Greetings from a SANWEI Official

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Nov 2022

1. In fact, “Impact” is a form of deformation of the table tennis board after being stressed. A certain "impact" feeling is actually helpful to feel the power transmission. There is absolutely no saying that "impact" is not good.

Of course, the degree of "impact" needs to be within a certain range. If you are a power-type player, it is recommended that you choose a relatively high "impact"extent, such as most carbon blades, which will help you transmit power.

And if you are a control-style player, I recommend that you choose a relatively low extent, as too much power delivery may diminish your perception of spin and speed.

2. 'reaction' is the form of expression of the degree of elasticity of the blade. It can be obtained from the height of the bounce of a ping-pong ball hitting the blade with the same force. The higher the value, the more elastic the blade.

3. This is what I just got from the designer, but it needs to be explained that this is not completely objective data, everyone will have a slightly different feeling, please feel it yourself.

Andrea, thank you for providing information and detailed specs for the HC Speed Light blade!👍

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New Member
Nov 2022

What hardness level are you using for your Gear Hyper rubbers?

I tried 39° and 38° hardness when the rubber came out. 39° was way to hard for me, and 38° kind of okay (on a Sanwei F3 Pro blade and both hardness in 2.3 mm sponge thickness). Later I tried 37° hardness which worked best for me. But as I said, I had problems with the max sponge thickness.

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Sep 2022
Hi Andrea,

Actually I have a sheet of Sanwei Target National and on the back of the package, it says "2nd generation Target National". What is the difference between the 2nd generation and 1st generation?

Is the "new" target national considered the 3rd generation?
Hello sir,

What is the difference between the 2nd generation and 1st generation?

(1) The roughness of the rubber surface has changed (abrasive surface treatment process). The roughness of the new national standard surface is more uniform --roughness is more even

(2) Change the formula of the glue in the rubber and sponge to improve resilience;

③ The packaging has been upgraded to silver

Is the "new" target national considered the 3rd generation?

No, the New Target National is 2nd generation.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2021
Hello sir,What is the difference between the 2nd generation and 1st generation?

(1) The roughness of the rubber surface has changed (abrasive surface treatment process). The roughness of the new national standard surface is more uniform --roughness is more even(2) Change the formula of the glue in the rubber and sponge to improve resilience;③ The packaging has been upgraded to silverIs the "new" target national considered the 3rd generation?No, the New Target National is 2nd generation.

The Target National that I have is NOT the new silver edition. It is the old blue/yellow packaging. But on the description on the back, it says "2nd generation". So I just assumed there was a version of Target National before the blue/yellow package version. Also, there is no hardness labeled on the package. What is the hardness for the blue/yellow Target National?

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says Making a beautiful shot is most important; winning is...
says Making a beautiful shot is most important; winning is...
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
Aku tidak pakai raket Sanwei tapi saya cuma nak ambil kesempatan ini merasakan perasan cuit-hati kerana ada orang bukan Nusantara fasih berbahasa Melayu. Way to go Andrea!
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Sep 2022
The Target National that I have is NOT the new silver edition. It is the old blue/yellow packaging. But on the description on the back, it says "2nd generation". So I just assumed there was a version of Target National before the blue/yellow package version. Also, there is no hardness labeled on the package. What is the hardness for the blue/yellow Target National?

Hello dear,

In fact, the main difference between the old and new Target National is topsheet, the sponge difference is mainly reflected in stricter quality control.
The hardness of the sponge is around 39°。

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Sep 2022

After almost 1 year, I use.
This blade vibrates a lot when blocking, may I know why?
and what are the complete specifications of the H

Our designer tells me it isn't a bad phenomenon, and even could prove you play this blade well.
Because of the spruce second layers, this vibration is normal.
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May 2022
says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
Well-Known Member
Jan 2012
Chinese ---> English

Really, your products are really easy to use. It is recommended that you think more about promotional videos and use more authentic English. The audience of the promotional videos themselves is foreign people, and many product lines are also aimed at foreign markets. The promotional videos and lines are a bit too casual, at least the accuracy of speech and vocabulary has a lot of room for improvement.

Be happy.
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Chinese ---> English

Really, your products are really easy to use. It is recommended that you think more about promotional videos and use more authentic English. The audience of the promotional videos themselves is foreign people, and many product lines are also aimed at foreign markets. The promotional videos and lines are a bit too casual, at least the accuracy of speech and vocabulary has a lot of room for improvement.

Be happy.

I had high expectations after seeing that you commented here, but then i saw you were just translating. My dissappointment is immeassurable and my day is ruined :(

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This user has no status.
Sep 2022

哈哈好的, 谢谢你的提醒我们会注意。😁

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Sep 2022

what happens if the moisture content decreases, will this improve or worsen the performance of the blades?

What happens if the moisture content decreases, will this improve or worsen the performance of the blades?

It is a GOOD question.
The correct answer is to keep moisture within a certain range(Factory settings), don't worry about how to keep its moisture. Because when you attach the rubber, the contact area between the blade and the air is very small, so the water loss will not be much. When you put the blade away, it will absorb water from the air.

But it is worth noting that when this process is cycled many times, the internal structure of the blade will be changed, and the wood fibers will be tightened, and denser. You will find that the transmission of power becomes smoother when you are hitting the ball.

It could also explain
1. why many people think of the more they use their blades, the better the blades feel.
2. why many professional players don't change new blades before they join in the competion.

And in fact, we have put a large batch of perfect wood in the warehouse for about ten more years,try to imagine, the wood has been spent 10 years to carry out the process mentioned above. What a great blade that will end up being produced! But because of the COVID-19, this plan is put off, that's really a huge pity😞.
But we must do it in the future.😎

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Andrea Jiang;385827

Apa yang terjadi jika kadar air berkurang, apakah ini akan meningkatkan atau memperburuk kinerja mata pisau?

Itu adalah pertanyaan yang BAIK .
Jawaban yang benar adalah menjaga kelembapan dalam kisaran tertentu( Pengaturan pabrik)), jangan khawatir tentang cara menjaga kelembapannya. Karena pada saat memasang karet, bidang kontak antara pisau dan udara sangat kecil, sehingga kehilangan air tidak akan banyak. Saat Anda meletakkan bilahnya, itu akan menyerap air dari udara.

Tetapi perlu dicatat bahwa ketika proses ini didaur ulang berkali-kali, struktur bagian dalam bilah akan berubah, dan serat kayu akan mengencang, dan lebih padat. Anda akan menemukan bahwa transmisi tenaga menjadi lebih halus saat Anda memukul bola.

Itu juga bisa menjelaskan
1. mengapa banyak orang berpikir bahwa semakin banyak mereka menggunakan bilahnya, semakin baik rasa bilahnya.
2. mengapa banyak pemain profesional tidak mengganti pisau baru sebelum mereka bergabung dalam kompetisi.

Dan faktanya, kami telah menempatkan sejumlah besar kayu sempurna di gudang selama sekitar sepuluh tahun lebih , coba bayangkan, kayu tersebut telah menghabiskan 10 tahun untuk melakukan proses yang disebutkan di atas. Sungguh pedang hebat yang akan diproduksi! Tapi karena COVID-19, rencana ini ditunda, sayang sekali😞.
Tapi kita harus melakukannya di masa depan.😎

Thank you
I am very satisfied with your answer.

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