Alternative to Nittaku PK50 (and 8-80) ?

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May 2023

I am looking for an alternative to Nittaku PK50, I really like this rubber, unfortunatly it is discontinued, so I prefer focus on something easy to find. I already tried the hurricane 8-80 and really like it, it is a spin monster, very linear with awesome control, but when I am tired, I find it a bit less easy to play in comparison of the PK50.

My Ideal rubber will be between the PK50 and the 8-80. If I can find something a little slower and spinnier than the PK50, but a bit more "forgiving" than the 8-80, it would be very nice. I am thinking about rubber like Rakza Z or VJC 07 sticky extra. Is there people who tested these rubbers andc can compare to the PK50 and / or 8-80 ?

Thank you a lot.
I think Paddle Palace and Megaspin still have stock here in the US if you're looking for something to hold you over. Not sure what the international shipping costs will be.

I used the Z for a year or so and experimented with the PK50. I think both are comparable, but I found the PK50 to be slightly bouncier and the Z is tackier. Using the Z, I liked it initially, but it did feel bouncier later in its lifespan, especially once the tack wore off. Switched to the Xiom C55 cause I like a harder feeling rubber on my forehand, but I've been very pleased with the lifespan and quality of it. Ultimately just depends on your mechanics and price point.

I definitely feel for all of those that use the PK50 cause finding a new rubber that clicks with you is a journey.
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Mar 2023
I definitely feel for all of those that use the PK50 cause finding a new rubber that clicks with you is a journey.
Yes it is totally that ... so bad they discontinued it, for me it is the perfect hybrid, or in other word it has a perfect balance among all ruber : not to fast or to slow, very linear, very good spin, longevity is very good (of course the tack decrease, but it still hold an awesome grip), not too hard or too heavy, plus it was also in 1,8 mm for those who prefer that, and can be as good for forehand or for backhand.
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New Member
Oct 2018
I have heard that Victas VS401 has similar properties. Hard sponge, spinny soft feeling topsheet in my experience. A bit heavy in the thickest variant (2.0), worth a try maybe…?
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Active Member
Nov 2023
Codexx EL Pro 52 is harder, heavy (>50g cut) and fast if used properly. Nice FH rubber but too hard for (my) BH. Harder to play/to get decent spin/arc than H8-80 37 on BH.

Other rubbers that might work:
Butterfly Glayzer 09C: My red 2.1mm one (99g with package) had just 44g cut. Similar sponge hardness as the Codexx 52 but softer topsheet.
729 Taichi is easy to use but heavy (>50g cut). Depending on preference either the 37 in/39 out (more spin focused) or 39 in/37 out.
729 Battle 2 Soft (37) version might also work (not played myself yet).

If the H8-80 is close to the perfect rubber but just a bit hard too use sometimes I would try to boost it. Seamoon works but has not a big effect.
I don't like to boost but Codexx 52 boosted is really nice on the backhand. With 1 seamon layer, hardness goes to 46º and it suits my BH better.
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Jun 2022
I have heard that Victas VS401 has similar properties. Hard sponge, spinny soft feeling topsheet in my experience. A bit heavy in the thickest variant (2.0), worth a try maybe…?
seems to be quite harder and does not have that chinese low bounce on passive strokes. It is even a little more springy, if you believe the measurements from anatomic edge. So definitely not similar

accourding to their tests the Yasaka Rising Dragon 2 might be closer. At least it has a similar advantage in the short game and is also 50° ESN
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Dec 2023
Yes it is confirmed so ... it is a shame because it is a very very good rubber. I don't know why, at the time as every brands has developped their own hybrid, Yasaka Rakza Z, Xioma china guang, Tibhar mk etc ...
Which rubber did you end up trying instead of the PK50? I have also just found that it's discontinued and want a similar rubber on BH.
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Mar 2023
Which rubber did you end up trying instead of the PK50? I have also just found that it's discontinued and want a similar rubber on BH.
For now, I have not try new rubber, but I am thinking to try the H3-50, I have read that it is near to the 8-80 but even less catapult (but steel more than H3 neo), so it could fit very well. And I am also interested by the Victas VJC 07 SE, this one seems very close to the PK50 I guess.
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Aug 2022
My best wins were with nittaku sieger pk50 and fast heavy blades
....IT was cheat code because sieger pk50 ACTS like 47 degree tenergy with gripper topsheet but slower tensor
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Mar 2023
I also like the PK 50 and I'm sorry it was discontinued. For a fast blade this rubber works well. At the same time, Nittaku has released a new rubber Genextion V2C. Judging by the photos, the topsheet is very similar to the PK-50, but the sponge is clearly different. The fact that it is harder 52.5 instead of 50 for Sieger suggests that this rubber is more focused on the forehand. It seems to me that Nittaku decided to update the PK-50 topsheet with a more dynamic sponge.

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Aug 2022
Sieger pk50 was slow, this genextion sponge is fast. My blade is heavy and fast. I need time to chop or push when I AM out of position so not a big fan
I also like the PK 50 and I'm sorry it was discontinued. For a fast blade this rubber works well. At the same time, Nittaku has released a new rubber Genextion V2C. Judging by the photos, the topsheet is very similar to the PK-50, but the sponge is clearly different. The fact that it is harder 52.5 instead of 50 for Sieger suggests that this rubber is more focused on the forehand. It seems to me that Nittaku decided to update the PK-50 topsheet with a more dynamic sponge.

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Oct 2024

I am looking for an alternative to Nittaku PK50, I really like this rubber, unfortunatly it is discontinued, so I prefer focus on something easy to find. I already tried the hurricane 8-80 and really like it, it is a spin monster, very linear with awesome control, but when I am tired, I find it a bit less easy to play in comparison of the PK50.

My Ideal rubber will be between the PK50 and the 8-80. If I can find something a little slower and spinnier than the PK50, but a bit more "forgiving" than the 8-80, it would be very nice. I am thinking about rubber like Rakza Z or VJC 07 sticky extra. Is there people who tested these rubbers andc can compare to the PK50 and / or 8-80 ?

Thank you a lot.
I recently built two rackets with FH rubbers being Hurricane 8-80 38 deg and Double Fish 218 Spin 40. I much prefer the 218, me coming from euro rubbers. Feels lively and agile, though not bouncy like a ESN-rubber. Recommended!

Other "cheapish" alternatives from Aliexpress could be:

729 Friendship Bloom Power or Spin 45
729 Friendship Pro Dragon F mid hard
Double Fish Volant Phoenix 39
Loki Rxton 3 Pro
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Active Member
Mar 2023
Sieger pk50 was slow, this genextion sponge is fast. My blade is heavy and fast. I need time to chop or push when I AM out of position so not a big fan
It seems to me that according to your description, Rakza Z should suit you. It is also not fast, has a high throw and is very tenacious.
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