Feedback on what to improve in the next 2-3 months

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Oct 2020
Playlist of both games
My last 2 games. One against a weaker opponent and the other (again) against Wolfgang in a very close game.

Now I got 2 months to fix some of my problems.

vs Wolfgang (stronger opp):
I figured I am stronger in the short game vs Wolfgang (won all points where I pushed short back) thank you D09c for that. My strategy was giving him weak no energy balls back and let him do mistakes. Same weak return as against Ingo by me. Other than that my Serve selection mattered a lot to be able to stay in the game atleast. He was way more active right from the get go. But at the end I didn´t care about how I got my points I just wanted to win with what was working currently. In the end I just got my courage to flip with the fh.
Reference from a year ago against him:

vs Ingo (less points):
He couldn´t deal with my serves at all. Other than that I was mostly not happy with my "weak/passive" drive back. He has short pips so I didn't want to give him fast balls back.
Overall I didn't really feel I was in danger.

So from what I see is:
my footwork and overall stability on the table (losing less balance) compared to a year ago.
My Backhand improved a lot since then
Service game is hard to judge (because I played in a higher league last season) but overall I thought and remembered the good service more than from a year ago (which was mainly chosen randomly or just comfort) for example I would barely do reverse pendulum serve (scared to miss)
short game improved A LOT
Feels like I am thinking more about placement of the ball now. Instead of putting the balls randomly back (mostly)

Now the negatives:
footwork is still shiet
sometimes I end up driving the ball too slow
Ending immediately in the defense just because of a ball to my ellbow.
Serve return against no spin / topspin balls very weak
Lifting the ball too much ( I know there is no backspin but I think I still do it to try to spin the ball..)
Wanted to get rid of the closed to open racket angle but I still see I do it sometimes..
Right distance to the table (to also keep attacking)

So what are your thoughts after watching those 2 games. What would you work on in the season break if you were me? (Finished this Season half on 4th Place with a 20:6)


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Oct 2020
I got gifted a harimoto super zlc by my teammate for my performance
With two bfly d80 max rubbers on it.

I really like that setup for slow balls and to give more power. But I found I loop long backspin balls easier with my long5 setup.

Would it be a waste of time to train with this setup for a while and see how it goes?