Forehand kaboomers
Forehand kaboomers
"Created by V-Grip pioneer Alessandro G., this involves placing the thumb over the index when gripping. The other three fingers are placed on the rubber on the back. Only the backhand side is used when blocking or looping, and the 'forehand' attack is akin to the penhold backhand; rotating your wrist to the other side. Like the Seemiller and Penhold, this variation of the V-Grip removes the point of indecision. This grip improves both offense and defense, and is considered as one of the more innovative grips of modern Table Tennis. The blade used for this is modified in which the handle is much shorter and hooks, giving a gripping spot where you can put your pointer finger on."
Have you tried out the grip? What're your thoughts on it?
Have you tried out the grip? What're your thoughts on it?