Can't help but wonder what this all may mean for the WTT if any other big names also start to speak up about ZPP / scheduling issues. (Not that I think this is likely mind you -- I just find myself curious about possible follow-on effects if the matter doesn't go away in a hurry).
Oceania/ Australia is an absolute TT minnow on the world stage I know -- in most ITTF/WTT discussions we barely even rate a side mention. But even here, if any more big names choose to weigh in on scheduling issues it could have some unforeseen wider repercussions.
Here locally in Perth for example, there's been a bit of low level noise happening lately over the idea of Perth applying to host future WTT event(s) with state government support. While I appreciate it's just three individual athletes we're talking about here and now, taking FZD / ML & CM out of the picture could still conceivably make a bit of a dent in those efforts at a grassroots level. Whatever way you cut it, that's still a substantial amount of star-power heading out the door at once.
if Perth gets a WTT smash, and then you see half of top 30 feel they don't need to play because they are decorated, or old or want to play else where, this devalues the whole "smash" and i'm sure the event will not be as hot as you think and your Aussie money spent will be wasted. Now imagine, if Smash pariciaption has the same playing value as the Round of 32 in world champs and upwards?
So I understand why WTT need to force players, because in the ITTF days, players choose not to play and the value of the tournament drops.
so they need to be a balance.
CNT benefited big time here, its not like FZD played any small events, he only played 7 major WTT events and got good points for it. WCQ other than 1 star contender, he only played the majors too.
I can understand if JTTA is screaming, because JNT players play 20 events a year. (FZD 9 events, WCQ 15, LSD 16, Ma Long 8, Truls 19, Franziska 16, Aruna 18, Harimoto 22)
CNT players play so little, but are now causing the biggest issue because LGL and CTTA didn't inform FZD on how ZPP works in 2020? I find CTTA is also highly to be blamed in this all drama, because CTTA old boss is heavily involved with WTT.
The 4 smash and 6 champion goal and zpp was approved by CTTA from the get goal.
If anyone who knows how it works the most, it is LGL and CNT.
I just feel there are lots of hidden agends still. We all know the 3 are retiring, and what an offense before retiring.
before the interview happened, I wondered if LGL is going to talk as a representative of CTTA or WTT or ITTF.
Clearly he has chosen sides in this matter.
you remove the value of the tounrmanet, money will drop
you reduce tournament count, overall moeny will drop - maybe they should start off with removing all WTT events in China (since they are just too many). But I can understand the heavily Chinese WTT sponsors, won't be happy.
So what do you do, remove smash and champion from the other continents and make this a Chinese WTT again? This is a tough one. Allow top 30 players to opt out is also not a solution.
Maybe have a seperate world ranking for those that want to opt in. The ones that opt out, should be on a lower tier. Since, its only 10 events + Finals a year at the momnt. can't think of making it 4 + 1 or 8 + 1 will be any different or better.