Changing from Acoustic Carbon Outer (Nittaku)

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New Member
Nov 2024
I've been using Nittaku's Acoustic Carbon Outer for around 1 year. At first, I couldn't feel the vibration or bounciness but after using it, I've now learnt how uncontrollable it is. My FH loop is good but very inconsistent with looping chops while my BH loop is just pure terrible. I'm using Fastarc G-1 on FH and Hammond Z2 on BH for now. I just need some other's opinions towards what blade and rubbers would suit me best. The main issue now is that the ball just flies of my blade too fast, no time to really spin or grasp the ball while looping. I would like a blade that could "hold" the balls longer while looping to provide more spin. My playstyle is mainly just looping on FH and pushing back on BH because it's so inconsistent and would be risky to attempt in a real game. I practice alot so getting used to the blades, rubbers and new techniques should really be a problem.

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Jul 2022
I recently tried the butterfly viscaria, to hard and to fast - back hand all over the place.

Maybe an inner carbon blade, the carbon gets activated only on harder hits and tend to have more dwell time on the ball so more control and a bit slower . The nitakku inner carbon would be better or dhs 301, butterfly innerforce etc.

I have just started to move up from all wood blade as needed something faster but still had control. I am enjoying the nittaku acoustic inner carbon g revision as not to bigger jump from a wood control blade (Petr korbel).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2015
If you like the handle and weight of Acoustic, try the original all-wood. Your rubbers would fit perfectly, so you can switch the exact sheets over and isolate the difference in the speed and hardness of the two blades.

I agree with Zezima about not using a different carbon blade right now. Acoustic carbon is relatively soft and slow compared to ALC and ZLC blades.

Later maybe flip the bat around to have Z2 on forehand, or replace it with a more suitable backhand rubber. It's rep is catapulty, good for drives and smashes. Not what you need to develop backhand loop. G1, rozena, r42, rakza 7/7 soft - all would make more sense as a bh rubber.
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Active Member
Feb 2019
First of all I own the blade and both rubbers. If you want to follow with the blade BH try Rozena so you will have more control & dwell time, for FH boost a little the Fastarc G-1 to reduce the hardness so become more elastic and can increase the dwell time but if doesn't works if you like Fastarc G-1 you could try less thick G-1.

As suggested for others if you want more feeling go to all wood blades, 7 plies faster than 5 plies.

My preferences for fiber blades are BTY and for all wood Stiga.

N. B. who used or uses Nittaku Acoustic: Ma Long & Mima Ito, so two top players with super FH not BH oriented. I also don't like the BH side of the blade because is more oriented to punch or block than spin. Important: weight of the blade matter, if your combo weights more better to attack and bad to control so you have to look for the right weight for you between attack and control, for example if your blade weight is between 80-90 gr will be oriented more to control & if your blade weight 90 gr or more will have less control so all depends your level to choose the right weight and don't forget the rubbers weight...
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