2.1 or 1.9mm on T05H (FH) and D05 (BH)

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Oct 2014
Read 17 reviews
Using D05 or T05H in anything less than 2.1 is a waste of money. Would be better to go with Glayzer 2.1 instead.
I know a strong player who found 2.1mm too fast in 05 regularsince he wanted more security on blocks and used 1.9mm. That said, I agree most people would do better with 2.1mm especially with the plastic ball and the harder sponges.
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Jan 2023
Thanks for the advice! One last question, I’ve seen some reviews saying H3 Neo Blue Sponge Provincial/National is better than 09C, any thoughts on that and if i should indeed get H3?
Wow, you really are a high spender on your equipment change! For the choice between 09c and h3 nat/prov, it really depends on your playstyle. If you jump on those half long balls, and your stroke is crazy long and powerful (take ma long vs joo se hyuk for example, those kinds of loops) choose h3. If you play more of a european playstyle (watch tt bundesliga), go for 09c. Please keep in mind, h3 needs to be boosted, even for neo! also, do not use falco tempo long booster on h3, it doesn't work as well as haifu/ dianchi.
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Aug 2023
Hi everyone, I’ve been playing with Fan Zhendong ALC with Rozena 2.1mm sponge both sides. I’m now going to change my rubbers as they are getting worn out. I know that Rozena is considered the “beginner” to Tenergy and Dignics series, and I’ve decided to go to Dignics 05 for BH and Tenergy 05 Hard for FH (I am an intermediate player who loves to play on the forehand loop and counter topspin). Therefore, if i played rozena 2.1mm, should i do 1.9mm sponge or 2.1mm sponge on the two rubber?
Would like to share some of my experiences.
T05 2.1mm is quite easy to hit through the blade because of the soft sponge, so I would say 2.1mm on FH is better than 1.9mm.
If your backhand is strong, you have no problem to use D05 2.1mm on BH. D05 is also very durable. I had it on my BH for more than one year and now is my second sheet. I play 6-9 hrs every week.
I played my friend's FZD ALC with D09C on FH before. D09C is quite difficult to hit through and I have to use 80-90% of my strength. I guess it is because of the hard sponge. On the other hand, D05 is much easy going. I haven't tried D80 as D05 is good enough for me.
If you want to try H3 but don't like boosting, try 729 battle 2 national blue sponge. It may not be as spiny as boosted H3 but close to it. Speed is good. The only problem of this rubber is that the arc is on the low side and you have to adjust your strokes.
729 just released the battle 3 and reviews are good. I am going to try it later.
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Oct 2022
Somehow I skip all the Tenergy life to go straight to D09C. Completely better and I'm able to control what I'm doing as well as doing everything I want. Played with T05 for only 1 session in my Tenergy life and immediatly changed after since I was so easy to shoot the ball over table a lot. Now I'm happy with boosted H3 or D09C both sides on my Viscaria Super ALC, I love how the rubber just neutralize all the spin and let me be able to apply my way. I would prefer H3 FH and D09C BH, my preferences. I played with D80 for about a month, I think it's too mushy and soft, It was too safe I think, block very good, counter spin, loop under as well. About the thickness, it's really doesn't matter at all in this level, lower thickness will help you more with control but it really doesn't mean anything if you get feed multiballs and train every day and soon get to the limit of that thickness power.
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