5 out of 5 rating for Bluefire M1
Hi All!
I was happy to switch to this rubber on my FH and soon I will try it on my BH. I was searching for a nice FH rubber after trying Baracuda, M2, T05, MX-P, EL-P, JP01, MAXXX 500. Lastly I sticked with MX-P for a long time, but I found lack of control in countertopspins and some blocking. So I searched for something similar ESN rubber, then came up with the M1, because they have the same sponge hardness, a bit different pore size, but still very similar sponge. The only big difference is the topsheet, because M1 has a softer topsheet. In previous reviews I read that M1 is better in counterspinning. Since M2 is my all time favourite BH rubber and I played with it on FH in the last 2 months, I was finally convinced, that I need more power but keeping the same characterictics of the Bluefire M series. My blade is a Walnder World Champion '89 OFF FL with 92 gr weight.
They say a blade is responsible for 20% of the characterictics of the complete bat. So I must speak of the blade first just a few words, if you wish to learn more search my review on the blade section. Waldner WC '89 has an interesting soft feel to it making it possible to play a fine ALL+ tempo touch play when needed, but has the speed of an OFF blade. With M1 you can really sink the ball into the rubber and the sponge, which generates awsome spin besides the prolonged ball contact time.
During counterhits the rubber is quite linear, and very easy to control. The ball clearly engages the sponge and jumps off it with a decent speed. But the topsheet of the rubber does not kick the ball fast, it let's the ball sink towards the sponge, which gives time for error correction. Some people who are XIOM Omega and Butterfly Tenergy fans/users don't really like this kind of lack of catapult, despite the speed of the ball is the same. I think this feature helps less experienced players.
This is where the rubber shines, fast and precise balls with a distinctive feel of the contact. Many players mentioned above complain about that, but the blue sponge transfers more vibrations, which comes in handy when using composite blades.
Looping and Counterlooping
If a rubber is a good hitter it is probably a shameful looper. I must say 'A-A', wrong! The rubber has a nice topsheet which is grippy and after some abrasion it is still grippy and lifts the ball high. Heavy underspin balls can be lifted with ease and huge spin. Due to the soft topsheet it does not matter if you do a slow or a fast topspin, rhe rubber will help. I can also confirm that this rubber is more stable when counterlooping or when powerlooping, than MX-P. Some times during these shots I often hit the ball into the net without any distictive feeling or feedback why my shot failed. The blue sponge gives the feedback way more clear then the red one. Speed of the loop is at the top end. The arc is maybe a bit less pronounced, but still high. I found that the bluefire sponge has some unique characteristics, which can be observed when looping:
1. The uneven pore size of the sponge gives an 'extra kick' feeling. Even when the rubber is worn or 'dead', so the booster evaporated, you can still get this kick, which always ensures you, that you applied enough force for the loop.
2. Arc of the ball is different, because it is not so symmetrical and dome shaped, like Tenergy 05. It's peak is more over the opponent's side, not over the net like Tenergy 05, but over the center of the opponents side or over the first third of the table. From that point the ball falls to the table with unpleasant speed and spin. Also the ball jumps off the table just like looping with any other professional rubbers. This forces them a bit more further or simply the miscalculate the ball as a long shot.
But still the rubber topsheet catapult is less pronounced, so it remains controllable, some don't like this, because they want explosive power.
Blocking these shots is just like a normal counterhit with the same circumstances like counterlooping with MX-P. I believe the feedback is stronger so I can adjust better.
Over the table
Short game is where this rubber can outshine catapult rubbers. There is plenty spin generaion in the rubber over the net, so small pushes will be loaded with underspin, and flicks will be easy to lift and spin also. Serving is funny, because you must have some developed technique and serves. I mostly use the topsheet only to generate spin, which I still find enough. With M2 I could engage the sponge also, but I am still able to do heavy and low underspin, that my opponent pushes into the net or it simply bounces 3 times on their side. I don't really do chops or chop blocks and this rubber is not really a defensive one.
The Bluefire M series (excluding Big Slam) is a very linear and easy to play rubber family if you consider their sponge hardness and playing capabilities. M1 is almost the fastest (M1 Turbo is a bit faster) rubber with the speed and spin capabilities of a modern offensive rubber. The Bluefire gives a bit more control and feel to the game, not to mention the sound of the sponge. Blade selection for the rubbers are wide, I found out that these rubbers can tolerate many types of materials. Cover layer of the blade should be medium hard to soft, Valnut covered Ovtcharov Senso Soft Carbon was playable but the looping was less pronounced, but smashes and hits worked fine. On Koto and Limba they were an offensive yet controllable miracle. On Hinoki and Spruce use M2 or M1 because these are soft woods and the blade will feel mushy, but the spin is awsome with more control. Most times I use Carbon, Arylate Carbon, Kevlar Carbon, Zylon Carbon blades, which do give more power to the shots and combine well with these rubbers. For me ALC blades with Tenergy 05 are a bit numb, can play with them effectively, but I miss the feeling. Well with the Bluefire I loved to play on ALC blades, because they had some feeling after all. Most times I use Kiri core ply looping blades, because you know... I loop. For advanced players ideal for both sides, thor intermediate players try it on FH first. Durability is at the top from my perspective, let me tell you why. I use Bluefire more than 4 years now and all I can say they are up for 200 hours of gameplay at least, mine Black M3 lasted 300 hours (incl training camps so I calculated the actual playing time). Some pro players who regulary have new sheets every 3 months can say that XX brand is better because most of them only wipe their rubbers with their hand and vapor from their breath. (I do this also during play). But at home I also apply rubber cleaner to remove dust, fat and oil from the surface. So it is easy to come to a conclusion if you see abrasion that the rubber is worn out, because the other brand does not look like that. I played with an MX-P for 3 years reboostering it from time to time, at the end it was like an FX-P with more power and still loops with tons of spin, but it looks like trash... I would say that is durability, performance over time! The M series is durable just like any other top brands. I use a sheet for a year, with 2-3 reglueing and 2 reboostering (to original size) to keep it at maximum performance. Black topsheet is harder, than the red one.
Price here is ~26€ so I will stick with it.
Sorry for the long post, hope it helps.