited France and had a walk round an open market place. January. Fresh vegetables all through the stands. And he asked with surprise "Our vegetables come out at spring, when do yours?" - "At 6 a.m."
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New Member
Nov 2018
You know, I have never tried goat but I have heard it is pretty great.