Czech Open 2019 (World Tour)

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Harimoto/Ishikawa vs Mizutani/Ito

You won't believe how many winners Ishikawa missed in G1. Kudos to Yoshimura for dragging this dead weight in the last 3 WTTC.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2017
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One of the better Japanese players at the moment loses to not even the best junior player in China. Tells you how far behind Japan still is compared to China

In this match was something wrong with umpire. Umpire raise arm on serve, players keep playing and umpire score the point, doesn't force them to replay. It was at least 2-3 times.
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Jul 2019
Wow. What a bad game from Ishikawa. Sure she won, but normally she is quite solid against "must" win opponents. That was a s***show and the opponent didnt do anything special
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Ishikawa was lucky that Cheng Hsien-Tzu had an even shorter temper than her. Expect another Rio 2016 if Ishikawa makes and plays the singles like this.
says Footwork footwork footwork
I was lucky enough to see Zhao Zihao play Ma Te, I tell you, Ma Te beat Zhao even in the FH-FH encounters!
I couldnt get my cam there, but Zhao recorded it..
I asked him after the match for the video, he said he doesnt want to share :D
Unlike Paul Drinkhall who after the nailbiting match with Shibaev said he is willing to share what he got, because his cam died during the match..
I got my picture with Samsonov, he is such a class, very nice guy :)
I also got Akkuzu recorded, too bad he lost the last game..

Was the ZZ / MT match not on ITTV? I can’t find it anywhere

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Anyway, I'm looking foward to Harimoto playing Pletea. The last time they played at the Youth Olympics was intense. Also, Harimoto and Lin Yun-Ju could meet in the QF.

How many FH winners did Harimoto miss? I lost count. G3 was crucial. He was leading 6:4 and dropped 6 in a row, missing quite a few FH winners.

LYJ barely made it out.
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Jul 2019
Kato Myu is slowly getting boxed in by Liu Weishan. A change in tactics might be required if she's going to turn it.

She cant change the tactics because she cant do other stuff. She lacks power on both sides and just keeps the ball in the rally on more time then her opponent. Sometimes her "strange" serve helps her, as quite a few players cant figure it out. Other then that i dont see any special feature from / in her.
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Jul 2019
How many FH winners did Harimoto miss? I lost count. G3 was crucial. He was leading 6:4 and dropped 6 in a row, missing quite a few FH winners.

Just like his lose at the WTTC. I guess its ok at this age to have days like this. Especially if he works a lot on his FH right now. We all know how it feels to adapt to a new technique or movement and get caught up in between at times.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2011
Timo now playing with chinese rubbers? I cant do that with my tenergy :p (Timo 2-0 ahead in sets and 3-4 in points)

*ofc im joking about the chinese rubbers thing

Not chinese but it's supposed to be Tenergy 09C. People were suspicious that it was a tacky rubber, i guess this proves that theory.
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How many FH winners did Harimoto miss? I lost count. G3 was crucial. He was leading 6:4 and dropped 6 in a row, missing quite a few FH winners.
LYJ barely made it out.

It's funny to see Pletea struggle against Harimoto's pendulum serve, only for the table turn completely on Harimoto, who then struggles against Pletea's reverse pendulum serve. Such a dramatic match.
If Pletea had tried the reverse pendulum serve earlier, the match might not have been so close.