Boll-Book- English Summary

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Nov 2011
So hey guys. I read the Timo Boll book "My China - A journey to the wonderland of table tennis" in german and I want to give you a little bit input


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So the book was written by Friedhard Teuffel. He wrote a lot of articles for sport magazines and is playing table tennis in the 4th league in germany. He travels with Timo to China to the Euro-Asia Competition. They book is about this days there. Whenever they have time, he asked Timo about his life and china and Timo gave answers or wrote some own short stories in the book. In the middle you can find some pages with pictures which are all about, whats written in the book. i will show some of them.

Chapter 1: The Olympic Champions Of Tomorrow (Growing up in China and in the Odenwald)

The book starts at the chinese airport. Timo Boll and Friedhard Teuffel are going to the bus, which should bring them to the hotel and to a visit at a chinese sportschool. But Timo Boll (china calls him like: Team Bor) is famous and the first people notice him and he has to give autographs. Later the day they are at the sportschool. Guo Yue, Guo Yan and Ma Long went to this school years ago. The suprising thing is, that there are not only chinese children. Also foreigner. The chinese are worried about, that the people all over the world will lose their interest, because of the chinese dominance. Timo trains with some boys and girls and is impressed. They have really good speed and rotation in their topspins. And Timo also noticed, that the boys are playing the "Ma Long Technique". They have the same movement and motion in their topspins and services like Ma Long. The school organizied some tournements in china to pick the best players. It's a selection about some stations, till only the best players remain. And there are a lot of schools in China. Those are boarding schools and the kids are about 600 km/miles away from home. Then Timo talks about his beginning. His father played table tennis and had a table in his basement and played with timo sometimes. He really enjoied it and became better and better. Then his father painted a goal behind him at the wall and Timo had to try to make a goal. So he had to think and look ahead how to play angles, that his father had to move and opens the goal, so that Timo can play a hard topsin and finsh. His father registered him on hisclub and Timo became better and better, won tournements, grow up and leveled up every year. So he should went to a boarding school as well. But he was connected to his home and his parents. So when he played in the 1st league with 15 his club went to him for training. The moved to some appartments and Timos mother carried about the team. Everybody noticed that there is and rising star, who could be one of the best and the biggest rival to the chineses. Later a chinese player joined his club. Xu Zengcai. He gave Timo tips about the chinese game. What he could learn from it. How he can beat the chineses. What they dont like, which tactics he needs. Now Xu is a very good friend, living in China and Team often visits him and his wife.


Photo of Timo promoting his new book: My China. Photo from Timo's Official Facebook Page

Chapter 2: Bus Ride To History (How China became the wonderland of table tennis)

It was Mao Zedong the communist leader of China, who made table tennis to the national sport, because it was in his way of communist thinking (cheap equipment and everyboday can play it). In 1959 Rong Goutuan won gold at the worldchampionchips in Germany. It was the first gold medal for China ever in a sport. Also in 1961 China bet Japan (which was the table tennis nation #1 at this time) in the world team championchips. Then in !961/63/65 ist was Zhuang Zedong, who won the worldchampionschips. Because of Revolutions in their own country, China didnt start at the championchips in 1967/69. Then Japan invited China to the worldchampionchip in 1971, where also the USA was. It was a critical situation, because of the Korea-War where both countries fought. But the chinese leader said "friendship first, competition second". But the chinese player were banned to take photos with americans or to speak with them. So there was an american table tennis player named Glenn Cowan. He was a hippie and took the wrong bus. It wasnt the american bus, but the bus for the chinese nationalteam. It was a 15min drive and Glenn talked to the chinese players, but they did nothing. They didnt know what to do in this situation. So Zhuang Zedong went to him. He remebered what Mao Zedong said (China should do everything to have a good relationship with America) and also his confucian education (be nice and friendly to everyone and give him a gift as friend). So Zhuang gave Glenn a scarf with the words "The american policy wanst friendly to us, but the americans were it" and Glenn gave Zhuang a T-Shirt with the lettering "Let it be" later. When the players got off the bus, japanese journalists didnt trust their eyes, took pictures and wrote articles about the approach of China and the USA. When Mao Zedong read the articles, he was fascinated and invited the american national team. The result was, that China and America did a lot of benefits games. Of course the China was better, but they let often win the americans. Also in the book is written, that China let players all over the world win till the 1980s as sign of international friendship.

Chapter 3: The "Ping-Pong-Package" (The way to the top of the worldranking)

Boll and Teuffel take a bus ride to the Euro-Asia-Competition. Timo talks about the history. His first visit in China and how he became one of the best players.When he was 16 he was invited to China, 1997. His first opponent in the training was Liu Guozheng. Timo thought, that he wasnt good enough to play with the chinese. And also the conditions were different. The tables had a lot more grip and rotation. Also the multiball training was different. When Timo had it in Germany there was a bucket of 30 balls. But in China there were 150 balls. But he wanted to show, that he can handle it and trained multiball. It was so fast and hard, that he couldnt move his arm after the trainingssession. Later there was the China Open. At this time Liu Guoliang was the superstar in China. Timo took the bus with others, but Liu got a personal car with personal driver and police escort. And when he went to the gym, the traffic stopped. All people called his name. He was very impressed, Timo said. The chinese were a level higher than Timo was. But their style was simple. Service and a fast tospin. Xu Zengcai wanted to train Timo as an Anti-Chinese player. He should play against the fast topspin with a short movement of his wrist. And it worked. The next years, he bet Kong Linghui at the World Cup, Ma Lin at the China Open and Wang Liqin at the team world championchip. And he also became the european champion in 2002 and world number #1 in 2003.

Chapter 4: Peking Duck Crispy (China meet and love)

Timo said, that the chinese are really warm and hospitable. It was another world for him, when he was first invited to the superleague for two month. He loves the peking duck, but he has to be carefully. He remembers Ovtcharov, who ate some meat and was suspected for doping. Boll also said, that the chinese player are binge drinkers. But China has two sides. The harmony and culture and also the policy with execution and so on (you remeber the critic on the olympics in 2008?) In this there was also an earthquake in China. Timo and the chinese nationalteam were in this area for a benefits game. Shakehand VS. Penhold. So you see, that table tennis has the highest importance in China.

Chapter 5: Europe VS. Asia (Winning, but not for any price)

Timo talks about his equipment. He says, that he is using the same as we do. He just use rubbers with different weight. For his forhand a tenergy with 74g and backhand a tenergy with 71g. and he has also special shoes. He was in japan and made some movement tests. And they made a shoe only for him and his movements. Its hard to find a line, Timo talks criss-cross through his table tennis life. He often has some funny stories and jumps in time. He talks about his weak performance at the worldchampionchip in 2003, where he lost against Qiu Jike. When he got the fair play award, when he had a matchball against Liu Guozheng, who played the ball at the edge of the table and the reffery counted that point for timo (win), but timo corrected him and finally he lost the match. He likes it that glueing was banned. He was using about 200 rubbers a year. now he plays a rubber for 2 days in competition and 2 weeks in training so that he is using now 100 rubbers a year. he said, that he had no problems with the ban, but the chinese players had real problems. After the olympics 2008 he played against Ma Long, who played like a kid and made easy mistakes, because he couldnt play with the new rubbers and without glueing. One of his best moments was the world cup in lüttich, where he bet three chinese players and won the tournement. And he celebrated at BurgerKing (he is very introverted and is happy, when he has a rest). He has a small collection of trikots (Wang Liqin, Kong Linghui, Waldner, Persson, Rosskopf & Ryu Seung Min) and he want a trikot from Ma Lin (one of his best friends of the chinese players). Another funny story was a visit in a japanese school. He wanted to change his clothes in a classroom and all girls climbed on the trees, to see Timo naked.


Photo of Timo promoting his new book: My China. Photo from Timo's Official Facebook Page

Chapter 6: Duel with China (What table tennis reveals about a person)

Before big events (Olympic Games) he stops eating candy and drink alcohol for one year. He thinks, that he would be a better player, if he wouldnt have that much of injuries. His body is not made for this sport. He says, that Zhang Jike has the best conditions of all players. At first Zhang Jike should became a soccer player. But later he went to table tennis. His father trained with him (jump training for food work and swimming) and zhang jike was beaten by his father a lot of times. But he says, without it, he wouldnt be there, where he is now. The chinese fans often cheers the opponent. They want to see great table tennis and are bored, that china allways is winning. Timo likes fair play. He doesnt like it when the opponent shows the fist to him and look angry. He also says, that table tennis has a lot to do with your head and mind. Rong Guotuan the first chinese worldchampion said: you play more with your head than with your hands. Timo is very introverted but when he plays table tennis he is more extroverted. Its his language. So that he has thrown his bat away one time. Then he has another funny story. Chen Qi once kicked a chair after a game, because he was unhappy. Later he find himself on a cucumbers field for doing extra work. Timo likes it to play safe. He doesnt risk a lot. Waldner did it. And the game shows everyones personality. Waldner has a gambling problem. And a lot of chinese players are gambling, too. Another funny story happened, after the Olympics 2008. Timo and some friends came back from a disco and met Ma Lin and Chen Qi in a bar in the morning. Both were drunk and invited Timo and his friends for a seat. a big screen showed the finale, that Ma Lin won and the complete bar was cheering und celebrating. Timo likes the chinese fans and give everyone an autograph, which can take a hour or two. but he remebers two other situations. at the first he was on a dressing room and glued his rubbers. a chinese fan came in with a magazine, on that Timo should write his autograph. but the guy droped it on his rubbers. A minute later the security catched the guy but Timo gave him a an autograph for his courage. The second one was after a finale. The fans came over the barriers, because they wanted an autograph. So Timo and the other players were circled by soldiers which slowly went back to the dressing rooms. Then Timo and his friends ran away. He was really scared.

Chapter 7: In the blessed of Table Tennis (The secrets of the grandmaster)

The competition Euro-Asia is over. Asia won. Its the last day and Teuffel has an interview date with Kong Linghui. Kong says, that he really like the style of Timo and the way he plays. The chinese player can learn from him, how to handle table tennis competition and family life. But to be better than the chinese player Timo has to be a badass. He his to gentleman like at the table. When Timo played in the superleage he played for a club, that belong to a clothing/dress company. He and his teammates were picked up with a limo one day to play against the owner and his friends. for that the guys could chose every clothes they wanted for free. to show what you've got is very important in china. the national players and trainer have expensive mobile phones or gold-plated watches and expensive cars like Ma Lin (Porsche Cayenne) or Wang Hao (BMW 6-Series), who has exclusively tailored suits. The live like "live now, live good" and throw their money out of the window. Befor big events Dima often visits Timo and his wife and they have some wellness days. He has his own room in Timos house. The chinese coaches have a complete database of all players and know much more about them, than themselves, Schlager said. He also whats up with the two towels you often see, for example when wang hao plays. One is wet and cold. Its good, when a player becomes nervous. So he use it and can calm down.

Chapter 8: Zai Jian - Good Bye China (The journey of his life goes on)

Timo says, that he is happy with his life and would never swap it with the life of Ma Lin or other chinese player. Ma Lin told him, that he never had more than 2 days holliday. But the life there is really strange and hard for the players. When he once visited china, he and the chinese team, celebrated in a karaoke bar. some of them were really drunk a slept on the table. and the next day, they had a training session. Timo was really tired and had to train with Wang Liqin. He said, that Wang is the best trainings partner, because he really plays fast and can place the ball very good. But on this morning Timo wished that he just had another opponent. Timo took the easiest exercises. But Wang Liqin took the hardest for foodwork and played as if yesterday nothing happend. Liu Guoliand said, that he will never sleep well, as long as Timo plays on this high level. China tries now to make table tennis more interesting for the world. With a new gym in europe, so that the european players and the asian become clother. the chinese dominance is not good and they know it. Because of this there is a myth:- Timo became the number one ranked player, because the chineses wanted it. So that table tennis become more interesting. so the top stars, which were infront of him, didnt played the pro tours, so that timo could collect points.And there were two other myths before:- in the olympics 2004 wang liqin let wang hao win in the semifinals, because he had the better chance to win against ryu seung min. - and the myth that chinese players mimic timo boll. in rotterdam timo went into the traning gym and saw xu xin and zhang jike before the semi finale. xu xin played shakehand and gave zhang jike a service and a backhand topspin like boll. but it looked very funny and boll, xu and zhang laughed. For the future, Timo wishes colored balls, so that the rotation can be showed. And he maybe will be a trainer after his carreer. So this is a short summary. I will upload some pictures now. Hope you can understand my english :/


It was cool that Timo's book was placed next to Andre Agassi's! I had just finished reading Agassi's book few months ago (high recommend it too!). Timo's book is written by himself and Friedhard Teuffel, a journalist from Berlin, who also was a table tennis player. Thanks to Sarah at for the awesome pictures!

Hope you enjoyed this read, please leave your comments below and don't forget to purchase this fantastic book over at
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Jul 2011
wow.... thank u for this post!!!! and the translation..... I bought the book even I can't understand German yet :( ! its so nice to know what the book is about!!! Thanks a lot PlasmaLight!
Take any photos u want from my site lol :)
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Nov 2011
thanks a lot guys ;)
i think there are some points in the book, we could discuss here :)

- would timo be a better player, if he would be more badass?
- is it true, that he use the same rubbers we do, just with different weight?
- is it true, that the chinese player didnt played the some pro tours, so that timo could climb to #1
- the Ma Long Technique ... it seems, that the new generation is learning the style of the player, who is the best at the moment
- is there a secret behind the chinese power or is it just hard work? so is the chinese academy in europe useful?
- what do you think about the lifestyle of the chinese players? live now, live good
- maybe zhang jikes cold nature is, because he was beaten and hit by his father, when he was young?
- what do you think about, that chen qi had to work on the field after kicking a chair?
- do you think that the chinese let another chinese win, because he has a better chance against the opponent in the next round?

maybe you have some interesting facts, you wonna talk through?
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Oct 2011
Awesome recap! I wonder why they haven't release an English translation yet. Surely they'd reach a much wider audience and sell more copies.

Nice tidbits about Zhang Jike and Wang Liqin, my 2 favorite Chinese players! Also about personality being revealed through TT. Funny that he mentions Waldner as a gambler, it reminded me of Michael Jordan. Probably a lot of parallels between the 2.