This question is still asked constantly??? Also sponsorships =/= sales. I'm willing to bet Butterfly sells more Viscarias than Tibhar sells blades combined (and that probably goes for every other brand).
all Tibhar blades?
I understand where your narrative is coming from, maybe you should remove the Tibhar entry level blades, which does have a huge volume.
Against Tibhar offensive or composite blades, your narrative works.
but porpotionly, Butterfly at world champs, has about 50% of the players there sponsored, some times it will shift towards 60%
Tibhar is way smaller, so based on sponsorship - sale ratio, Butterfly needs to be over 10 times bigger if they have 10 times more the players.
And trust me, ask any one who goes to national champs in Asia, most of the players are butterfly sponsored.
I'm not sure if that is the case in Europe, were German brands may have more presence, but the ratio for Butterfly vs all German brands in Taiwan for example, is easily 10-1 ratio.
well, Kao just joined, so -1 and + 1, maybe ratio is now 9-1