Friendship 729 battle 3


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Aug 2023
Can't compare it with HL5 unfortunately, the composition is indeed the same. I had another heavier B2, which was considerably flexier than the lighter and thinner one, just too heavy for me. It's inexpensive so worth trying, it will be definitely more lively than H8-80
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recently I have bought on aliexpress a new B3 38deg black rubber. The shop has good reputation and rating, more than 140 positive feedbacks about B3. But in my case the rubber of top sheet which I received is not sticky/tacky absolutely. I can't pick up the ball and lift up it on the top sheet. So, I am little bit disappointed.
I expected to see this sticky&tacky behavior

I have read couple feedbacks on aliexpress with the same issue.
Few the same feedbacks are here

So, what do you recommend - to buy a new one? may be red one?
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I don't know what their issues were, but my experience is the complete opposite.

For the topsheet tackiness, I can still pickup a ball and hold it after 50 hours of significant abuse. Yes, I wash with water after every session, but then you would think, according to those claiming that humidity kills rubbers, that mine would be absolutely destroyed given they are in contact with water every other day.

how many seconds the ball hold on your top sheet now and how many seconds was when you bought B3?
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I once had a faulty sheet of 729 Bloom Power where the tacky layer came off when I peeled the protection film from the rubber after gluing and cutting. What was underneath was non tacky.
how did you understand that after removing of protective film the tacky layer was removed from top sheet ? did you see some black marks on protective film ?
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I still use my 1st sheets one 38d and one 39d. Both are still tacky enough to keep protective sheets and collect dust but both never held a ball longer than a fraction of second.
but it doesn't mean that a grip of the top sheet and spin of the ball are not enough ? do you observe strong speed from your B3?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2022
how did you understand that after removing of protective film the tacky layer was removed from top sheet ? did you see some black marks on protective film ?
Yes. There was a dark pattern on the protective sheet that perfectly matched the greyed scuffed pattern on the rubber.
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Jul 2023
Why? H8 plays lower and longer in my experience. I stick with B3, suits me better.
If I were to compare Battle 3 to the set of Battle Max Pro, Battle 2, Hurricane 3, Hurricane 8, Skyline 2 and Skyline 3 I would say it's closest to Hurricane 8 in terms of how it plays overall. But of course there will be differences.
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