Cure for the EJ


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Well-Known Member
Oct 2015
Being a tiny bit serious, it's an acoustic carbon with a purple handle. And imo acoustic carbon is a really good bat for a fh inverted looper and bh sp hitter. I own three of the normal ones, but none with a purple handle and a little silhouette of little Mima. It's exactly what you are looking for. The bat to end all bats. The best bat friend forever. You should get two.
says Making a beautiful shot is most important; winning is...
says Making a beautiful shot is most important; winning is...
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
My apologies for reviving this thread.I will talk about my cure for EJ through my personal experience.

Before that, some context or background.

I started playing roughly eight years ago in some country club where the demographic is made up of senior retirees with leisure on their time. It was plainly played for leisure and recreational. There was hardly any sense of competition. I too was lulled into that train of thoughts, until I met a friend who introduced to me a more competitive spirit. So, he & I went to a different club where there are more serious and competitive. That was about two years plus ago ( however, if you discount the Covid lockdown period ) then you may say I am only there for six months or so.

When I was playing EJ symptoms developed. I tried my hands on various type of set-up. Fast blade with slow rubber, slow blade with fast rubber and everything in between except pimples or anti-spin because I like to spin. I also tried my hand on tacky rubber. After so many years of trying this and that I could not find something that I could really stick with. It was frustrating but exhilarating at the same time. You could say it was due to EJ that I remained so excited about TT all this while.

As my game play wasn't heading anywhere I was stuck at the lowest Tier in my new club for eternity. I was not going to let this be forever I told myself mindfully, however without any proper guidance, it looked like this was going to be my fate in my TT club.

Until one day an old acquaintance from my old club called me up and said, "Hey, Gozo! I know that you are very keen to better your game in TT. I know of a good coach in our provincial / state team and he is keen to make some side income and if you are interested, I can introduce him to you for one-on-one private lesson during his off time. Are you keen? He is an ex-national player by the way. I, myself am also taking lesson from him and I can say he is good."

Now, I told myself this perhaps is the opportunity that I have been waiting for. Sure! I said. BTW, his fee is not cheap, but he comes with good accolade. So I took the leap of faith. I took all my set-up with me and I started attending his lessons with him using the various set-ups. He was patient with me in the sense he was never judgemental and hurried me to stick with one set-up. He allowed me to be as natural as it can be.

On the sixth lesson, he suddenly told me, " Gozo, stop using tacky rubber. It does not suit your play style. Also, you need to generate a lot of your own power to make it work. You will get tired easily. It is not for you. Also, stick to the Darker Speed 90 that you are using from now onwards. Keep the rest in a museum "This is it! With that, I am cured of my EJ disease. Going forward I know what suits me, i.e., fast tensor rubber with strong trampoline effect on a one-ply Hinoki blade. Of course he did correct some of my strokes and tweak a little here and there to make it better.

Back to the point of my post:

In my very personal experience, getting a good and experience coach / mentor is very important in getting a cure for EJ disease. So, on that note, if forumers who wishes to be cured of the dreaded EJ disease, I suggest get a coach and let him do his part to cure this problem.

To give an analogy: EJ'ing is like self treating. Getting a good coach is like going to see a doctor and getting the right prescription. It saves you money and time and let you do what is important, that is playing a better TT game.

Good day everyone.
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Jan 2019
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There’s no cure for me, at least not right now lol

I do have a blade that I fall back to after trying out new stuff, I call that my “fix my form blade”. Since using different equipments usually requires minor adjustments to to my form, sometimes there are just so much minor adjustments accumulated it gets out of wack, so I go back and use that blade for a while to adjust back.
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Back to the point of my post:

In my very personal experience, getting a good and experience coach / mentor is very important in getting a cure for EJ disease. So, on that note, if forumers who wishes to be cured of the dreaded EJ disease, I suggest get a coach and let him do his part to cure this problem.

To give an analogy: EJ'ing is like self treating. Getting a good coach is like going to see a doctor and getting the right prescription. It saves you money and time and let you do what is important, that is playing a better TT game.

Good day everyone.

Very much agreed. Now you mentioned it, I really miss playing with my coach. We are (re: I am) limiting social activities down here because of the rising cases and the govt is not doing anything effective to prevent it, in addition to people still going out mask-less and potentially being a carrier.

If training with coach is like seeing a modern doctor, then making a custom blade is like seeing a traditional doctor; 'Dr.' Sergio from SDC is certainly more than capable to help, with a wide range of natural material selection to ease your anxiety caused by the EJ virus + free online consultations (I am speaking with him as I type this) 😆

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2018
Hmm, I suppose this is dependent on the coach...

My coach is a bit of an EJ himself. First thing he'd ask is if I have anything new in the bag, and use that for the rest of the session.😂
says Making a beautiful shot is most important; winning is...
says Making a beautiful shot is most important; winning is...
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
Hmm, I suppose this is dependent on the coach...

My coach is a bit of an EJ himself. First thing he'd ask is if I have anything new in the bag, and use that for the rest of the session.😂
Mine is the opposite, as he is using the same JPen One ply hinoki ( BTY Kim Taek Soo blade ) since the late 90's until now. When he was an active competitor he said he gets Tenergy for free. He swears by Tenergy and won't use anything else. However he has switched to Dignics 05 now. He uses only one side rubber whereas the BH side is just painted black.

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I started EJing from the beginning. I then found a coach, and started EJing even harder. The only thing stopping me from getting absurd amounts of equipment is that I am poor. That is the story of how I ended up beginning my TT training with one of the most skill dependent blades ever: BTY TB ALC. Paires with an H3 and a constantly changing BH rubber. A while ago I thought I had finally stopped EJing, but an injury made it so the Boll ALC is very hard to use. Now I’m buying a new 5 ply wooden blade as a “practice and recover” blade. It’s a terminal disease😂
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My apologies for reviving this thread.I will talk about my cure for EJ through my personal experience.

Before that, some context or background.

I started playing roughly eight years ago in some country club where the demographic is made up of senior retirees with leisure on their time. It was plainly played for leisure and recreational. There was hardly any sense of competition. I too was lulled into that train of thoughts, until I met a friend who introduced to me a more competitive spirit. So, he & I went to a different club where there are more serious and competitive. That was about two years plus ago ( however, if you discount the Covid lockdown period ) then you may say I am only there for six months or so.

When I was playing EJ symptoms developed. I tried my hands on various type of set-up. Fast blade with slow rubber, slow blade with fast rubber and everything in between except pimples or anti-spin because I like to spin. I also tried my hand on tacky rubber. After so many years of trying this and that I could not find something that I could really stick with. It was frustrating but exhilarating at the same time. You could say it was due to EJ that I remained so excited about TT all this while.

As my game play wasn't heading anywhere I was stuck at the lowest Tier in my new club for eternity. I was not going to let this be forever I told myself mindfully, however without any proper guidance, it looked like this was going to be my fate in my TT club.

Until one day an old acquaintance from my old club called me up and said, "Hey, Gozo! I know that you are very keen to better your game in TT. I know of a good coach in our provincial / state team and he is keen to make some side income and if you are interested, I can introduce him to you for one-on-one private lesson during his off time. Are you keen? He is an ex-national player by the way. I, myself am also taking lesson from him and I can say he is good."

Now, I told myself this perhaps is the opportunity that I have been waiting for. Sure! I said. BTW, his fee is not cheap, but he comes with good accolade. So I took the leap of faith. I took all my set-up with me and I started attending his lessons with him using the various set-ups. He was patient with me in the sense he was never judgemental and hurried me to stick with one set-up. He allowed me to be as natural as it can be.

On the sixth lesson, he suddenly told me, " Gozo, stop using tacky rubber. It does not suit your play style. Also, you need to generate a lot of your own power to make it work. You will get tired easily. It is not for you. Also, stick to the Darker Speed 90 that you are using from now onwards. Keep the rest in a museum "This is it! With that, I am cured of my EJ disease. Going forward I know what suits me, i.e., fast tensor rubber with strong trampoline effect on a one-ply Hinoki blade. Of course he did correct some of my strokes and tweak a little here and there to make it better.

Back to the point of my post:

In my very personal experience, getting a good and experience coach / mentor is very important in getting a cure for EJ disease. So, on that note, if forumers who wishes to be cured of the dreaded EJ disease, I suggest get a coach and let him do his part to cure this problem.

To give an analogy: EJ'ing is like self treating. Getting a good coach is like going to see a doctor and getting the right prescription. It saves you money and time and let you do what is important, that is playing a better TT game.

Good day everyone.
Great to hear your development both in skill and mindset!
But beware, the next time you buy new rubbers there will be temptations everywhere!
You may hide it, but it will always find you…😏

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I started EJing from the beginning. I then found a coach, and started EJing even harder. The only thing stopping me from getting absurd amounts of equipment is that I am poor. That is the story of how I ended up beginning my TT training with one of the most skill dependent blades ever: BTY TB ALC. Paires with an H3 and a constantly changing BH rubber. A while ago I thought I had finally stopped EJing, but an injury made it so the Boll ALC is very hard to use. Now I’m buying a new 5 ply wooden blade as a “practice and recover” blade. It’s a terminal disease😂

Now I really wonder what kind of injury you have until you have to step down the speed of your blade 😗



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Nov 2016
On this subject I am going back to 7 ply wood. Been playing quite well with MLC and getting good results, but don't ;like the way I am playing and its making my bh pimple shots weak.
I just watched some videos and wow, my bh has gone backwards by using MLC with pips.

So just ordered an Avalox P700 and I am back on the search for the holy grail. A stiff blade for backhand pips and a fast slightly flex blade for fh loops. Ha ha
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2019
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On this subject I am going back to 7 ply wood. Been playing quite well with MLC and getting good results, but don't ;like the way I am playing and its making my bh pimple shots weak.
I just watched some videos and wow, my bh has gone backwards by using MLC with pips.

So just ordered an Avalox P700 and I am back on the search for the holy grail. A stiff blade for backhand pips and a fast slightly flex blade for fh loops. Ha ha

Just as I was about to type this reply my security camera alerted me someone was in the driveway, and lo and behold it's the DHL delivery guy with the Stiga Clipper 40th Anniversary Edition. Coincidence? I think not. 🤣

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On this subject I am going back to 7 ply wood. Been playing quite well with MLC and getting good results, but don't ;like the way I am playing and its making my bh pimple shots weak.
I just watched some videos and wow, my bh has gone backwards by using MLC with pips.

So just ordered an Avalox P700 and I am back on the search for the holy grail. A stiff blade for backhand pips and a fast slightly flex blade for fh loops. Ha ha

Mate, Yasaka Falck W7 is one of if not the best 7 ply-wood. @yogi_bear would agree since I bought one because of his review.😉
It's literally a POWERHOUSE with a sufficient control amount.
For now it's my grail. Could be yours too lol



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Nov 2016
So Avalox P700 actually seemed quite flexy and a bit wishy washy. Actually seemed a bit slow.

I have acquired a Korbel SK7 and A Xiom Solo, both of which I have tried before.

The following is based on 1 practice with a lp bh guy I have played for 25+ years, we are of a similar standard.

My pip bh is insane with Xiom Solo, basically every hit is a winner, but strangely my fh is less consistent and so is my middle game.

With the SK7 I did not think I played as well, it seemed less direct with pip hitting but I actually won more games and fh was more consistent. Middle game also was also better.

You would think these 2 blades would be pretty similar, but they really are quite quite different.

I wonder if it the Koto and Limba outers, the Solo plays differently to all other 7 ply blades I have tried, so I can only deduce the Koto gives it quite a different feel.

This does lead me to the conclusion that I should probably get Sergio to make a blade, 7 ply Koto one side and Limba the other.
This could finally be my holy grail!!
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Feb 2023
It seems, that me, too finally found stability :)
Someone may smile, that it's too short but since month I've been playing Timo Boll ZLF and T19+T05 and finally enjoy my game both in the training sessions and during the matches. I knew Tenergy rubbers before and they are not new for me, but as my EJ journey started a year ago and wanted to check everything which seems to be interesting, from Bty products through, esn/jpn and Chinese, too. I called it "collecting experience", because it's not the same when we read about it and try to imagine vs we can check it in practice. I found in the most of the cases, different opinions/feelings, etc.
I gave up with Chinese rubbers they are not for me, I do not want to seek for cheaper and durable esn product which will suits me, either , above setup is quite popular in amateurs, blade is very controllable and is a bit faster than let say Korbel JPN, but giving you itself good control, feedback and larger sweetspot, rubbers, what can I say? There are the same amount of lovers and haters of Tenergy and I will not add anything new to it what you can find in the internet.
I like them very much and can do every shot. Not to mentioned, the gorgeous sound of T05 :love: (shivers ran down my skin) I love that sound and assure me that during the game when I hit and hear that sound, I know that I did a good job. ;)
In terms of TT equip. I've already sold more than 50% I've collected and left only something which impressed me, which I like to play with or ... not sure, maybe it's good to have it for collecting purpose :)

I've no plans for buying anything except above to have spare parts, ready to change when current will be worn off (frankly speaking, 2xT05 and 1xT19 are coming to me from JPN ;) )
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