+1 what alas said. That pretty much sums it up.
Law of diminishing returns come to mind for me on this subject. By my quick check, provincial cost about twice as much as commercial. Is it twice as good? No. I'd venture to guess that it's probably a 10% difference at best. And that might be generous. But I don't know. I just play commercial and I like it for me.
Just depends on what you are. If you're a traveling tournament player and you take TT really seriously and the difference between you & the competition is splitting hairs? Yeah maybe you do it.
But if you're like me, a middle aged family man who likes to play locally at club, and while you'd like to get better at TT, you're only playing 5-10 hours a week? Meh. Not worth it. Plus playing Chinese tacky rubbers, it's fun to get new ones which you can do more often with the cheaper option.
Lastly, the more advanced, special sponged rubber you get from DHS, the more I'm skeptical if it's actually real... See H3 national. Good luck.