Blade similar to Viscaria.

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Hey guys, the time has almost come for me to retire old faithful (My Viscaria :() I was just wondering what other blades are out there for around the same price bracket with similar characteristics? I have used the TB ALC and didnt like it. I found it too light. I have also used the TB ZLC which I found to be too soft haha. I was thinking of either getting a Hurricane Long 3 or a Hurricane Hao???
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Timo Boll Spirit is my vote. But why not buy a Viscaria again?
I was seriously thinking about it but I wouldn't mind a change back to an ALL WOOD blade and really work on my technique so that I can then buy another Viscaria and use its full potential RN my short game suffers a little bit using this blade. :)
I was seriously thinking about it but I wouldn't mind a change back to an ALL WOOD blade and really work on my technique so that I can then buy another Viscaria and use its full potential RN my short game suffers a little bit using this blade. :)

Hmm why not use HL5 or Innerforce ALC? :)
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The Tibhar Samsonov Stratus Carbon is very good I think it comes pretty close to Viscaria in terms of throw angle and speed. Controll is a bit less and probably a bit more vibration
I don't like the weight of this blade, it is too light, I like a blade around 88-92g that's one of the main reasons why I use a viscaria
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2012
Read 20 reviews
Hey guys, the time has almost come for me to retire old faithful (My Viscaria :() I was just wondering what other blades are out there for around the same price bracket with similar characteristics? I have used the TB ALC and didnt like it. I found it too light. I have also used the TB ZLC which I found to be too soft haha. I was thinking of either getting a Hurricane Long 3 or a Hurricane Hao???
Hi xVill, sounds like a good idea going back to the roots by choosing and all wood blade while work on your technique. Different between the blades you mention is that Viscaria FL has koto outer and Clipper, HL3 and 506 all have limba out which gives better dwell time. And of cause they are all wood. IMO the DHS blades are better balanced with heavy rubbers and perhaps a bit more consistent than the clipper. All of the are good blades with similar composition which is limba-ayous-ayous-ayous-ayous-ayous-limba
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Thanks everyone, the main reason why I am retiring my Viscaria is when I push I bash the table not on purpose but it just happens and even with edge tape the edge of my beloved Viscaria is eaten away... :( for now until I can afford a new blade which will be about a week I have switched over to my Infinity VPS V :)