@PenHoldSandro : You made two threads for the exact same subject and the exact same videos.
I have merged them into one thread.
I also think you should know, you got some good information. Too much information will do the opposite of help you. You need to work on one thing at a time. I think this is simply a distraction from what you need to work on.
The footage shows that you need to work on very simple fundamental skills. What you are doing by continuing to solicit more advice when you already have way too many things you have been told you need to work on is insuring that you won't work on anything useful.
Guys, I wouldn't get trolled into trying to help the kid when the kid already has so much advice it would take him years to get to half of it.
Sandro, I appreciate you are young and impatient. But you have to work on one thing at a time. And your video footage shows that what you are doing is not training but goofing around without really being able to pay attention to what you are doing because of all the stuff going on around you as you are goofing around on the table.