Equipment change advice

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Jan 2022
yes maybe the Yasaka Rigan or Rigan spin,they are somewhat praised as new Mark V.
They should be in the intermediate level and starting Tensors,and are sometimes in the top 10 in Japan for beginners and intermediate players.
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Mar 2022
Thank you very much, Yasaka Rigan is available from my dealer. Do you think it will be a better choice for BH rubber than MARK V?

I'm getting more and more confused
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Aug 2016
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Thank you very much, Yasaka Rigan is available from my dealer. Do you think it will be a better choice for BH rubber than MARK V?

I'm getting more and more confused

What brands your dealer have in stock? Other good brands are Yasaka, Xiom and Tibhar. They make very durable excellent BH rubbers. Just to name a few:

  1. Xiom Vega pro
  2. Xiom Vega Europe
  3. Tibhar ELS
  4. Yasaka R7
  5. Yasaka R7 soft
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Mar 2022
Thank you.

Xiom Vega pro - yes
Xiom Vega Europe - yes (in 2.0 on sale)
Tibhar ELS - no
Yasaka Rakza 7 - yes
Yasaka Rakza 7 soft - yes

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I think that Yasaka Rakza 7 Soft gives you more control, dwell time and spin than Rigan.
Some other very nice soft spinny rubbers are Andro Hexer Grip SFX and for a more linear choice, 729 Focus III Snipe, 44deg which is really wonderful control wise and it gives you good spin, but not as grippy as the other two mentioned before.
I have also used the Andro Rasanter 37 for my backhand with 2.0mm sponge, and it's quite good as well. I had better spin possibilities with Hexer Grip SFX, but the feeling was great.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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I think that Yasaka Rakza 7 Soft gives you more control, dwell time and spin than Rigan.
Some other very nice soft spinny rubbers are Andro Hexer Grip SFX and for a more linear choice, 729 Focus III Snipe, 44deg which is really wonderful control wise and it gives you good spin, but not as grippy as the other two mentioned before.
I have also used the Andro Rasanter 37 for my backhand with 2.0mm sponge, and it's quite good as well. I had better spin possibilities with Hexer Grip SFX, but the feeling was great.

One thing to note: when he hits his BH, he is absolutely not making any kind of spin contact. :)

With a classic rubber, it is possible he starts to learn to actually brush past the ball instead of touching it directly but without confidence. It could happen with a more modern rubber too. is worth looking at what he is doing on BH.

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Jan 2022
thats why i recommended the Rigan,or even the Rigan Spin.
cause they are the Entry level and the Rakza 7 is a bit more demanding,that´s why I recommended the Factive,also.
I think it´s good to start with the "light game Tensors" as we call them here in Germany,it should be a good starting point before going to the "full Tensors".
(from Rigan to Rakza and from Factive to Fastarc.)
Somebody told me the Joola Zack should be near or similar to the Rigan,but I can´t confirm it.
But nothing is wrong with more demanding equipment,but as UpSideDownCarl said,better to get the ball on the table.
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One thing to note: when he hits his BH, he is absolutely not making any kind of spin contact. :)

With a classic rubber, it is possible he starts to learn to actually brush past the ball instead of touching it directly but without confidence. It could happen with a more modern rubber too. is worth looking at what he is doing on BH.

Yep. You're right. Sure, something a Mark V GPS perhaps or the 729 Focus III Snipe. Something that doesn't make the ball bounce too much anyways. The F3S might not be as durable as Mark V, but it's less spin sensitive, light weight and a quite cheap rubber.

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Mar 2022
Now, gentlemen, I'm completely trapped.

Is it OK to put XIOM VEGA EUROPE on FH? Is it better to put 2.0 or MAX? The 2.0 version is currently on sale for $22.

I'm getting a little lost on the BH. There are a lot of options from you guys here too.
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When I started to play about five years ago, after a 30 year break :) I had a couple of old bats. One with Tackiness C and Tackiness D and one with black Mark V and an old Friendship rubber. The Butterfly rubbers still work quite fine. These two I think you could play really good with right now. Tons of control, and very linear. Check out the Comparison chart.

I was thinking about Flextra or Sriver FX for backhand and a "normal" Sriver for forehand. I see that people write a lot about Flextra being for beginners, but I don't know how it plays. Just a suggestion.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Now, gentlemen, I'm completely trapped.

Is it OK to put XIOM VEGA EUROPE on FH? Is it better to put 2.0 or MAX? The 2.0 version is currently on sale for $22.

I'm getting a little lost on the BH. There are a lot of options from you guys here too.
Based on footage, I think Vega Europe or Pro should be fine for your FH.

I would get something simple for BH. Vega Intro would be fine. I have a feeling Focus III Snipe would be fine as well. There are other rubbers mentioned that should be fine as well and then there are some rubbers that probably would not be okay. I would keep it simple.

Based on what I am looking at, in my opinion, your best option would be Regular Old School Mark V. But Vega Intro or Focus III Snipe would likely be fine as well. I think if you learn how to make spin contact and get a few of the kinks out of your BH you will be able to step up to other rubbers.

There is something to be said for going for something like Vega Intro that is tensor related or Focus III Snipe which is something else. But based on the footage I looked at, I think you will do better with Mark V and when you move to tensors it really won't be a hard jump. In the end, you get to make the choices. Another rubber that would probably be good for your BH is Butterfly Roundel Soft.

I don't want to list too many choices. But any of the rubbers I named here, I think could be fine for your BH.

So, to sum up, what I see says:

FH: Vega Europe or Vega Pro
BH: Mark V, Vega Intro, Focus III Snipe, Butterfly Roundel Soft

Throw a dart at the board. If you choose any of those, you should be fine.

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Jul 2019

hi Mivan
before you invest in more blades and rubber
I would suggest installing a full length mirror in your tt room

Then combined with watching training vids on yr computer you can self coach more effectively
a mirror can provide instant feedback and is even more immediate than working with a camera

good luck

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Active Member
Jan 2022
22.- sounds more than fair,i would go for 2.0 at first for FH on the Vega Europe.
I play the Vega Pro in max on FH has 47.5 ° and is a very good rubber,but you have to play active.
For Backhand there are already mentioned alot of candidates.
I would opt for the Yasaka Mark V,Rigan,Vega Intro or even a Donic Acuda S2 and maybe in 1.8 to start.
You can List what your Stoe has on sale also,maybe you get lucky again,i have to say Mark V for still 40.- at least here in germany is a tad rad...this rubber is 50 years old.
With the new Plastic BallI on your hand would Try some newer Rubbers that are similar to classics,so your transition will be easier.
But that is just my personal opinion.
you should go for a controlled rubber,maybe a bit spin insensitive (will be harder to generate spin tho) and i dunno if this is a matter,but maye also budget Friendly.
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Mar 2022
Thank you all for your advice. I think I've decided on

FH: XIOM VEGA Europe 2.0 (20 euro)
BH: Yasaka MARK V 2.0 (32 euro)

MARK V is just rubber enough already, but hopefully it will serve well.

Thank you all very much,