Spin and more spin.
Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
I am not refusing to and your post to explain what he allegedly wanted to say has so many assumptions in it that it's a bit ridiculous.
I'm not gonna read it again cos it's long but I remember for example you say on his behalf that him playing in a lower team would be a waste of everyones time.
That's a pretty ridiculous assumption to make and I challenge it outright because obviously there are people running the club that disagree, it's wouldn't be a waste of time to the teams he is helping and it very likely would not be a waste of his own time either cos instead of being the guy who will only play in team X he would then be the guy who's killing it for team 3 over there, and he might even enjoy it.
If it takes the OP 8 posts to finally express himself with several mixed messages then I can only imagine the situation at the club. No I won't play, OK I'll play with this team, no I won't play at all, please don't put me in the higher team, no, only if it's exactly what I want, actually NO, I don't want to play league at all.... bla bla bla and on and on.
And the loose interpretation from you is highly ambiguous because the OP agreeing with everything you write is also the OP contradicting what he himself wrote more than once.
It's a club, with teams dude.
You can see whatever you want but you're both ignoring an entire side of the story, that of what's best for the club.
By all means, go and do whatevers is best for yourself.
But at a club you better do what's best for you AND the club (TEAMS) or you quickly get identified as a problem.
Hence this neverending thread.
If he had been offered the team he wanted this thread wouldn't even exist.
If he had helped out the weak team this thread wouldn't exist.
I think, what you are ignoring is the idea that the scenario doppelmoral is describing is going to cause him to quit TT because of the drama. Then, who wins? Nobody. Not the club. Not him. Not the league. In the end, the biggest loser is the sport as a result of people not accepting when someone is being pushed out of the enjoyment of the sport because of petty politics.
So the question in my book is, should the club let him be and let him just train, or, if they really want him to join the league, why not put him on a team that kind of fits his level. If it was a team where he would win most of his matches, but be challenged, it might still be fine. But if it is what he is describing, then, why should he actually bother instead of losing interest in TT and finding something else?
doppelmoral: you know what your choices are. Even if some on the forum are not willing to see things from your perspective, I think you have the tools to resolve the situation in any number of ways that would be fine. The important thing to know is that you are the one who gets to decide. Someone on this forum does not get to decide that you should spend your money and your valuable time to please them or someone else.
- If it is worth it to you to join the league, you can start at the bottom. It will only be tedious for a few years.
- If you would rather just train, put your foot down and say, either I just train, or I find someplace else.
- Or, start now and find a new club and start at that club with the firm agreement that you are not going to join their league.
I am sure there are other choices as well. But if you are spending your money because you want value for your time and what to do something constructive for yourself, decide how you would most like to handle the scenario.
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