How does the US TT rating work?

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May 2020
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However USATT has made this confusing by introducing a separate ranking system like ITTF
IMO these are fake & pretentious because on the USATT rating system it is like as you said, the rankings are like the inverse of the rating (Higher your rating, lower your ranking number & vice versa)
But unless i am mistaken, the difference is that the new ranking system is more like a participation award I think. You get points for participating and winning matches & no penalty for losing.
My understanding is that the ranking system is more like from bridge where the more you just play, the more your ranking will be as long as you keep winning matches without worrying about losses. If I am not mistaken ITTF rakings are somewhat like this.
USATT has said that they will keep both systems but we will see.
So wait, a better player has more or less ranking points?
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Jul 2017
I've heard it's like chess elo, so is the higher number a higher ranked player like in chess?
Very similar. It is based on the likely hood of victory given a point spread. For instance, a difference of 100 USATT rating points means the stronger player will win about 5 out of 6 matches. The USATT table of points one or lost based on the ratings difference is similar to the USCF table. It is based on a sigmoid function. The x scale has the ratings difference and the y scale goes from 0 to 1 which is a probability. This topic has been covered on this forum a year to two years back.
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May 2020
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Very similar. It is based on the likely hood of victory given a point spread. For instance, a difference of 100 USATT rating points means the stronger player will win about 5 out of 6 matches. The USATT table of points one or lost based on the ratings difference is similar to the USCF table. It is based on a sigmoid function. The x scale has the ratings difference and the y scale goes from 0 to 1 which is a probability. This topic has been covered on this forum a year to two years back.
I think I get it now, thanks for the explanation!
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May 2020
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Ranking points & rating points are different & are on two diferent databases (at least in USA).
On the Ratings database the player with most rating points has the highest ranking but it is indicated by lowest number #1
On the Rankings database the player with most ranking points has the highest ranking but it is indicated by the lowest number #1
Ranking points & ratings points are calculated using different methods however.
I hope this is confusing enough for you.:rolleyes:
Oh yeah that's confusing alright😂😂
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2021

Somebody shared this in the forum and I am grateful to that person. It is a good guide to know where one stands in the greater scheme of things. However, I would be very curious, if some kind soul who is familiar with the USTTA rating, to assign the rating numbers against the categories listed therein. I mean, say if category Advanced Intermediate, what sort of ranking points range would this person has?

I know, I know, it is rather arbitary and subjective, but it would help a hell lot to forumers not familiar to the USATT rating.

Now why use the USTTA rating as a reference? Why not German? Why not Australia? etc. Now, it is because Gozo sense that the USTTA is referenced a lot in this forum for some reason or another hence it would be best to use it as the lingua franca, so to speak.

So, friends, what do you all think? Someone well versed with the USTTA rating can assign its corresponding value to the category?
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Feb 2017
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Somebody shared this in the forum and I am grateful to that person. It is a good guide to know where one stands in the greater scheme of things. However, I would be very curious, if some kind soul who is familiar with the USTTA rating, to assign the rating numbers against the categories listed therein. I mean, say if category Advanced Intermediate, what sort of ranking points range would this person has?

So, friends, what do you all think? Someone well versed with the USTTA rating can assign its corresponding value to the category?

I think this scheme is mere fishy categorization to mimic Role Play Game manner because it sounds cool.
It looks like leveling up unlocking skills, increasing stats etc. 😂
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Jul 2023

Somebody shared this in the forum and I am grateful to that person. It is a good guide to know where one stands in the greater scheme of things. However, I would be very curious, if some kind soul who is familiar with the USTTA rating, to assign the rating numbers against the categories listed therein. I mean, say if category Advanced Intermediate, what sort of ranking points range would this person has?

I know, I know, it is rather arbitary and subjective, but it would help a hell lot to forumers not familiar to the USATT rating.

Now why use the USTTA rating as a reference? Why not German? Why not Australia? etc. Now, it is because Gozo sense that the USTTA is referenced a lot in this forum for some reason or another hence it would be best to use it as the lingua franca, so to speak.

So, friends, what do you all think? Someone well versed with the USTTA rating can assign its corresponding value to the category?
My new club is using that website to keep track of match results. It has its own rating, but similar to USATT.
I am not sure about beginner or semipro levels or up but the descriptions about intermediate to expert levels seem reasonable to me.

@Lazer : Why do you think you are not at Advanced level yet? Do you give yourself enough credit?
@Aizen : Isn't table tennis a role-based play game??? :D
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My new club is using that website to keep track of match results. It has its own rating, but similar to USATT.
I am not sure about beginner or semipro levels or up but the descriptions about intermediate to expert levels seem reasonable to me.

@Lazer : Why do you think you are not at Advanced level yet? Do you give yourself enough credit?
@Aizen : Isn't table tennis a role-based play game??? :D
Maybe I am I just don’t care. I play for fun and ecxcercise. The rest is insignificant…

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Sep 2011
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All the levels and rankings are entirely relative in nature...

What is defined as a "Good" amateur player in Romania (defined by my many US based Romanian friends and the World's largest EJ a former national team member)... they define a good amateur player as 2500 USATT level... that is a level maybe only 100 of the US players reach...

I would define that level as "Elite Amateur"... but we all differ in opinions and definitions.

What is kinda accurate is how the players stack up compared to each other relatively... and any system only works well if the players "circulate" and compete against everyone... which is not really possible in larger or even smaller countries...

So any system will not be accurate and have small or large pockets of under-rated and over-rated players.
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Feb 2017
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@Aizen : Isn't table tennis a role-based play game??? :D
No, it’s not unfortunately :D

Also it looks like they are updated website :D quoted unlocking skills part.

But still I find this list is just for fun, nothing serious.
It’s really hard to measure except than score boards next to tables, which translates to ELO end of the day, also questionable/relative.

There are only two real level:
1- pros
2- obby players
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says Making a beautiful shot is most important; winning is...
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021

First time I see a youtuber giving a detailed explanation about USTTA ratings and what the numbers mean. It is a godsend for us coming from a non-rating country on how to understand the numbers.
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