How long would a regular/national DHS 3 last boosted and what's objectively the best booster?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2016
Read 3 reviews
Because, as every review I've read mentions, it is a rather slow rubber compared to most tensors, so to get some speed into the ball or to access the top spin levels, I'd need to be able to generate a lot more power than say Tenergy.
The appealing thing is obviously that it's a great rubber when boosted and used properly.

D09c should bring similar results at my level with no need of boosting and be less demanding.
Ofc, I could be wrong, afterall this is all info I got online.

1 - 3-4
2 - 2 winged looper
3 - I don't use H3, so either
4 - 40/41
5 - don't use , but for the sake of the post, let's say kailin/hsm yellow

I've watched his video. Didn't seem a very popular one and I'm wondering if people who have been using H3 for longer have a different idea.
For your usage, you will need to reboost every 2 months if you started with 2 layers of Haifu yellow commercial. National booster lasts shorter period of time. 41 degree requires more layers than 40 degree hence lasts a bit longer.
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3 years here, I win. 😂
A couple of weeks ago I played against the club top-man and he commented on my black FH H3 saying that it hadn't got that "crack" anymore when being hit hard.
Admittedly it looks a bit ragged so I took it off BUT i just can't throw it away because it is still nice and tacky.
Maybe I will glue it on some needy soul's blade one day.
How do you like Hurricane reboosted? :) :)
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
How do you like Hurricane reboosted? :) :)
I never take a rubber off to reboost but some times i might "score" a rubber of a blade to try out on another blade. I may or may not re boost the rubber in question but as it is going on a different blade it would never be an honest , valid comparison.
Still, it would only take me a couple of minutes to adapt to a new combo.
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This user has no status.
Oct 2022
Long term user of H3 and booster here.

The answer to your first question depends on way too many variables:
1- how many hours you play per week
2- your playing style
3- orange or blue sponge
4- hardness of the sponge
5- type of booster

As you can see, there’s no correct answer unless I know all the info
1. I mean I play 5 days a week, 1 hour in the morning and 3 hours in the evening. (20 hours a week maybe more if I had time :DD)
2. Aggressive 2 wings (H3 on FH)
3. Blue Sponge Provincial
4. 41 degree, 2.1
5. I use Kai Lin
Hmm so how should it take for me to reboost it?
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says On a never ending EJ journey
says On a never ending EJ journey
Jun 2023
Has anyone tried experimenting with boosting with different layers of booster? I've been trying 1-2 base layers of Falco Tempo Platnium + 1 layer of Haifu Seamoon National Yellow to try to get the performance of HSNY (albiet at a lesser degree) but for a longer period of time. Everytime I reboost, I use HSNY. So far, I've been reboosting like once a month, usually when I notice that my balls are going long because the ball no longer engages the sponge as easily.