
  1. How to fix missing damaged top ply, heavy splintering or a heavy hit/dent to the side of the blade.

    Because of the nature of this method being simplistic and focused around practicality only, the blade is not gonna look good when finished. The purpose of it is to reinforce the structure, get it even, straight and get it playing how it used to before getting damaged. 0 - If the blade has lost...
  2. Blade Repair by SDC

    This Viscaria needed some love. I could have replaced the whole top ply, but that would mean removing the handle. So, there were more things that could go wrong. The transition is very smooth and a new sealing will prevent more splintering in the future.
  3. Blade Repair Test, do you want more video like this one ?

    Hi Everyone, First test (very humble), filming by the repairman and edited by me. Do you one more video like this one ?
  4. repair table tennis bat

    when I changed rubbers, I took off the rubber but surface of the bat ( around the edge) came out , although it is not much, I am not sure it is good for using it, if I repair it with wood filler and sand it, would it be ok ?
  5. How to repair a damaged blade!!

    Hello, I wonder if there is any way to repair my demage on my blade. What kind of wood should I glue on the damaged part?