How exactly are those ITTF highlights made? The quality is so bad!

When you stream from, the quality of the video is good. The ball can be seen clearly, also I believe the video is at least 30 fps.

When you stream from TV Tokyo youtube channel, the quality is equivalent with the one from The highest quality is 720p50.

From these 2 streams I can watch good table tennis. However the highlights video from ITTF youtube channel is so trash. I cant see the ball moving clearly like from the stream. This clearly the fault of the editor (that malong fanmade channel guy or idk who make those vids).

I think the editor just record their computer screen playing those match, and cut cut cut, boom 1 highlights done.

I don't think they even download the original video.

Do you guys notice it?
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
This is only natural when amateurs edit videos. I can't stand all these screen captures. MFSB.

There's this thing called "generation loss." It starts from Laola already at the streaming level, then when these dumbasses cut them, then when these highlights get uploaded to Youtube. We're talking about multiple generations of loss here before they reach your eyeballs.

Imagine all those poor people in China paying for this crap. Unthinkable, unbearable, unbelievable.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
The ITTF switched to HLS from Flash for live streaming starting from the World Cup 2016. Good thing, but then sometime around 2017 some dumbasses messed up the configuration on the server side and the live streaming would stream at 540p instead of 720p, and because of that the VODs were affected as well. Fortunately, they finally fixed it last week at the Swedish Open. Yea, 2 *bleep* years.
The ITTF switched to HLS from Flash for live streaming starting from the World Cup 2016. Good thing, but then sometime around 2017 some dumbasses messed up the configuration on the server side and the live streaming would stream at 540p instead of 720p, and because of that the VODs were affected as well. Fortunately, they finally fixed it last week at the Swedish Open. Yea, 2 *bleep* years.

Really? I didn't watch stream very often, but I didn't notice that 540p. It makes me wonder how much ITTF pays for those video editors and IT engineers :s
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Most people won't notice, but those with trained eyes would notice the color is off.
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This user has no status.
Dec 2017
For years ittf's videos on youtube are of bad quality. Sometimes videos start at good framerate but after some time it drops so it's not so smooth to watch. 30fps is minimum for table tennis. I even send them few emails about this during last 10 years, what a waste of my time...
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
That one comes straight from the live feed, and in progressive scan. That requires substantial bandwidth to stream on the internet.

I have the satellite feed of the final between Harimoto and ZJK in Japan Open 2018. It is roughly 1.5 hours long and takes up a little under 10 GB, or roughly 15.4Mb/s. This is only for the interlaced format. It will take even more for progressive format.

For internet streaming, the ones from the OBS are roughly 7Mb/s at 1080p25 and look really good.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Why not stream with reasonable quality for live users, and then use the high quality footage for the highlights uploaded after the match?

The million dollar question! Most Youtubers working with the ITTF appear to grab the VODs from Laola. It seems only a limited few have been granted access to the feeds.
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There are 2 youtubers (ttlondon2012 and MLFM) working separately for highlight videos on youtube for ITTF now. As I've seen the quality from these 2 editors are pretty the same.
Once I asked MLFM why the quality was so sh**, he replied me that the source videos have been provided by ITTF, the quality is only better from quarter final and he has just done the highlight based on what he got. So I would blame to ITTF to provide poor quality sources.
He also revealed that he only gets paid small amount from them for producing highlight videos.
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This user has no status.
New Member
Sep 2019
Yep the editor has his own YT channel for highlights as well. I agree with you, and wish ITTF video quality was as good as USATT videos, 1080p60 with many different camera angles, pretty amazing to watch some great matches.
This user has no status.
This user has no status.
Oct 2014
There are 2 youtubers (ttlondon2012 and MLFM) working separately for highlight videos on youtube for ITTF now. As I've seen the quality from these 2 editors are pretty the same.
Once I asked MLFM why the quality was so sh**, he replied me that the source videos have been provided by ITTF, the quality is only better from quarter final and he has just done the highlight based on what he got. So I would blame to ITTF to provide poor quality sources.
He also revealed that he only gets paid small amount from them for producing highlight videos.

Bring back ttcountenance!

He always did the highest quality videos. It's a shame the ITTF stopped him uploading.

Watching elite table tennis highlights on YouTube now is so mediocre.
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says CHOLE
says CHOLE
Well-Known Member
Nov 2017
Why can't we have highlights of this quality?
because ITTF don't have the rights, they sell the rights to various TV channels. To be fair to ITTF, you'd be hard pressed to find a sport where competitions are streamed at 1080p and 60fps for free. Football, hockey, tennis, snooker, sumo - none of them do that. The problem with table tennis isn't that we don't get good quality for free, it's that you can't even pay to get it because the sport is so niche. I know I'd pay to watch table tennis in 60fps, I got to watch the last year's London Team World Cup in 60fps and it's a completely different experience.
There are 2 youtubers (ttlondon2012 and MLFM) working separately for highlight videos on youtube for ITTF now. As I've seen the quality from these 2 editors are pretty the same.
Once I asked MLFM why the quality was so sh**, he replied me that the source videos have been provided by ITTF, the quality is only better from quarter final and he has just done the highlight based on what he got. So I would blame to ITTF to provide poor quality sources.
He also revealed that he only gets paid small amount from them for producing highlight videos.

You totally miss the point here.

The problem is not the quality between pre and after quarter final. The issue is that if you watch directly from vs the highlights on youtube, you'll notice a huge difference in the quality.

Which I suspect is because the editor doesn't download the original video, but instead the record their screen and edit that recording.