DHS Power G7 plus Hurricane III x 2

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Jun 2016
Hi everyone,

I would like to have your feedback on this setup, I'm new to table tennis and I bought this setup because it was really cheap for me and as I'm just starting so I didn't want to spend a lot of money on my first blade...

The thing is, I read a lot about the blade, and it was supposed to be "fast" and in combination with the rubbers should be a pretty fast setup, at least, that was what I understood...

The setup is actually quite the opposite, is like the ball almost doesn't bounce on the blade, and I think it could be because the glue is not all set or the rubbers are not glued properly, but maybe is my perception, maybe I pictured something that wasn't real, but, in a fast blade, If you let the ball bounce on it, it should bounce at least a couple of cms...

So you people can picture how is the bounce, Imagine letting the ball drop in a carpet... It won't bounce back...

Anyway, I hope someone could give me some advice if is something wrong with the blade or the rubbers need more time to start to "bounce" the ball...

Thanks a lot!!!
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Active Member
Feb 2016
PG7 is a pretty fast blade. The reason you feel like it's slow is because of the hurricane 3. It's a tacky chinese rubber with hard sponge and it doesn't have any real catapult.

Personally I wouldn't recommend a setup like that to beginners. The only reason you want to stick with hurricane is because you want to keep on using hurricane or tacky chinese rubbers. As for the BH, I think you should use another rubber for BH. Hurricane is an extremely weird rubber to use on BH.

So the TL;DR version: No, your setup is suppose to be like that. The rubber is the reason why
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Mar 2016
Hurricane 3 is tacky and very hard which will produce exactly the behavior you're describing, so likely nothing is wrong with the blade or rubbers. Take a look at this bounce test of Hurricane 8, which is supposed to be even less tacky and hard than Hurricane 3. Starting at 1:12, is this what is happening with your rubber?

Others more experienced than me can point you in the right direction as far as technique demands for this kind of rubber. Basically the idea is you must generate the speed through your own body strength and arm speed rather than a very "springy" rubber which might be harder to control but can catapult the ball for you to a greater degree.
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Dec 2010
If you are starting off , just sell it to whosoever is willing to pay you the price so that you don't lose money ... for your satisfaction here are the reasons ...

1. The blade is too fast for a beginner.
2. H3 is a hard tacky rubber , it has a lot of gears , it needs advanced technique and body strength / fitness to extract the power out of the sponge.
3. H3 is not a rubber for backhand ... well unless you are Ma Long / Xu Xin who can get their companies to customize the hardness of the sponge / topsheet for them ...

This forum has excellent threads to recommend you beginner setups starting from value for money ones to really expensive ones if thats what you want ... you can also search the internet, a bunch of good coaches ( larry hodges , Matt , PingSkills , and many others ) have written pretty detailed blogs on setups for beginners.

Take a pick , come back to this thread and ask people to check if you have picked the correct one , before you buy .. we have a lot of EJs here who will help you out ...
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Hello, as a former PG7 user, this blade is not fast at all, it's decent, not to slow either.

I will give you some basic advices because you're a beginner:
1. H3 is heavy and tacky rubber, tacky meaning it has sticky properties on its surface... It's good for newbie because it will help you to have a proper stroke (all kids in china use this rubber when starting)
2. Because H3 is heavy, it's not meant to be placed in backhand. Try to get a cheap rubber for backhand, I suggest Yinhe MOON (less than 15 USD).
3. There is nothing wrong with your blade, and maybe after you get better you will search for new blade (like I did) because pg7 is too slow for mid distance
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Feb 2016
Hello, as a former PG7 user, this blade is not fast at all, it's decent, not to slow either.

I will give you some basic advices because you're a beginner:
1. H3 is heavy and tacky rubber, tacky meaning it has sticky properties on its surface... It's good for newbie because it will help you to have a proper stroke (all kids in china use this rubber when starting)
2. Because H3 is heavy, it's not meant to be placed in backhand. Try to get a cheap rubber for backhand, I suggest Yinhe MOON (less than 15 USD).
3. There is nothing wrong with your blade, and maybe after you get better you will search for new blade (like I did) because pg7 is too slow for mid distance

I don't agree with your statements. In the first place, PG7 is plenty fast. It's a 6+ mm 7-ply blade after all, pretty similar to clipper. Hurricane while slow, is not beginner friendly. I tell people who wants to develop game with hurricane that they'll really have to stick with it.
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Hi, you have not mentioned how many sessions you have played with your current setup, usually it takes 4-6 weeks of regular practice to fully realize the potential of your table tennis blade and rubber.
By the way, PG-7 is a decent blade. In my opinion it is not very fast, just reasonably fast. My friend uses it with hexer plus on the forehand and short pimple on the backhand side.
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Jun 2016
I was given a Donic blade to practice here in the club as I didn't have one of my own, I don't know wich model was the blade, the rubbers where corbor reactor, and I feel that combo to be a lot faster than mine, maybe is just some time to get used to it, maybe is fast enough if you push it...

As for the rubbers, I'm new to table tenis because I never trained for real, my brother played (he was a national champion) and he thaught me some strokes and basics, but this is the first time I'm really in to it to learn...

I will try them for some time, and probably buy another rubber for BH...

As a side note, is not that easy to buy and try equipment here in my country... I bought my setup online and it took quite a while to arrive :D
I don't agree with your statements. In the first place, PG7 is plenty fast. It's a 6+ mm 7-ply blade after all, pretty similar to clipper. Hurricane while slow, is not beginner friendly. I tell people who wants to develop game with hurricane that they'll really have to stick with it.

have you ever used this blade yourself with H3 and not with tensor?
I switch to viscaria because pg7 + h3 can't accommodate me when playing mid distance,

And for H3, I dont know what OP's purpose of playing is. If he wants to get better H3 is way to go. If he just wants to slap some balls with friends during leisure time, then H3 might not be good. Afterall all kids in China started with H3.
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Jun 2016
have you ever used this blade yourself with H3 and not with tensor?
I switch to viscaria because pg7 + h3 can't accommodate me when playing mid distance,

And for H3, I dont know what OP's purpose of playing is. If he wants to get better H3 is way to go. If he just wants to slap some balls with friends during leisure time, then H3 might not be good. Afterall all kids in China started with H3.

I want to get better at table tennis, I didn't have much problems using the setup, just was impressed that it seemed to be too slow...

I think you might want to try the basic rubbers, in place of the H3. My advice would be hexer duro for both backhand and forehand.

Thanks for your feedback, but I would like to know why, actually, is a bad rubber the H3 :/

I'm willing to buy another rubber, just want to know why should I...

As I see it right now, it would be harder to go from a basic setup to a faster one later on???
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Dec 2010
I already answered these questions , did you read my post ?

I will try to make it clear again, since it seems you are a non english speaker ...

H3 sponge is very hard , most players who use H3 use boosters to make the sponge soft . You also need a lot of power to make the ball sink into the sponge.

Somebody keeps referring to Chinese kids, the chinese kids are trained since they were 6 year olds and by the time they are 12 they can counterloop in their sleep , how old are you ? Just because China is the leader in the sport does not mean everything they do has to be copied ...

You will not understand how much fast your blade is as long as you have H3 on it .... its about a mix of factors, control , feeling and flex .... anyways ... if your brother was a national champion , he should be able give you much more information on this first hand ...

I want to get better at table tennis, I didn't have much problems using the setup, just was impressed that it seemed to be too slow...

Thanks for your feedback, but I would like to know why, actually, is a bad rubber the H3 :/

I'm willing to buy another rubber, just want to know why should I...

As I see it right now, it would be harder to go from a basic setup to a faster one later on???
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Jun 2016
I'm really sorry, I was not discarding your answer, is just that I have curiosity...

My brother played many many years ago, I'm 30 now, he was champion when I was like 9 or 10, cant remember...

He knows a bit of equipment, but he has to use it, he never used chinese rubbers, there werent available that many years ago, buying truogh internet wasnt an option then...

I understand what you mean, sorry, it wasnt my intention...

I guess I will keep using the club setup until I can buy a new blade later :D
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Dec 2010
Please don't be sorry, there is no need to apologize , that was not my intention ...

All I was trying to tell you is that there are lot of good threads with good suggestions in this forum and over the internet ....

just search with "beginner setup" and you will find your answers ...

Even though your brother played 30 years ago , I know the game has changed and everything and there is a lot of new equipment available , but the basic concepts still remain the same ... here are a few :

1. When you use a blade and a rubber combination, you should be able to feel where the ball is hitting in the blade , its like any other sport like cricket or tennis where you know when the ball hit the sweet spot . In table tennis for you to be able to feel that , your rubber and sponge should allow the ball to sink in.

2. People who have learnt the sport from when they were kids can do that with pretty much any equipment , but when you learn it as an adult its not easy... so its better to start with a slower blade with softer rubbers which are not too fast ...

3. If the blade is too fast , it will shoot the ball out as soon as it touches it, that way you will not have control ... this creates problems for you to learn the defensive elements of the gain , dropping the ball short, blocking or even pushing ... also you will not be able to learn how to spin the ball...

4. In table tennis feeling and spin is everything , so you want a equipment which will help you learn that ....

Keep to these things in mind when you try to find a paddle, there are too many options available and its not easy , so you can definitely try different setups and figure it out for yourself , which will take time .... because its a difficult sport with a variety of players and you might play well with a equipment against a certain player but when you play somebody else you will suddenly feel that you don't have any control of whats happening ...

hence ,best is to read the threads and the recommendations from established equipment experts in this forum like UpSideDownCarl , NextLevel, Der_Echte , Dan, Matt Hetherington , you can also search the internet for videso from PingSkils , Table tennis master , read larry Hodges blog etc. ...

I'm really sorry, I was not discarding your answer, is just that I have curiosity...

My brother played many many years ago, I'm 30 now, he was champion when I was like 9 or 10, cant remember...

He knows a bit of equipment, but he has to use it, he never used chinese rubbers, there werent available that many years ago, buying truogh internet wasnt an option then...

I understand what you mean, sorry, it wasnt my intention...

I guess I will keep using the club setup until I can buy a new blade later :D
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ttmonster said it best :)

I want to get better at table tennis, I didn't have much problems using the setup, just was impressed that it seemed to be too slow...

Thanks for your feedback, but I would like to know why, actually, is a bad rubber the H3 :/

I'm willing to buy another rubber, just want to know why should I...

As I see it right now, it would be harder to go from a basic setup to a faster one later on???