Hurricane and Skyline rubbers not tacky?

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I'm back in the forum!! And like any TT forum member I've felt the urge to come back and post my COMPLAINTS. Ahahaha, I'm obviously exaggerating, but kidding aside, I've come across a recurring problem: my sheets of Hurricane and Skyline aren't tacky!
The first time I tried DHS rubbers about a year ago, I bought a skyline II for my FH and it was as tacky as heck! But I've since bought another sheet of Skyline and a sheet of Hurricane at the beginning of the year and neither were even remotely tacky. (Skyline was black, slightly tacky, but nowhere near the first sheet I bought.)
I just bought, cut, and glued new sheets of H3.50 and Skyline3.60; I took off the plastic coverings of the leftover edges and only the black sheet was SLIGHTLY tacky.

It's worth mentioning that I live in the Philippines, where it's quite humid, and that a fellow ponger bought DHS rubbers (H3 & Tinarc) from the same store that I do at about the same time I did and his were tacky as crazy!!

So why do you think my rubbers turn out untacky, and is there any safe method for me to reverse the curse? Thanks!

EDIT: the first sheet of Skyline I bought still is a bit tacky, tackier then my new ones. I replaced it because the sponge was kinda dead and I needed a faster rubber on my FH

EDIT 2: The rubbers have an oily sort of feel to them. Will try them out tomorrow, haven't removed the plastic film yet. Should I remove the plastic and kinda "air out" the sheets, or leave them as is until I use them?
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Those rubbers really do suck in humidity, when I had H3N it was very tacky in the winter but was awful in the summer and early fall. If the humidity where you are is super high (>60%), the rubber will only do well if you wipe it with your shorts/shirt between points. Where did you buy it from?
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Jun 2015
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Jea i have the same experience. When the H3N gets a little wet it completly loses its tackiness.
So the the humidity could indeed be the problem.
And also i felt the were getting more tacky as you played and the sponge got a bit softer. They even got so tacky i could throw a ball from below onto the rubber and it would stick and kept sticking until i took it off with my hand.

Edit: DHS rubbers are known for their differnece in quality. I also had one rubber who wasnt as tacky as the other ones.
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Jul 2015
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I just bought, cut, and glued new sheets of H3.50 and Skyline3.60; I took off the plastic coverings of the leftover edges and only the black sheet was SLIGHTLY tacky.

I think it is OK. I noticed that new rubbers (Neo, H3-50) have very slightly tacky topsheet, and become less tacky with time, though they can still hold the ball for a second. But old series H3 and others are tacky as hell. I might be wrong, though, I don't have that much experience with DHS stuff.
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Jan 2016
I think it is OK. I noticed that new rubbers (Neo, H3-50) have very slightly tacky topsheet, and become less tacky with time, though they can still hold the ball for a second. But old series H3 and others are tacky as hell. I might be wrong, though, I don't have that much experience with DHS stuff.

I use Skyline 3 Neo.
You are right. It is okay. In fact, something that is too tacky gets in the way of loop killing. Don't worry about the tackiness. If you can still loop, it's okay. Besides, skill is more important than equipment.