Just a clarification:
Stiga Allround Classic: Limba-Ayous-Ayous-Ayous-Limba
Offensive S: Limba-Ayous-Ayous-Ayous-Limba
Primorac & Korbel: Limba-Limba-Ayous-Limba-Limba
Yes, they all have Limba and Ayous. But the Limba-Limba-Ayous construction is very different in playing characteristics than the Limba-Ayous-Ayous construction.
I personally like Limba-Limba. But it is worth noting the diffence.
For something more lively: Limba-Spruce-Ayous-Spruce-Limba will feel more alive and faster than either of the above, but it will hold the ball for less making it take more skill to spin. Limba-Limba holds the ball for longer than Limba-Ayous and feels more muted but allows you to generate more spin.
In the end, it is a choice. Lots of good options. But I did not realize that the Offensive S was hard to get in a penhold grip.
Yasaka Sweden Extra, it is different, it has a harder top ply than Limba. But it would also be a good choice that is not too big a speed jump. Where, I think, the Extra Offensive may be a bigger speed jump than would be productive based on what I saw in the video.
Rosewood and Infinity: because they top ply of those blades is HARDENED, and they are trying to fancy, fast, all wood, they cost way more than they should and they may not be the best choice for value or for speed. They are both probably a bit faster than you should use. Not much, but more than would be productive, in my opinion, based on what I saw.
However, I do still think the best option for your continued development is to continue using what you already have. Try the rackets of friends like Baal suggested, but continue using what you have at least for the next 6 months to a year.