Fair Play first
TAKE NOTE, please, that Hurricane III sandwich combination is only entitled to use one type of sponge -- blue 39 hardness degree. Any other combinations of Hurricane III topsheet with different sponges are illegitimate (bastard) products.
Please be aware that provincial and national Hurricane III using a variety of sponges, other than blue 39 °, should be taken as outlaw products and should be dealt with accordingly.
For legal sustainment refer to the ITTF instructive letter
-- 5.2.4 Marketing or distributing sponges of different materials in combination with the same topsheet is not permitted and shall be a subject to penalty sanctions.
Get alert against the bastard China producs.
TAKE NOTE, please, that Hurricane III sandwich combination is only entitled to use one type of sponge -- blue 39 hardness degree. Any other combinations of Hurricane III topsheet with different sponges are illegitimate (bastard) products.
Please be aware that provincial and national Hurricane III using a variety of sponges, other than blue 39 °, should be taken as outlaw products and should be dealt with accordingly.
For legal sustainment refer to the ITTF instructive letter
-- 5.2.4 Marketing or distributing sponges of different materials in combination with the same topsheet is not permitted and shall be a subject to penalty sanctions.
Get alert against the bastard China producs.