
  1. Why does this happen?

    Sometimes when I play (happens mostly on my forehand), something quite annoying and weird happens. I don't think it's something that one does on purpose. Maybe bad timing? Lack of confidence? Misreading spin or the direction the ball is going? I don't think I can explain it really well, but...
  2. What happen if you boost a t05 hard as soft as t05?

    I'm curious, i know for a fact that a t05h boosted as soft as t05 doesn't play like a t05. Anyone tried it? If so share results.
  3. TT Endorsements that should happen.

    Hey I was watching a game with my playlist going on in the background and Youtube's advertisement went on, but it was just so odd because I swear the commercial mentioned Timo Boll, but to hear a random woman saying it made me click over to the Ad. It was for T-Mobile, but with the U.S...