Agree on sanding. Easiest way and your blade will not get wet using acetone or any other solvent.It is your friend?
Really weird question. But sanding it down is the simplest way
Magic sponges can remove ink from wood:
At least I was able to remove some ink on a blade (from the serial number on a rubber).
Take non-permanent marker and draw over the lines of the permanent marker. Wait a bit and wipe it out. Repeat if need it.
The trick is that to make a non-permanent marker a chemicals have to be added to a permanent ink. Drawing over the permanent ink with non-permanent you are adding those chemicals to the permanent ink.
Hope this will help
Agree on sanding. Easiest way and your blade will not get wet using acetone or any other solvent.
if the ink marks are on the actual blade surface sanding could be tricky. Removing wood from just one place will make a dent
into the surface rendering the blade possibly illegal. Sanding the whole surface is even more tricky and should be done with a sanding block
that covers the whole surface. Special car needs to be taken do not "wobble" the block otherwise one will lose the edges by rounding them off.
Furthermore, many outer veneers are only 0.5 mm thick. My advise would be : Leave it alone 😎