Equipment advice


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Jan 2021
Hello guys i have to swich my blade and rubbers
now i am using
Primorac japan
mx-p fh
el-p bh

i am thinking about viscaria and mx-d fh and mx-S/mx-p bh
Is this Good comparison?
my style is ghost serve and block counter topspin sometimes lobb the ball
i play far from the table mid distance
what blade and rubbers do You recommend
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Jan 2011
the change of blade alone means the feel and dweel will be very different.Primorac has limba as top if im not mistaken, which allows for longer dwell time. Vis on the other hand has koto as top layer. its very popular, but it feels quite different different to limba. Personally I struggled to switch from limba to koto.

mxs feels harder than most on the backhand side, its very solid if you use it well.
mxp is very direct, I found myself punching everything with it on my bh.

if you are open to different blades, i suggest 7ply wood with limba as top, it should allow for an easier transition and still gives you plenty of power mid/far from table
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I am thinking you are changing too much at one go too.

Not only the blade has been change, you are also changing all the rubbers that you are currently using and both the choices are much harder version that what you are currently used to.

It will be very difficult to tell if that would end up being a blade problem or rubber issue.

If you are insisting to upgrade your equipment, but do not want to lose too much of the control, I would suggest you try the Innerforce ALC but with the same rubbers. And then gradually upgrade the rubbers.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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I want to have more speed

Playing farther away from the table and speed make sense together.

Any chance you can show us some footage of you playing? It might help some people see what would be a good setup for you.

Blades for far away: you should also consider the idea of a blade like Stiga Clipper or Xiom Extreme S for what you want. Those are good blades for playing farther away from the table.

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Get the Viscaria. Will be easier to resell if it doesn't fit, then use that money to try the other all-wood blades.
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Jun 2018
I second Zeio's suggestion, just bare in mind that the set up you've mentioned will be heavy, very heavy and you will probably have more disadvantages except the power far away from the table. On the other hand the Chinese players among which Viscaria is most popular tend to stay closer to the table
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I recommend STIGA Offensive Classic. Enough kick when needed and great short game. Gave up finding an alternative to it.
That will not be faster, if anything it will be slower, but probably pretty much the same.

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
OP last active 10 hours ago. I guess he's all set after someone answered Viscaria? 😉
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Preface Qulification Statement: Although I am very biased against Stiga OFF CLassic, it is from my personal testing that set off 25 alarms in California National Geographic Seismic center for false alarm 7.6 Ricter Scal Earthquake... Der_Echte sez that jokers luvin' the Stiga OFF Classic might also enjoy several consecutive 1 Litre 50% H2SO$ Edemas in quick succession... unless it is Carl saying that... which earns Carl a 12 month no visit protest. :D

BTW, has the Goon Squad distracted @UpsidedownCarl, or is he in deep cover survielliance, or is he at sea away from internetz?
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Preface Qulification Statement: Although I am very biased against Stiga OFF CLassic, it is from my personal testing that set off 25 alarms in California National Geographic Seismic center for false alarm 7.6 Ricter Scal Earthquake... Der_Echte sez that jokers luvin' the Stiga OFF Classic might also enjoy several consecutive 1 Litre 50% H2SO$ Edemas in quick succession... unless it is Carl saying that... which earns Carl a 12 month no visit protest. :D

BTW, has the Goon Squad distracted @UpsidedownCarl, or is he in deep cover survielliance, or is he at sea away from internetz?
USDCarl says that, if you like the Stiga Offensive Classic, you really should try a Nexy Spear. Same plies but feels way better and adds a little more speed and a little more spin: Plus, less earthquake, shimmy, shimmy, shake.....vibration.

I have nothing against the idea that some people like the Offensive Classic. But the idea that changing from a Primorac Off- to a Stiga OC would be a change in speed is sort of like saying, "I walk to the train but want to get there faster so I think I am going to walk instead."

PS: A side note: the Nexy Spear ended my sister's EJ Virus for blades that were way too fast for her. That is the first blade that was in a speed range that was good for her that she stuck with. Why? Because it is a freakin' awesome blade. :)

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Using common TT sense - the chances that you are serious about TT are not particularly high, as you would know that the idea of changing both the blad and rubbers in order to improve your game is just insane. Or you are kidding with us here, since you are using already a difficult-to-tame setup and yet you seem to have mastered it as you are in need of something faster.

Don't be silly and just switch rubbers on your current racket.
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