Blade Makers' Challenge: Jin Sukizawa's blade

says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
Stuff like this is probably why the Goon Squad has never been able to catch up to Der even when he's not in one of the top secret locations he haunts.

BTW: I think Der is going to be needing 5 or 6 hands pretty soon because he is not going to want to put down any of the blades from his blademaker's challenge. :)

This must be why I spied him trying to teach himself to toss for serving with his feet.


You have SERIOUSLY NOT seen TTD memebr erm on ANY random day at the TT club. Dude brings in a LARGE GYM BAG stuffed FULL of blades to try. Since he has only 2 hands and can only stack 12 blades near the net without interfering with testing, he limits himself to testing 12 blades per day.

At that rate, it would take a few years to test his entire collection, even if he never acquired another balde ever agai. We all know how that one is gunna go...
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews


You have SERIOUSLY NOT seen TTD memebr erm on ANY random day at the TT club. Dude brings in a LARGE GYM BAG stuffed FULL of blades to try. Since he has only 2 hands and can only stack 12 blades near the net without interfering with testing, he limits himself to testing 12 blades per day.

At that rate, it would take a few years to test his entire collection, even if he never acquired another balde ever agai. We all know how that one is gunna go...
Sounds like he has something in common with RokPhish! :)

says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
Back to the blade... the clock is ticking down on my next chance to hit... T-MINUS 41 Hours and counting...

My TT friends are SO GUNNA HATE ON ME for even thinking of actually using this blade, they know how much I sweat and how often I strike side of table... I already did that with the Nate Quarter Pounder Delux.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
Quick Impressions after first hit. Didn't want to play a match using this nice looking blade. Slapped on OLD MX-K and FX-S standard FH/BH rubber combo... FH rubber has two large tears in it.

Could not use softer rubber for FH somehow, just felt slower. MX-K on FH is easily OFF and upper OFF. Not too difficult to make an opening loop. Decent feel and response on low and medium impacts.

This puppy dog has ONE EXCEPTIONAL thing going... you get a topspin incoming, and you set and counter loop with 70-80 percent power... someone in the building is gunna yell INCOMING !!! which is the warning for incoming artillery fire. This thing is an absolute ballistic weapon on those counterloops. It just isn't the fast resultant speed. Those counterloops are so damn packed with spin it is SILLY... and this is NOT a crisp feeling thing at impact on that shot... feels kinda softish with a feeling of grabbing the ball. You would not expect this to do that given that feel, but you can absolutely crush your counterloop and it is instantly a level better than what you do with a conventional bat.

The vibration is not silly earthqualke, like the standard Stiga OC... this thing purrs like it should.

BH countering with the softer FX-S is so damn easy. Opening loops loaded. Counter loops land if you are in position. Fast loop is scorching.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
Now we are at 16 hours after completion of session on, a 4 hour session of TT using 50/50 the 100g Jin Sukizava creation, yet to be named, and the nate-made Mass Annihilation Unit at 112 g and 208.5 g ...

I have zero arm, elbow, shoulder, or wrist soreness or tendon pain to report. I mean zero.

These blades are balanced and is proof that balance and biomechanics matter.

What will be a good name for this Jin Sukizawa created art piece?

I won't call it the "The SCREAM", een though this blade makes counterloops absolutely screem.

..maybe The BLUE ABYSS... like I toss my opponents into the Abyss when I use this thing...
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Now we are at 16 hours after completion of session on, a 4 hour session of TT using 50/50 the 100g Jin Sukizava creation, yet to be named, and the nate-made Mass Annihilation Unit at 112 g and 208.5 g ...

I have zero arm, elbow, shoulder, or wrist soreness or tendon pain to report. I mean zero.

These blades are balanced and is proof that balance and biomechanics matter.

What will be a good name for this Jin Sukizawa created art piece?

I won't call it the "The SCREAM", een though this blade makes counterloops absolutely screem.

..maybe The BLUE ABYSS... like I toss my opponents into the Abyss when I use this thing...


Now we are at 16 hours after completion of session on, a 4 hour session of TT using 50/50 the 100g Jin Sukizava creation, yet to be named, and the nate-made Mass Annihilation Unit at 112 g and 208.5 g ...

I have zero arm, elbow, shoulder, or wrist soreness or tendon pain to report. I mean zero.

These blades are balanced and is proof that balance and biomechanics matter.

What will be a good name for this Jin Sukizawa created art piece?

I won't call it the "The SCREAM", een though this blade makes counterloops absolutely screem.

..maybe The BLUE ABYSS... like I toss my opponents into the Abyss when I use this thing...

BLUE ABYSS, I would approve.

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This user has no status.
Apr 2021

And as for the potential export&import concerns of CITES endangered wood species that Music&Ping mentioned earlier: I looked up that list, and Wenge is not on the CITES list of protected species, so that wouldnt be an issue even if Der Echte needs to take it out of the country at some point. I won't have to export it anyway since I'm right here in California.

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This user has no status.
This user has been banned.
Dec 2020
And as for the potential export&import concerns of CITES endangered wood species that Music&Ping mentioned earlier: I looked up that list, and Wenge is not on the CITES list of protected species, so that wouldnt be an issue even if Der Echte needs to take it out of the country at some point. I won't have to export it anyway since I'm right here in California.

Did I say anything different ? please people... pay attention to what others write, read well before replying.

I'm gonna redirect to my ORIGINAL post to make everything clear, and I'd like EACH OF US to REALLY PAY ATTENTION to what EACH OF US ACTUALLY write (I'm getting sick and tired of getting misundertood because some people only want to understand the things that better suit them...)
"Wenge is not CITES or ESA listed, but it's still under surveillance, better safe than sorry ..."
