A light Chinese rubber with a little catapult and decent spin

+1 vote for moon 12 blue.

It's linear, great short game control and outrageous spin on properly brushed strokes.

You say you'd prefer something more advanced but I think moon 12 gets overlooked for being a cheaper option. It's super worthy of a trial and not a wallet buster if it doesn't work out.

It's not tacky (a clean non adhesive cover sheet will just about stick to it but it won't pick up a ball) but is very grippy. And despite often being described as a German/Japanese style rubber, if you like Chinese rubbers moon 12 should feel pretty familiar immediately.

My other suggestion to try out isn't Chinese but I think otherwise ticks most of your shared points, Xiom vega Korea. I changed from M12 to XVK on backhand after I felt I'd outgrown the M12, topsheets are very similar (I measured the pimple layout) but sponge definitely gives it a little bit more bounce. So less linear but still very grippy and excellent spin.

Hope this helps.

P.S Hi! I'm new to the forum this is my first post.
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Jan 2024
Moon 12 blue was a big disappointment here. Grip was horrible, significantly worse than AK47 which is already not a high grip rubber. Something basic like Vari Spin has better grip than both of these.
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+1 vote for moon 12 blue.

It's linear, great short game control and outrageous spin on properly brushed strokes.

You say you'd prefer something more advanced but I think moon 12 gets overlooked for being a cheaper option. It's super worthy of a trial and not a wallet buster if it doesn't work out.

It's not tacky (a clean non adhesive cover sheet will just about stick to it but it won't pick up a ball) but is very grippy. And despite often being described as a German/Japanese style rubber, if you like Chinese rubbers moon 12 should feel pretty familiar immediately.

My other suggestion to try out isn't Chinese but I think otherwise ticks most of your shared points, Xiom vega Korea. I changed from M12 to XVK on backhand after I felt I'd outgrown the M12, topsheets are very similar (I measured the pimple layout) but sponge definitely gives it a little bit more bounce. So less linear but still very grippy and excellent spin.

Hope this helps.

P.S Hi! I'm new to the forum this is my first post.
Could be you guys are right..

I was going to use a sheet of Xiom Vega Europe hybrid but it was the wrong color.., Wonder if H3 Neo commercial is light, I got one of those too.

For me AK47 had a much worse grip. moon 12’s grip is decent. The problem with this rubber or maybe not that it doesn’t have any catapult effect. It’s like a Chinese sponge with European top sheet.
I can't comment on the AK. But agree with you on moon 12's catapult effect or lack thereof.

I would say its a very safe rubber if you see that as positive. It's quite slow if you see that as a negative.

If you can hit hard consistently and you're good at using your opponent's pace and spin early off the bounce you can play an aggressive game close to the table with moon 12.

I've read a lot of comments across reviews and forums claiming the moon series is like a Chinese Tenergy 05, but I certainly haven't experienced that. I mentioned before that I've measured the pimple layout of M12, it has the same or at least very similar geometry to T05 (hard to measure a small squishy material accurately, being only an enthusiast amateur), so I could believe the topsheets act similarly, however they are no doubt made with different rubber compositions and then the sponges are worlds apart. M12 has great grip but you need a good swing to get the good spin.
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Sep 2023
KTL XT Pro is light, and has a little catapult and good spin. I would not call it low throw though, but the throw depend a lot on how you strike the ball. It's a cheap one to try.
I agree, I bought some sheets, just to test how it would feel such a dead rubber on a fast blade.
Light: Yes
Grippy: Yes
Sticky: Yes
bounce.. No.. the sponge looks made of memory foam
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Apr 2024
Never heard of a 8701 version, will check immediateltly..,

Checked it, really interesting, could be a little hard. But if I like the pro turbo orange and buy one again, maybe I take chance on this one…


I play with NR 8701. Black is great, always weighs 83/84 gms including the packaging. 67 gms uncut, 53 gms cut, which becomes 55-56 gms after booster and glue. Not that light, but can be played on BH after 3 layers of Seamoon.

Red is trash. I got two of them once because I had a black rubber on BH and they weighed 91 gms each including packaging. The sponge thickness and hardness felt the same. The topsheet was way harder and made for a shitty playing experience.
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I play with NR 8701. Black is great, always weighs 83/84 gms including the packaging. 67 gms uncut, 53 gms cut, which becomes 55-56 gms after booster and glue. Not that light, but can be played on BH after 3 layers of Seamoon.

Red is trash. I got two of them once because I had a black rubber on BH and they weighed 91 gms each including packaging. The sponge thickness and hardness felt the same. The topsheet was way harder and made for a shitty playing experience.
Sorry, but you can not make me believe there is a significant difference between colors. If anything it’s depending on different batches and quality control…

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Apr 2024
Sorry, but you can not make me believe there is a significant difference between colors. If anything it’s depending on different batches and quality control…

I would say its a pretty believable thing but I guess for certian things, you have to see them to believe them. You can buy a durometer and calipers and do this experiment with your favorite rubber. There is always a difference between topsheets of different colors. Its never as pronounced as NR 8701 though. I buy rubbers for a lot of people and have seen this for every rubber.
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Oct 2024
I am currently playing with 729 Dragon F. It’s perfectly OK, but a little heavy. I just composted a new racket.

Neottec Amagi carbon 83gram
FH nittaku H3 pro orange (really heavy)
BH 729 Dragon F.

The rackets total weight 192grams really top heavy. If I choose to continue with Amagi carbon and Nittaku H3 I need a lighter low arc uncatapylty BH rubber to offset the Nittaku. It has to be easy in the short game.

Any suggestions?

Lazer, have you tried Dragon Pro L on BH, the non tacky variant? I assembled Dragon F Pro mid hard as FH rubber today, but I'm curious to try the non tacky version on BH.
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Lazer, have you tried Dragon Pro L on BH, the non tacky variant? I assembled Dragon F Pro mid hard as FH rubber today, but I'm curious to try the non tacky version on BH.
I did on a different blade. Didn’t like it much. I’ve come to the conclusion that I like at least a minimal amount of tackiness even on BH. It’s nothing special Dragon F I think is better. Nothing special but I don’t remember my dragons hanving “pro” in their names…
