How to stop sweaty rubber

says 1-sided penhold is cool
Question for cpenholders: how do you stop your fingers from slipping on the RPB rubber? I get sweaty fingers which end up making the rubber slippery. I think I've seen players like Wang Hao have differently textured rubber in a small square where his fingers sit. Do any of you do something to your rubber to make it less slippery with sweat? Wiping it off every 3-6 points is getting tiring.
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May 2011
Question for cpenholders: how do you stop your fingers from slipping on the RPB rubber? I get sweaty fingers which end up making the rubber slippery. I think I've seen players like Wang Hao have differently textured rubber in a small square where his fingers sit. Do any of you do something to your rubber to make it less slippery with sweat? Wiping it off every 3-6 points is getting tiring.
I used to use a piece of friction tape at where the back fingers rest. The type of tape you put on the edge of stair steps to prevent slipping, so pretty heavy duty stuff.