Advise on equipment upgrade (Sweden extra and Rakza 7)

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Apr 2023
I am using the Sweden extra blade and the Rakza 7 rubbers on both ends.

What are your opinions on upgrades...I'm trying to decide if I want to only update my blade, and keep (or buy) the same rubbers. Or vise versa or just upgrade all at the same time.

I've been interested in the Timo boll alc and/or dignics o9c. Depending on y'all's advice, I could do a smaller/slower upgrade.

Also, about me. I'm a fairly offensive player, And I'm about a 1500 ranking and I've had my current setup for about a year now.

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Only change one variable at a time. Change either the blade or the rubber. Don't change both at the same time.

If you train with a coach regularly, then go ahead and change the blade to Timo Boll ALC.

If you don't train with a coach regularly, I don't see why you should not stick with the current set-up.

If you want to upgrade your blade, I would HIGHLY highly recommend Donic Persson Powerplay. 1) it is dirt cheap. 2) it plays very well with good feelings, 3) it is a solid OFF 7-ply all wood, and therefore 4) should be faster than Sweden Extra.

I am not sure if you want to go carbon yet. I think trying a 7-play all wood with Razka 7 is fast enough for most players.

If want to change rubber, do not go to D09c. D09c behaves way too different from Rakza 7. If you want to keep the blade (Sweden Extra) and get a faster rubber than Rakza 7, you can get either Tibhar MX-P/MX-D/MX-S or EL-P/EL-D, EL-S.
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says Pimples Schmimples
says Pimples Schmimples
Well-Known Member
Sep 2022
I am using the Sweden extra blade and the Rakza 7 rubbers on both ends.

What are your opinions on upgrades...I'm trying to decide if I want to only update my blade, and keep (or buy) the same rubbers. Or vise versa or just upgrade all at the same time.

I've been interested in the Timo boll alc and/or dignics o9c. Depending on y'all's advice, I could do a smaller/slower upgrade.

Also, about me. I'm a fairly offensive player, And I'm about a 1500 ranking and I've had my current setup for about a year now.

Seems like you started with a great setup.
If you are looking for additional spin or speed then Yasaka have some linear moves you can make.
Blade wise I would recommend looking at the Ma Lin EO or Soft Carbon but there are plenty of Yasaka blades that offer a bit more speed that won't break the bank.
I'd also recommend Rakza X as a next step on one side for a bit more speed and if it's spin you want there Rakza Z, which is slower than 7 and X, with a Tacky topsheet.
Theres also Rakza XX and Rakza Z Extra Hard for even more speed.
It depends what you want to do and why but if it's just organic growth in terms of speed etc then that's one possible route.
Whether to change rubbers or blade first is another question.
Personally I would stick your Rakza 7s on a new blade and observe the difference for a while before moving to new rubbers. I noticed a big difference when putting my R7 onto a MaLin Extra Offensive from a slower 5 ply wooden blade. Biggest advantage was it made my blocks more dangerous but I also got a bit more oomph without losing any control. You might like this one step in transition before buying/trying new rubbers.
Going for new blade and rubber at the same time might lead you to hate it!
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Feb 2020
Try out the rackets of your club member and see if carbon blades are for you. At 1500 you should have the basics to be able to adjust to the right carbon blade. I can't play all wood blades anymore and having found my pretty much holy grail blade the Stiga Inspira Hybrid Carbon I haven't been EJing blades much either. Rakza 7 is a decent rubber on the backhand but you may want to try out harder rubbers especially the modern hybrids for your forehand after you've decided on your new blade.
says who?
says who?
Aug 2019
I would prob keep the blade and change the rubbers to something cheaper & similar to D09c like Rakza Z EH or Glayzer 09c to see if you like the feeling and how it plays, or get a cheap carbon blade like Sanwei 75 Inner, and keep the same rubbers you're using now. Ultimately changing equipment before you know what you really want, need, or like will either hinder your development or send you down the path of an EJing dope addict searching for that perfect hit.
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Feb 2020
Don't be knocking the equipment dope or that perfect hit. I found mine after about 40 different blades and I'm playing the best I ever have without even worrying much about the gear anymore. I amaze myself sometimes with the kind of returns I make.