
  1. Chinese table tennis program failed kids documentaries

    I heard there are some documentaries about the grueling and merciless training program of the table tennis kids of China and how a very small percentage of them actually become title winners as most of them get washed up. I got this from a youtube video comment, so I don't actually know if there...
  2. HD Videos/Movies/Documentaries

    Hello guys, i will be asking for your help, can you give me some links of High Definition Games, Documentaries, or tribute or any related Videos in Table Tennis. It may be on youtube, torrent or any but make sure that's HD. Thanks in Advance :)
  3. Documentaries: Michael Maze / Jun Mizutani

    Hi folks I came upon these documentaries on youtube. One of them featuring Michael Maze and the other one featuring Jun Mizutani. Now, I speak Dutch, French, English, German and a little bit of Latin, Greek & Spanish, but I really don't understand a word of Danish nor Japanese... Can someone...