To begin with It's really good for no coaching, If you don't mind I have couple feedbacks,
Actually it's pretty well for no coaching, your elbow very stable (nice), keeping your body in front all the time, swing mostly to forward, good relax after finish.
However, biggest issue is your wrist action, you are changing angle too much, and unnecessary.
The angle in first frame is just great, then you start opening while hitting, then closing again. (eventually ball flys out because you actually hit from bottom of the ball)
1 - If you would keep angle same as beginning all the time, it would be much better shot. Wrist should be straight at the end of your shot.
2- second point is timing is bit late not much but just a little. (not in these frames particularly)
3- thirdly, you don't need that finishing move at the end, you should try to finish swing where you are aiming, then relax.
you are locking your elbow, it will affect your recovery and give tension.
4- a small point also, your right foot seems behing the left, ideally it should not be if you are not very good. Please try to make parallel to the table.
Hence, 1st frame is good, in 2nd angle should be closed (when you actually hit), a little after 3rd should be finish, you don't need to follow through like 4 for better consistency.
even if you fix the angle, you would see big improvement.
View attachment 33274
1- your body actually your legs are too sideways to table, you only need that angle when you hit from wide BH to wide BH with FH shot. Try to face more to table with legs, use you upper body to turn.
2- Timing is more late in FH, not major if you fix your positioning.
3- The biggest issue is your elbow, on contrary to BH, your elbow curls inward while your swing, although it's open in follow through. Try to keep elbow's pointing angle same as first frame, all the time. (not otherwise like lifting elbow, which some ppl do). You almost spend all your power by moving your elbow, not the racket.
4- Again there is an angle issue, you started with good angle then you started opening, then closed at follow through but ball is already left your paddle. That results ball flys out, ball is coming with spin and high, you need to touch from around 2o clock position. (middle-to-above) And also you can maintain the angle at first frame.
5- your upper body is moved, that is good, but because your legs, it didn't gave full power to ball, it's stopping just before hitting momentarily, then continues at follow through.
As practice you can try to hit flat drive shots without using your arm at all, think your whole arm is stable, only you are hitting with your upper body. When you perfected that, ball will be faster, accurate and you will be stable in following shots.
6- Of course as like BH, you need to give your weight in front in FH too, actually not that bad at first frame but it slightly lifts while you are swinging.
7- same as BH, finish the swing where you are aiming
8- your racket angle (horizontally) is starts for parallel (FH(mid) to BH) ends up (FH to FH), so your racket should face where you aiming as well. if you want to aim to left, you should take from bit right side, vice-versa.
Unfortunately I can't see your feet clearly, but classic rule is that:
Keep ball in front of your right foot when hitting FH to FH,
if you want to hit middle to BH etc, then ball (contact point which is peak point) should be just front-right of your right foot at around your forearm-distance.
View attachment 33276
And overall, bending knees, keeping body lower would be better for stability, not that much at beginning like squatting.
Lastly you are jumping a bit much while moving sideways, you can think there is a low ceiling to keeping center of weight as low.
Anyway, it's good progress IMO, hope these find you well.