I feel that Dignics 05 is extremely overrated. Is it just me?

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Oct 2014
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I agree with this.

You probably remember I played a few years with a Sweden classic. Actually a long series of Sweden classics because I was a bat-smasher back in the days of my youth.

That blade was too slow - full stop. Even with the 40mm celluloid ball it was already too slow.

People also develop bad technique by over-swinging when their setup doesn't easily yield decent speed. It's the inverse of grooving a T-rex swing with fast setups while desperately trying to keep the ball on the table.

This line from your post is really important.

To go back to the OP -- D05 is clearly a bad rubber *for him.* He dislikes it.

I also do not enjoy playing with D05. I am used to Tenergy, like playing with it, and am in no mood to use something else. But for you it performs well and you like it.

So is it a good rubber? Is it overrated? Dunno. Depends on your experience when you play it.

And no subjective impressions anybody posts will really be useful information for a guy who hasn't tried D05 for himself.
Some Chinese players can't use D05 on the forehand (they prefer Hurricane) but Harimoto can. Some of them might find D05 too fast on backhand as well. So the point is not just at our level. That said, there is a physics to this stuff and it isn't all feeling. But players below a certain level (I would argue roughly 1800) don't know enough technically to really use the physics. And some above that wouldn't give a damn anyways. In either case we would be back to square 1. But the player who cares about the physics and knows how to use it can escape this.
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Jan 2023
Many players are complaining that F1 cars are sucky, undrivable, and everything else, when in fact, they're nowhere near Max Verstappen's level.
I agree that F1 cars are sucky. Electric cars have much more control and I can drive them in the winter without worrying so much about dying in a big ball of fire.

At my level, I play in the company leagues in office spaces vs. people that have hardbats with no grip. I play in the park when it windy vs. players that have worn out rubbers. I play against lower league players with long pimples that they have been using for years and years, some of them possibly not ITTF certified. I play vs. all kinds of techniques that require me to just get the ball back on the table, as a matter of first principle.
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Feb 2023
Gorgeous rubber, yesterday I gave at try on my training session, twiddling the racket on BH/FH and really like it on BH. At this moment I prefer T05 on my FH. What is a difference compared to T19 (I had before), is harder, spinner, you need to be in position but shots are more deadly and harder for defense.
My friend asked me what I ate/drank before the training as these BH topspins were f*cking insane!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I also found that with T19 I was able to play more slow, spiny BH loops, you know with high arc, something which on amateur level causes a lot of problems with D05 I need to hit harder, but my BH loops are more deadly than FH and I'm more BH than FH oriented player.
Really likes this rubber and will play it more at this moment. I will not go back to T19, yesterday session was really good.
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May 2013
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Some Chinese players can't use D05 on the forehand (they prefer Hurricane) but Harimoto can. Some of them might find D05 too fast on backhand as well. So the point is not just at our level. That said, there is a physics to this stuff and it isn't all feeling. But players below a certain level (I would argue roughly 1800) don't know enough technically to really use the physics. And some above that wouldn't give a damn anyways. In either case we would be back to square 1. But the player who cares about the physics and knows how to use it can escape this.
I agree mostly with everything you guys are saying, but the main issue is the unshakeable EJ belief that equipment is what makes the player and determines their playing ability ... whereas it is the other way around. Hence the 99% of threads of this forum.
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Nov 2020
Gorgeous rubber, yesterday I gave at try on my training session, twiddling the racket on BH/FH and really like it on BH. At this moment I prefer T05 on my FH. What is a difference compared to T19 (I had before), is harder, spinner, you need to be in position but shots are more deadly and harder for defense.
My friend asked me what I ate/drank before the training as these BH topspins were f*cking insane!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I also found that with T19 I was able to play more slow, spiny BH loops, you know with high arc, something which on amateur level causes a lot of problems with D05 I need to hit harder, but my BH loops are more deadly than FH and I'm more BH than FH oriented player.
Really likes this rubber and will play it more at this moment. I will not go back to T19, yesterday session was really good.

I also like Rakza XX when I started playing with it...

I give you 2 months and then, shup shup, will welcome you in my Glayzer world!
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Feb 2023
I also like Rakza XX when I started playing with it...

I give you 2 months and then, shup shup, will welcome you in my Glayzer world!
I don't think so :p
I also owned new shit of D80 which is more controllable rubber vs D05 (if it occurs that I need more control) or new Zeed03 (if introduced in April by BTY) might be tempting if not cost $100+ :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: but with BTY and their pricing level who knows :p
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says Spin to win!
Oh go on then, one more opinion won't hurt.

I've been using D05 on the backhand since 2021 (post back surgery and Covid break, I bought a new blade (Ovtcharov ALC) and D05 BH with D09C on FH.

Since then, I've virtually won every single major local league singles championship (I know, such a big deal.....) and even when I've played badly, I've usually found a way to win.

I change my rubbers twice per year (January and August/September).

The only reason I haven't switched D05 to D09C on the backhand is because I convince myself..... Why change something that is clearly working?

Well.... I think I'm finally going to make that change next week when I buy some new rubbers.

D05 has a very low throw angle, which means you really have to lift the ball for maximum effect.

But because it's not a soft sponge either, you have to make sure your arm speed is also fast, consistently.

There are definitely major upsides to D05 over D09C on certain things, but I have a feeling D09C will just give me a little more consistency, safety and will be more forgiving when the points get tight.

I could be wrong, and if I lose all my titles this year, at least I'll have something to blame it on! 😂
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May 2013
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Oh go on then, one more opinion won't hurt.

I've been using D05 on the backhand since 2021 (post back surgery and Covid break, I bought a new blade (Ovtcharov ALC) and D05 BH with D09C on FH.

Since then, I've virtually won every single major local league singles championship (I know, such a big deal.....) and even when I've played badly, I've usually found a way to win.

I change my rubbers twice per year (January and August/September).

The only reason I haven't switched D05 to D09C on the backhand is because I convince myself..... Why change something that is clearly working?

Well.... I think I'm finally going to make that change next week when I buy some new rubbers.

D05 has a very low throw angle, which means you really have to lift the ball for maximum effect.

But because it's not a soft sponge either, you have to make sure your arm speed is also fast, consistently.

There are definitely major upsides to D05 over D09C on certain things, but I have a feeling D09C will just give me a little more consistency, safety and will be more forgiving when the points get tight.

I could be wrong, and if I lose all my titles this year, at least I'll have something to blame it on! 😂
Are you going to play any of MatchPoint's tournaments in Milton Keynes?


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Oct 2015
Some Chinese players can't use D05 on the forehand (they prefer Hurricane) but Harimoto can. Some of them might find D05 too fast on backhand as well. So the point is not just at our level. That said, there is a physics to this stuff and it isn't all feeling. But players below a certain level (I would argue roughly 1800) don't know enough technically to really use the physics. And some above that wouldn't give a damn anyways. In either case we would be back to square 1. But the player who cares about the physics and knows how to use it can escape this.

Too bad I don't have a photo of you and me standing side-by-side at Trolley Car. It would make apparent the physics behind why playing hard-sponge rubber works better for you than for me.

But it is not essential to know the science, if you play and observe *with an open mind.* Experimenting is also science, I suppose.
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says Pimples Schmimples
says Pimples Schmimples
Well-Known Member
Sep 2022
I'm perplexed that so many people love Dignics 05 and many think it is the #1 rubber out there.

I don't like it at all.

My issues with it:

- It is the most unforgiving rubber I've ever used, and I've used every high-end Tenergy/Dignics rubber. One slight technique error and the ball goes flying. It forces me to play uptight, with the pressure of having to hit every ball with perfect form. Going from Dignics05 to Dignics80, which I believe is a much better rubber in every way, allowed me to relax and play more loosely. Dignics 80 is so much more forgiving than Dignics 05. What a sense of relief going from D05 to D80.
Technique errors are 100% user fault but it stands to reason that an €80 professional grade rubber is not going to be very forgiving. The same is true of lots of high end rubbers and equipment.
- The short trajectory makes it impossible to play far from the table. My Backhand gets blocked off even from mid distance. The short trajectory makes the rubber only effective when looping/countering close to the table. Even from mid distance, I get blocked off.
My take is that you (again a technique issue) don't have the racket speed to execute with D05 from distance.
- The sensitivity to incoming spin is a real problem. This is right up there with Tenergy 05 in terms of sensitivity to incoming spin.
It's an attacking rubber. Most users, especially pro users just override incoming spin slot if the time with powerful spinny shots of their own. I reckon that it's points 1 and 2 are again the issue.
- Touching short is difficult with this rubber; it is difficult to keep the ball low. I don't have this problem with other Tenergy/Dignics rubbers.
This doesn't make sense to me. Tenergy 05 (or just about any Tenergy) is more springy than D05. I reckon you'd get used to this aspect over time, how long have you played with it?

All that said I suppose you are correct in your observations but the main takeaway is that you are just not yet ready to get the benefits from D05 rather than any fault with the rubber itself... 🤷
These are (imo) good observations and relevant for any beginner to intermediate players thinking to try the D05.
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Apr 2013
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This post kinda reminds me of typical gaming experience.

A gamer will start off with low level and low level gear and the monster / enemies he faces will be appropriate for his level.

As the gamer level up, he will need better gears to deal with higher level enemies and level bosses etc.

Similarly, as we level up our game, we tend to seek faster, harder, grippier rubber to deal with ever more skillful players.

Life imitates game. Imagine, this, as you level up, then you go back to your old club and face-off with those players from your old club, do you realize it becomes boring to play with them right?

It is like you have reached level 100 and when you revisit the kevel 1 of the dungeon, you will be bored as hell.

The problem here is that most people over estimate their current level.

At least in video games there is a level requirement before you can use a certain weapon, gear, spell, killstreak, or play a quest, dungeon or whatever. In table tennis a level 1 player can just go out and buy a level 100 racket and use it right away.

I have seen absolute beginners use a Viscaria Super ALC, saying that the regular version wasnt fast enough. Meanwhile most pros dont use super ALC because its too fast for them...

Although I have had a hit with someone s Viscaria Super ALC last week, and it was quite pleasant. Very fast, but still controllable. I can see why people like it.
says Feeling blue
says Feeling blue
Sep 2023
My friends play D05 on his forehand and a hurricane 3 neo blue sponge 40degrees on his BH. On his good day, he can pull off lots of sick loop and his no spin punch from his BH flies way more faster than lots of ppl loops. It's just matter of preference, I remember I assembled that racket setup for him to play the other way around: D05 BH and H3 FH, but yeh he can succeed with what he play. I play D05 on my BH before, the topspin drive and loops feel really comfortable, it might prone to push or sensitive topspin but you can adjust to close or open it and problem is solved. Have you tried to relax your swing and wrist and been sure that your stroke is going forward? Too tense technique can make the ball doesn't sink at contact results in bad quality ball.
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Feb 2023
I was playing 2nd session with coach using D05 but mostly on FH. This shit is really good. I started playing on BH but coach told me to twiddle on FH side compering to T05, FH loops were more dangerous, casing more problems for opponents receiving/blocking, shots were longer at the end of the table vs T05 where the ball landed somewhere in the middle, he suggested that I should stick with it on FH side with T05 on BH taking into account that they are almost new and to not change everything at once (both rubbers) but later on he suggested to use on both sides D05 because I'm playing really good with them no matter FH/BH.
They really match Golden Viscaria.
Of course D05 is boostered with one layer of Chinese booster I mentioned sometimes ago. I didn't see it anywhere in the internet for selling so far
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