Amazing supplement for motor neuron improvements.Faster TT.

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Sep 2023
Try watch from 1 hour 21 min and 30 sec. in.
Amazing motor neuron results on the “stamets stack” medicine.
This will for sure improve the game in TT especially for elderly people.
Comments are welcome.
Ill be making the stack myself to try it out.
We talked about this via PM already noticing differences?
I haven’t begun yet
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Mar 2024
I never noticed much of a difference on Lions mane compared to only psilocybin.
did you try combine them?
500mg lions mane
100mg psilocybin
50mg niacin.
thats the stamets stack.
According to the research combined they are greater than sum total.
I still dont know this myself yet as I haven tried it yet.
I did try 100mg psilocybin alone and I felt some improvement in reaction time. But could be placebo. opponents said I was playing real well that day.
I stopped as I want to use it for the combined stack only.
oh and also a lot of lionsmane is inferior.... its just mycelium grown in rice. your eating 80% rice.
got to get the fruiting body. pure.
says Succumbed to fiber
says Succumbed to fiber
Jan 2024
No, the added ingredients didn't make a difference for me. I'm microdosing only psilocybin again now.

Sidenote: as for me, this is for mental issues, your mileage may very well vary, a LOT.
I have a history of reacting unexpectedly to medication in the neurological department. Sometimes not, sometimes really heavily so.
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Mar 2024
the bath water got thrown out long ago together with homeopathy and microdosing and snake-oil
I spend decades working with natural remedies..... you can call it what you will and dismiss everything. There are certain things where the benefits are solid. And some not. I think the most important is to keep an open mind and stay curious in life instead of dismissing everything before one has even learned about it or tried it out. There is always something out there to learn and discover.
Frequently I run into things that are amazing. And just as frequently I see its useless. but staying open minded makes you able to filter out the bad stuff from the good stuff.
I noticed your posts often express a negative attitude in here. Its easy if one doesn't watch their own minds and cultivate some compassion to end up as a bitter old man just complaining and pissing on other peoples enthusiasm due to an underlying inner dissatisfaction within one self.
The Stamts stack has been going through clinical trial with positive results. What does this mean? Nothing really but it merits further testing and investigation. Its worth looking into. Will it work for everyone? just like everything else in life the answer is no. But who knows it might work for some. I just started it myself actually. Day 3. feel nothing so far haha.
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says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
I noticed your posts often express a negative attitude in here. Its easy if one doesn't watch their own minds and cultivate some compassion to end up as a bitter old man just complaining and pissing on other peoples enthusiasm due to an underlying inner dissatisfaction within one self.
Wow, 3 months in this forum and you have already managed to find me out
Clever girl 🤣
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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Mar 2024
Ok its been few months doing lions mane and microdosing magic mushrooms.
First few weeks was lions mane only. felt no difference really.
added the psilocybin 100 mg and BOOM. TT play got way better. winning games I couldnt before.
I tried even to increase dosage to 200-300-400-500mg and I play better on all dosages. I would say 500 mg made me maybe a little less aggressive. I kind of chilled too much. I think 200-300 mg is the perfect dose.

things I observe happens:
1) the game slows down and I have more time to react.
2) my mind interferes less and the play gets more intuitive.
3) body is energized more and I move better.
4) way faster reaction time.
5) I can keep focus in the game much much longer. I usually have a drop after few sets. Not happening anymore.
6) the mental game is better as I relax mentally more. In the moment. 1 point at the time.

This stuff along with methyline blue for increased oxygenation is really effective.
I would say my game has improved 15% or so.
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Sep 2023
the positive anecdotes are too many to neglect @ /r/microdosing

It (lions mane, niacin, magic truffles) helped me to become really zen.. stressful situations didn't stress me as much. It makes me more kind, normally I'm like Lodro 🙃 j/k

my response time at the table improved drastically.. yes I had no response time to begin with :-D I went for balls I normally just let go because they were out of reach.

But how much of this will stay?
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Mar 2024
the positive anecdotes are too many to neglect @ /r/microdosing

It (lions mane, niacin, magic truffles) helped me to become really zen.. stressful situations didn't stress me as much. It makes me more kind, normally I'm like Lodro 🙃 j/k

my response time at the table improved drastically.. yes I had no response time to begin with :-D I went for balls I normally just let go because they were out of reach.

But how much of this will stay?
I am not sure how long it will stay. Good question.
Its said one have to skip 2 days a week to avoid becoming desensitized, on those days I seem to play at similar level.
However if I stopped completely how would it be after a few weeks? Not sure.
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Well-Known Member
May 2011
I haven't tried microdosing, though I don't doubt that psychotropic medications, natural or otherwise, can have a very real effect on people. Depending on the person, it can be positive or negative. For example, I smoked some weed once with my friend and then showed him my TT robot. I demonstrated a drill I was working on (and kinda sucking at it), and boy did I all of a sudden become a master! Everything slowed down, I thought nothing, and just did it. Timing, contact, everything was perfect. I thought I would suck so much more being high, but the exact opposite happened.

Now, as for the scientific evidence for microdosing, I have to say it's pretty weak. Stamets is basing his conclusions on this article:

You can read through it, I did and I find the scientific rigor rather lacking. There was no blinding, people can choose whichever intervention they wanted, and as far as I can tell there is no limitation on what other things the participants can take. The potential for bias is simply enormous. Also concerning to me is both a lack of longer follow up (only 22-35 days in the study) and a complete absence of an analyses of potential side effects.

I think things like psylocybin have potential, but there is some evidence that it can cause long lasting alterations to your brain chemistry. The problem to me is that we don't have enough information on whether if that is good or bad. A long term trend toward less anxiety would be good, a long term trend toward hallucination prone would be bad, for example. Would you like to commit to a potentially permanent alteration of your brain without knowing what it may do, or at least what it'd most likely do? At this point I wouldn't, but I I'll be keeping an eye on this subject as psychedelics become more mainstream.
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Mar 2024
I haven't tried microdosing, though I don't doubt that psychotropic medications, natural or otherwise, can have a very real effect on people. Depending on the person, it can be positive or negative. For example, I smoked some weed once with my friend and then showed him my TT robot. I demonstrated a drill I was working on (and kinda sucking at it), and boy did I all of a sudden become a master! Everything slowed down, I thought nothing, and just did it. Timing, contact, everything was perfect. I thought I would suck so much more being high, but the exact opposite happened.

Now, as for the scientific evidence for microdosing, I have to say it's pretty weak. Stamets is basing his conclusions on this article:

You can read through it, I did and I find the scientific rigor rather lacking. There was no blinding, people can choose whichever intervention they wanted, and as far as I can tell there is no limitation on what other things the participants can take. The potential for bias is simply enormous. Also concerning to me is both a lack of longer follow up (only 22-35 days in the study) and a complete absence of an analyses of potential side effects.

I think things like psylocybin have potential, but there is some evidence that it can cause long lasting alterations to your brain chemistry. The problem to me is that we don't have enough information on whether if that is good or bad. A long term trend toward less anxiety would be good, a long term trend toward hallucination prone would be bad, for example. Would you like to commit to a potentially permanent alteration of your brain without knowing what it may do, or at least what it'd most likely do? At this point I wouldn't, but I I'll be keeping an eye on this subject as psychedelics become more mainstream.
I must admit I tried reading the study and can't say I understand what they say honestly haha.

Im personally not too worried about any potential negative effects from the mushrooms at these low dosages. We humans consume so many toxic things daily this is the least of my concerns.
I feel great taking it. improves my life on so many levels its crazy actually. Not to mention the table tennis as well haha.

But I appreciate your concerns and people need to know this and understand its experimental.
Same as with all the GMO's, 1000s of chemicals in the foods, water and air, microwave radiation, vaccines etc etc.

At least the mushrooms has been eaten for 1000s of years by our ancestors and we are still here alive :)

As long as I see positive effects with no side effects ill be using it.

A lot of people share their anecdotal reports on Reddit. Some good. Some not so good: