Beast in ASC Grünwettersbach

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Nov 2019
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does Seth play in the 4th league?

He played 4th league/regional league (Regionalliga) but is not listed for the current season.

Does any one have an idea what USATT level a 6th division in Germany would be?

Which 6th division?
National leagues are 1., 2. and 3. (north and south) Bundesliga, Regionalliga (north, west, southwest and south), 5th division/Oberliga (there are eight Oberligas).
Below the national leagues are state level leagues. Where I'm from the 6th division would be the NRW-Liga. TTR range from 1787 to 2187 (my guess would be that the top four players of each team have TTRs >= 2000 on average).
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Jan 2024
DYN YouTube channel is diffrently available with TTBL broadcasts in various countries. I‘m in France this week and was able to watch all YouTube live broadcasts of all games the last weekend. So a VPN might do the trick from other countries.
Indeed, can't thank enough to you, mister :) Switched to the German location and all 6 matches popped for me.
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Sep 2013
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He played 4th league/regional league (Regionalliga) but is not listed for the current season.
noted, thank you
Which 6th division?
haha. I have no idea
National leagues are 1., 2. and 3. (north and south) Bundesliga, Regionalliga (north, west, southwest and south), 5th division/Oberliga (there are eight Oberligas).
Below the national leagues are state level leagues. Where I'm from the 6th division would be the NRW-Liga. TTR range from 1787 to 2187 (my guess would be that the top four players of each team have TTRs >= 2000 on average).
I think for ease of communication, the German coach only gave me a number 6, and just said 6 division.
asking if I can provide another player to play in the 6th div.
He mentioned (now) TTR around 2150, so you are almost spot on.
I am assuming we need to get a USATT2400/2500+. Which to me, does sound a bit high for 6th.

But from another player who played in Germany (TTR 2171), he said depending on the team requirement, he fits in from 4th to 7th div.... so, this doesn't really help me, I'm guessing maybe some teams want stronger players to promote, or something like that.
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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That's him, yes. Should have remembered the name Pech...
Rating difference of 443 points. That's at the upper hand of what I've seen so far...

Ratings (in general), however, and the differences between TTR and USATT for instance depend on a variety of factors: Regional differences in playing strength, both in the US and in Germany, for instance. Work ethic, training possibilities as well...
If you are 2500 USATT and are from the Bay Area, you might only lose 100 - 200 in the (relatively) weak north-east region of Germany (if at all...). If you move to the strong south-west region and start playing there, you'd probably lose some 300 - 400 points. If you are 1700 USATT in North Dakota and move to the south-west, you could very well end up losing 700 - 800 rating points, who knows?
In my opinion the rating difference between TTR and USATT "averages out" at roughly 300 - 350 points, sort of.

U 1700 in N. Dakota and move to Sacramento, CA, you are 1100 at best. Move to San Jose/San Fran Bay area, you are now 800 if u lucky.

You play the Los Angeles tourneys, that rock sinks sum moar to 600.

You take what is left to Germany ur bones get picked clean. :D
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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Does any one have an idea what USATT level a 6th division in Germany would be?
Years ago on OOAK, a big time member of Pimp My Blade forum did a run down of every level comparing it to USATT. I will see if I can find it.
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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Here is the OOAK thread from a German dude comparing USATT and TTR and German leagues.

says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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impressive memory!!
Thank you for the share
I remember him, because he was big time member on PMB forum, and for a while, I talked about long pips play in GERMAN on his forum... and it had to be a riot being German and watching what I posted and how I said it in German that was obviously not from an echte Deutscher.
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Sep 2013
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so the 6th div needs to be around 2150 TTR or 2400/2500 usatt according to my German coach friend
from the ooak list, preferably 2500~2600
the person I have in mind played in the US open in 2023 and have wins against 2400+ players, highest being 2458.

worst lost was against Won Bae that time 2333 (who had wins against 2550 players at the same tournament)
had a close 4 game lost against Aditya Sareen (2653 and WR50)

So, maybe this player has improved a bit and around 2500 (in fact last year I felt he is solid 2450, and can take on 2500+) and can challenge this 6th div/2500~2600 league..... hmm.... I thought 6th division would be easier than 2500~2600 to be honest.

I will go ask what is the name of this league :p

A pity all other "national players" won't be able to play in November due to an earlier national trials this year. So it has been a bit of a challenged to find someone good enough, but won't want to take part in the national team trials. (most players are contracted to certain sponsors and need to part take in the national trials as a requirement)
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Feb 2012
Today in TTBL:

Louis Price - Bastian Steger
3-11, 8-11, 6-11
