Not sure where is a good place to post but CTTA just announced their criteria for WTTC 2025. Pardon my unprofessional translation.
(一) 获得2024年巴黎奥运会乒乓球项目冠军的运动员自动获得2025年世乒赛决赛单打项目参赛资格。资格接受情况需在国际乒联最后一次换人截止时间前5天确认。
(1) Gold medalists from Paris 2024 Olympics would automatically qualify, but need to confirm their intent 5 days before the registration deadline. -> seems like they worded it broad (e.g. Mister 32 and Silver Sha) instead of specifying only Singles winners lol, and the last part of the clause sounds like a shoutout to FZD who might not be responsive to them
(2) Top 2 highest ranked players from CNT announced during the 11 March WR list.
1.2025年国际乒联男、女子世界杯 (如2025年世乒赛决赛竞赛规程中公布的调整报名截止日在4月20日前,则此条作废)
In order of priority, winners of the Singles category from the following events:
- World Cup 2025
- SG Smash 2025
- Asian Cup 2025
(4) Any remaining slots will basically be recommended by CNT based on latest performance, win rates against foreigners, age, play styles, grooming potential etc.