
  1. How do you deal/adjust to very humid conditions?

  2. How to deal with deep pushes.

    Hey guys so I have a problem. Whenever I play I have problem with deep pushes. If someone pushes on the backhand side then I also push it back. Since I am a Forehand Dominant player, whenever I try to topspin it the ball goes in the net. Can you please tell me how can topspin this ball properly.
  3. How to Deal With Too Many Choices for Equipment You Already Own?

    Explanation of Issue: As a function of making blades (which I have mostly stopped doing, due to EJ-related issues associated with always having new things to test), I have had the opportunity to try out so many different blade styles and combinations. I bought quite a few rubber sheets for...
  4. Butterfly Innerforce series - whats the deal in compare to 5ply/7ply allwood blades?

    hey guys, with the release of Xiom's icecream blades attention has drawn to this topic. i'm curious about the IF series. while i do own several allwood limba blades: a slow 5 ply (Grubba), a fast 5 ply (Xiom Offensive S) and a 7 ply (Andro Core) i wonder which customer should instead buy these...
  5. how to deal with Tomahawk service

    Folks !! I'm progressing a lot, now what is holding me from virtually winning every player from my level and probably the level just above is tomahawk service return. My service return is basically a chiuquita on short side-spin serves,spinny push for pure under spin , and I attack directly...
  6. how to deal with players you play for the first time?

    I just went to a table tennis club for the first time... There were a lot of players with different styles. I got destroyed and had lots of fun... My Question is how do you deal with players when you play them for the first time or when you don't know much about them yet? I find my self...
  7. I found a good deal on tabletennis11 but....

    Do I have to pay the 20% vat if I live in the US? Rakza 7 is on sale.
  8. How to deal with the "freezing"

    I dont know if everybody felt it once but I think most player had it already. When you have an important game, or you are playing against somebody who you consider much weaker than yourself and it is defenetly not allowed to lose. Or you are generally afraid of losing because it is for you like...
  9. Injury - how to deal with it?

    wow delete this thread lol -.-
  10. mild injury

    My knees have been injured over a month ago. I still feel some minor cracking in the joints when I bend down and some nagging pain(not very serious) when I put weight on my legs. From what I've read it's best to do some mild exercise during rehabilitation so that my muscles do not grow weaker...
  11. Off/BAd days and bad playing streaks - and how to deal with them?

    Do you guys have streaks or days where you are just not playing well, and your strokes don't 'work'? and what do you think causes this? Less time for training, mental/emotional state etc.. ?.. and whats the best way to get out of it? Personally, I find these days/times really upsetting..