EJs who have found the perfect setup?

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Apr 2020
Curious to hear about any reformed equipment junkies who have finally found the right setup for them and have played with it for a good while already.

I think mine is FastAc G1 on both sides on a Violin with the larger handle. I've played with this for about a year now and really can't think ever needing either more power or more control.

Anyone else think they've beaten the equipment game and are committed to one setup for life now?
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says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
Read 8 reviews
Life is or can be long and full of surprises.

I’ve settled on a blade, and have lost curiosity in others since.

As for rubbers, I can still get itchy at times and have a penchant to tinker. I always like to get a first hand experience, sometimes on other’s rackets, sometimes on my own if I happen onto it on a moment that calls for it.

However, I keep getting back to Fastarc G1 too. It’s just that good, in its balance.
says toooooo much choice!!
says toooooo much choice!!
Well-Known Member
Jul 2020
Read 11 reviews
Sort of, hahaha!! I haven’t served enough time being an EJ yet!!!

Blades have been whittled down to Donic Appelgren Dotec Control and Nittaku Acoustic (all wood or inner, more likely to be all wood)
As for rubbers R48 BH / Rakza Z FH or BH although Victas Triple Double Extra and Tau 2 are in the running as well !!!!

Still gonna be trying out rubbers though!! Not necessarily with a view to actually using them in league matches but just to see how they play and feel. I really enjoy doing this !!
In September (hopefully!!) the leagues will start again, so I have a choice to make in the next month or so, ( think I posted something similar 8 months or so ago, but COVID lockdowns kicked in ☹) to choose which set up I’ll use in ‘proper’ training sessions and matches consistently during the coming season. Reserving the EJ trials for ‘home’ testing only!!

Of course, if something pops up that I think is great and suits my style and ability then a change could be on the cards!
says Making a beautiful shot is most important; winning is...
says Making a beautiful shot is most important; winning is...
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
Curious to hear about any reformed equipment junkies who have finally found the right setup for them and have played with it for a good while already.

I think mine is FastAc G1 on both sides on a Violin with the larger handle. I've played with this for about a year now and really can't think ever needing either more power or more control.

Anyone else think they've beaten the equipment game and are committed to one setup for life now?

Yes I am cured of the EJ disease. Now I have settled nicely amongst my seven set-ups. I play them interchangeably, depending on my mood, my opponent type, whether I am super charged up on that particular day or lazy and lethargic.

I'd realised that I am just a regular club hobbyist and I am not playing to win nationals or even state champ etc. So, I play, test out various set-ups simply for the love of TT. You'll be surprise, different set-up gives a different feel when playing the game. It is vastly non-homogenous.

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Feb 2020
I have mostly followed yogi_bear's reviews. My favorite blade (of 30+) for competitions right now is the Yinhe Purple Dragon 437 with Yinhe Moon forehand and short pips Yinhe Uranus Pro medium sponge backhand (soft sponge is too jumpy). I also like the Yinhe Pro 5W (Walnut top, 5-ply), and the Pro Feeling, and the T7s, T6s, etc. I do change the racket every once in a while for entertainment, there are many blades I like...
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
I am very much likeGozo I have 3 "perfect setups", there is no need to come to a "final solution" but all 3 units have H3 on one side and Neos on the other.
Yes, it is a mood-thing, I will choose to play with one , in preference to the other depending on when I have a strong day, feel a bit aggressive, or if
I feel weak and frail . Wait for old age, it might happen to everybody 😁

I enjoy my EJ -character. I do like the technical aspect of blade building, the experimenting with different things etc.
I saw some great looking green carbo/kev woven mat at Ali and if i could get the right woods i would probably make myself another
Inner layer blade................................but i don't have to...............😁😁😁
says spin it
says spin it
Dec 2018
Through my experience I've found that there are definitely 'good' combinations and 'bad' ones.For example, I've played for 6 months with Hurricane Long 5 with H3 on FH and FastArc G-1 on the BH. Recently I've switched to H3 37 Provincial on the backhand and couldn't be happier, now all my blocks are so much more controllable, I can practice with my pro partner and still place all the blocks onto the table without fear of the ball flying far away, which happened a lot with G-1.

On the other hand, G-1 suits PERFECTLY more flexy all wood blades, like Long 2 and Nittaku Acoustic, the combination of all-wood and bounciness of G-1 is just right. But with that setup I lack some power on BH flicks, and somewhat lacking power in general.

With HL5 and H3 on both sides it's perfect, so I've settled on:
Primary: HL5 + H3 Provincial 40 degrees boosted FH + H3 Provincial 37 degrees boosted BH.
Spare: Nittaku Acoustic + G-1 both sides.

Also, even though blue sponge is more powerful, it also hold the ball less, so I found that with my level orange sponge is enough - more control and dwell.
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Active Member
Nov 2013
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I've not fully settled. But I've had 3 perfect set ups and I regret getting rid of one.

1st one: timo boll spirit I bought on here for 46 euros 94g with a 999 globe natnl blue sponge 41 degree forehand unboosted and a jp03 backhand in the 40mm cellulose era. It was stable and basically you couldn't miss in a topspin to topspin rally.

2nd one: Nittaku acoustic LG 90g with MXP both sides similar as before except better spin potential. But it felt less controlled
3rd one: inner layer ALC I bought from amazon.jp because it was like 118£ including import fees saving me 30 quid. 98g on arrival with Fastarc G1 forehand and mxk backhand. Currently I love this set up but I need to find a replacement bh rubber and also kind of wanna try d09.
says toooooo much choice!!
says toooooo much choice!!
Well-Known Member
Jul 2020
Read 11 reviews
I had to get some reasonable balls, so plumped for a couple of boxes of Double Fish V40’s, so went onto Bribar site and ordered them, trouble is a sheet of ‘imperial’ factor X spin offensive version and a sheet of Haifu Whale 2 appeared in the basket as well !!! How they got in there is somewhat unknown, all I can remember is ordering the balls 😀