Hurricane 3 vs Hurricane 8 for BH

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May 2020
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I remember hearing that Wang Chuqin used hurricane 8 at his bh for a while but then switched to hurricane 3, similar to what the rest of the Chinese team uses. I think Sun Yingsha may be using h8 still on her bh.

How is hurricane 8 different to hurricane 3 for backhand use?

Also what's up with h8-80, h3-50 and h3 neo 37°? I've heard good things about h8-80, but not much for the other two.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
I remember hearing that Wang Chuqin used hurricane 8 at his bh for a while but then switched to hurricane 3, similar to what the rest of the Chinese team uses. I think Sun Yingsha may be using h8 still on her bh.

How is hurricane 8 different to hurricane 3 for backhand use?

Also what's up with h8-80, h3-50 and h3 neo 37°? I've heard good things about h8-80, but not much for the other two.
I have tested H3 37, H8 37, and H8-80 37 on bh. I personally liked H8 best, H3 a close second, and 8-80 a 3rd place but still decent option.

All of them needed booster. H8 is faster and more dynamic. H3 is quite comfortable and reliable and safe. 8-80 seemed a little more wild and less reliable.

I have heard that SYS or Chen Meng might be using H8 sponge on H3 topsheet. But I would love some real confirmation as well.
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May 2020
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I have tested H3 37, H8 37, and H8-80 37 on bh. I personally liked H8 best, H3 a close second, and 8-80 a 3rd place but still decent option.

All of them needed booster. H8 is faster and more dynamic. H3 is quite comfortable and reliable and safe. 8-80 seemed a little more wild and less reliable.

I have heard that SYS or Chen Meng might be using H8 sponge on H3 topsheet. But I would love some real confirmation as well.
I think SYS is using h8 on bh.

How was the feeling, throw angle and grip different between h3 37, h8 37 and h8-80 37? I've only ever used h3 and h3 neo.
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May 2020
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"""""""All of them needed booster."""""""

This is simply a matter of personal preference and is depending
on skills.
Not everybody needs to boost these rubbers.
How do these 3 feel? I'm guessing h8-80 is more springy and elastic. All I know is that h3-50 is slow, heavy and undynamic. I've heard #80 sponge is better. How's it compared to soft versions of h3 neo and h8, the 37 versions?
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Oct 2022
ESN rubbers feel springy because they are large-pored sponge with built in tension, so it feels like a trampoline compressing and expanding.

#80 is more like a less dense version of the regular DHS sponge. It doesn't have that inherent springiness. But I feel it doesn't work in it's favor. By being less dense, it also doesn't have the same reaction to booster. So it ends up just being worse off after you boost vs regular dhs sponge, and deadish if you don't boost.
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Apr 2021
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I've played H8, H8-80, H9, H3 37 Neo, H3 38 Neo on my BH. All are commercials version. I can rate them as following:

topSpin, flickr: H3 37 > H3 38 > H8 > H8 -80 > H9
Blocking: H3 38 > H3 37 > H8 > H8 80 > H9

IMO I like H3 38 the best, it has combination of solid blocking and topspin capacities. If you want more punch then H3 37 or H8, H8-80 feels too soft for my taste

I think H3 37 and H3 38 has the best sponge. For the others I bottom out quite often if I do not hit hard enough
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Feb 2015
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Skyline 3-60,the best ... But sensitive to humidity... H3 37 the worst... H8 didnt try the softest version (i already applied one on the blade, but newer used it) but solid, h9 green... Hmmmmm not sure, but purple is the best. 37 hardnes is all i was looking for.
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Feb 2020
Why do people assume that just because the Chinese National team uses Hurricane for their backhand now that amateurs should also do the same? In the first place what they are using is probably nowhere close to what an amateur can get commercially. I have tried various Hurricanes and won't even use them for my forehand not to mention the backhand. I would reconsider the idea and use a non tacky, faster and easier to use rubber for the backhand like the Stiga Mantra Pro H.
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Active Member
Apr 2021
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Why do people assume that just because the Chinese National team uses Hurricane for their backhand now that amateurs should also do the same? In the first place what they are using is probably nowhere close to what an amateur can get commercially. I have tried various Hurricanes and won't even use them for my forehand not to mention the backhand. I would reconsider the idea and use a non tacky, faster and easier to use rubber for the backhand like the Stiga Mantra Pro H.
pros are using hybrid BH rubbers more and more, so it's common sense that Chinese pros use Chinese BH rubbers

Also Chinese rubbers require a certain level to use. It's hard to use on FH but even harder on BH, I agree that it's only made for a very small number of players.
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Oct 2014
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Why do people assume that just because the Chinese National team uses Hurricane for their backhand now that amateurs should also do the same? In the first place what they are using is probably nowhere close to what an amateur can get commercially. I have tried various Hurricanes and won't even use them for my forehand not to mention the backhand. I would reconsider the idea and use a non tacky, faster and easier to use rubber for the backhand like the Stiga Mantra Pro H.
A lot of technical knowledge about how go swing at the ball is now all over the internet. Many players are realizing more and more that they shouldn't be swinging so much with the upper arm. The other issue is that the new plastic ball doesn't grip the rubber as much as the celluloid balls. With this ABS balls, a little bit of stickiness helps to bring back some of the spin that was lost after moving away from celluloid. Blades are also much faster and sponges are generally more consistent.

All of the above makes using Chinese rubber on backhand no longer something special. While some people might argue that oh, you need good technique to hit the ball consistently powerful on backhand, the reality is that every technical plus and minus of equipment at the amateur level is present at the pro level. It just happens at a far lower level of speed, power and consistency but the tradeoffs still broadly apply.

So if someone is happier hitting with Chinese rubber on the backhand let him do it. His ball will be slower, but it might also be easier to swing more powerfully and keep the ball on the table. That is the benefit of tacky rubber.
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Oct 2023
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I remember hearing that Wang Chuqin used hurricane 8 at his bh for a while but then switched to hurricane 3, similar to what the rest of the Chinese team uses. I think Sun Yingsha may be using h8 still on her bh.

How is hurricane 8 different to hurricane 3 for backhand use?

Also what's up with h8-80, h3-50 and h3 neo 37°? I've heard good things about h8-80, but not much for the other two.
Out of the three, I've only used H8-80 (38°) on BH and not boosted. H3N I haven't used the 37° so can only compare to 39° that I've tried on BH.

H8-80 is a very good rubber and has a higher throw than H3N 39°. You can generate good spin with it and it's easy to engage the sponge to get power.

But it's hard to control heavy incoming spin with it, it does feel wild as that medium throw with its spin reactiveness makes it tricky to block with, but far from the table, you can send rockets with it.

Relatively speaking, with H3N 39°, I could get way more noticeable spin but it was harder to generate power.
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says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
Well-Known Member
Feb 2015
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A lot of technical knowledge about how go swing at the ball is now all over the internet. Many players are realizing more and more that they shouldn't be swinging so much with the upper arm. The other issue is that the new plastic ball doesn't grip the rubber as much as the celluloid balls. With this ABS balls, a little bit of stickiness helps to bring back some of the spin that was lost after moving away from celluloid. Blades are also much faster and sponges are generally more consistent.

All of the above makes using Chinese rubber on backhand no longer something special. While some people might argue that oh, you need good technique to hit the ball consistently powerful on backhand, the reality is that every technical plus and minus of equipment at the amateur level is present at the pro level. It just happens at a far lower level of speed, power and consistency but the tradeoffs still broadly apply.

So if someone is happier hitting with Chinese rubber on the backhand let him do it. His ball will be slower, but it might also be easier to swing more powerfully and keep the ball on the table. That is the benefit of tacky rubber.
Let me hit you with my h9... You miss it? wait, what 😂
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