Fair Play First
Мячи со змейкой, правда или вымысел? Разговор с инженером авиатором.
-- Nope, you can't expect the ball travelling forward with a high-frequency oscillations, and 'wobbling' is rather an improper term here. What you get is much similar to the protracted zigzag trace between slalomic flags.
To begin with, a certain type of rubber is needed to provide a satisfactory zigzag effect.
--Any low-friction rubber will do pretty well.
--- On the contrary, grippy rubbers proved unuseful at all.
Be happy all
-- Nope, you can't expect the ball travelling forward with a high-frequency oscillations, and 'wobbling' is rather an improper term here. What you get is much similar to the protracted zigzag trace between slalomic flags.
To begin with, a certain type of rubber is needed to provide a satisfactory zigzag effect.
--Any low-friction rubber will do pretty well.
--- On the contrary, grippy rubbers proved unuseful at all.
Be happy all