Are new blades more slippery to grip?

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Active Member
Apr 2021
Read 1 reviews
With a few of my new blades, I find them very hard to grip. I find that they are almost sliding out of my hand. Are new blades in general somewhat slippery and harder to grip?

Is there anything to do to make them easier to grip? (maybe use a wet towel on the handle?)
add some deep cuts in the hande to enhance grip :ROFLMAO:
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With a few of my new blades, I find them very hard to grip. I find that they are almost sliding out of my hand. Are new blades in general somewhat slippery and harder to grip?

Is there anything to do to make them easier to grip? (maybe use a wet towel on the handle?)
This means you have a loose grip , now this is good. Do like Garchomp said and use a coarse paper…

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Feb 2020
I use the Tannius grip tape from Amazon. I cut it in half, this perfectly fits one table tennis racket. I use Xiom edge tape at the bottom of the handle, to hold the tape in place. Works perfectly for me, price/grip is $9/12, so I could even replace it for each session but it holds up pretty well.