Is Sanwei Target National a good forehand rubber?

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Jan 2024
As you can see it is based on self experience and the good think with Target National is that is super cheap and you can give it a try. I got to know this rubber at the middle of the season, at the beginning I thought it was not for me, but I gave a chance couple of trainings more and now is my only choice for FH rubbers. It is spiny but easy to control, fast for attacking and good for chopping close to the net. IF you want to give it a try, let me know, I have a promo code for buying it even cheaper in their web page. Regards And success with your choice.
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Dec 2021
Sanwei gave me a discount code, I think it's still working for all products on their website: PASSION

And yes, if you have good technique definitely give the Target National a try but you have to use Haifu Seamoon same way as Hurricane III blue sponge and need to play couple hours for tackiness to stabilise (be patient!!) or else it will be a very negative experience. It's worth the effort. Enjoy.
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Jan 2024
Sanwei gave me a discount code, I think it's still working for all products on their website: PASSION

And yes, if you have good technique definitely give the Target National a try but you have to use Haifu Seamoon same way as Hurricane III blue sponge and need to play couple hours for tackiness to stabilise (be patient!!) or else it will be a very negative experience. It's worth the effort. Enjoy.
I hear the it does not work well with Haifu because of the kind of sponge, this you try it?? I would suggest use it as such with just glue.

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Dec 2021
I hear the it does not work well with Haifu because of the kind of sponge, this you try it?? I would suggest use it as such with just glue.

left is Target National, right is Hurricane III Provincial. 3 layers Haifu Seamoon each. Plays almost exaclty the same, Hurricane throw is slightly higher. Target has a bit more kick and speed when doing very hard FH drive with full arm extension. Sponge is very very similar. Tested at same time back to back with two same blades.


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Jan 2024
left is Target National, right is Hurricane III Provincial. 3 layers Haifu Seamoon each. Plays almost exaclty the same, Hurricane throw is slightly higher. Target has a bit more kick and speed when doing very hard FH drive with full arm extension. Sponge is very very similar. Tested at same time back to back with two same blades.
Thanks for sharing 👍 good to know
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left is Target National, right is Hurricane III Provincial. 3 layers Haifu Seamoon each. Plays almost exaclty the same, Hurricane throw is slightly higher. Target has a bit more kick and speed when doing very hard FH drive with full arm extension. Sponge is very very similar. Tested at same time back to back with two same blades.
I am impressed that you can get STN and Hurricane Provincial blue sponge to curve like that. I put two layers on mine and both sponges barely curve at all. I used to boost Hurricane commercial orange sponge and that does curve up like that.

I agree with you in regarding to STN v.s. Hurricane Provincial blue sponge. I find STN just a bit less dynamic than Hurricane blue sponge but they are close enough!
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Active Member
Jan 2019
I would recommend pinyi cuifeng blue sponge. Unboosted or boost one layer is good. Needs break in even if unboosted though. But very solid, lower throw than h3, a bit less top-end spin that h3. But very direct and straight flying arc. Easier to generate speed and spin than h3. Tackiness is around h3 level??
Where can you buy these rubbers? It seems that one can only buy it in china.
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Dec 2021
I am impressed that you can get STN and Hurricane Provincial blue sponge to curve like that. I put two layers on mine and both sponges barely curve at all. I used to boost Hurricane commercial orange sponge and that does curve up like that.

I agree with you in regarding to STN v.s. Hurricane Provincial blue sponge. I find STN just a bit less dynamic than Hurricane blue sponge but they are close enough!
The layers were "generous" and the Target reacted mainly with third layer. The first layer did very little, the second was like: meeeh. But the third was the kicker..
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Ok, I am totally confused as in which Sanwei Target National is new and which one is old.

So I have two sheets sitting in front of me. The one I got from Aliexpress, the printing of "Sanwei Target National" looks newer (more modern if you know what I mean) and the ITTF approval number is 62-001.

The one I got from Megaspin, the printing of "Sanwei Target National" looks more out of date and the ITTF approval number is 62-021.

I thought Megaspin is selling the new stuff? But instead Megaspin is selling the old stuff and the one I got from Aliexpress is newer?

Anyway both sheets play about the same. I like them. I put on those two sheets last night without any boosting. They are both fun to play with. I was able to do slow loops (using topsheet only) and fast loops (engaging both sponge and the topsheet). It is easy to play with (at least for me). The curve is low/throw angle is low just like those Hurricane 3 Provincial blue sponge.

I was able to pick up the ball from the table and kept it in the air for 5 seconds today (this sheet is from Aliexpress with ITTF approval number of 62-001). That impressed the hell out of my clubmates who are all using hybrid rubbers like Dignics 09c, Dragon Grip, K3, etc.

And that's why I am not interested in jumping on the hybrid wagon. Those hybrids are barely tacky....
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Nov 2017
62-021 is actually the newer one and delivered in a silver card box. I have one right in front of me.
The older version is 62-001 and is/was sold in a blue-yellow cardbox. I had two sheets of it about 5-6 years ago. The topsheet of the older version has some distinctive branch/leaf-like lines at the bottom right and left of the ITTF-number and the name.

See here:

That's the old version...

New one is seen here:

The old sheets were sticky as hell, yes, and could keep up the ball for 7-8 seconds easily, but they felt less solid than the H3 Provincial, to be honest. Easier to play with (compared to H3) due to more overall control, so to speak.
62-021 is actually the newer one and delivered in a silver card box. I have one right in front of me.
The older version is 62-001 and is/was sold in a blue-yellow cardbox. I had two sheets of it about 5-6 years ago. The topsheet of the older version has some distinctive branch/leaf-like lines at the bottom right and left of the ITTF-number and the name.

See here:

That's the old version...

New one is seen here:

The old sheets were sticky as hell, yes, and could keep up the ball for 7-8 seconds easily, but they felt less solid than the H3 Provincial, to be honest. Easier to play with (compared to H3) due to more overall control, so to speak.
Got it! Thanks for your help.

Ok so Megaspin is selling the newer version. Honestly I like both versions just fine.

I feel that Sanwei Target National's sponge is a bit less dynamic than H3 neo provincial blue sponge 39 degrees. But the price difference does not justify it for me.

I just ordered more Sanwei Target National from Aliexpress today. I think I am done with my forehand rubber choice at this moment.
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Nov 2017
I think I am done with my forehand rubber choice at this moment.
Same for me. K3 for example is very nice, at first, but too expensive. I'm not willing to pay 60, 70, 80 € per sheet for the newest so called "high-performance" rubbers (K3, Bluestar, Genextion, Nuzn etc.). I can use the Target National or the Vega China to the same effect. They last pretty long too, certainly longer than K3.
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Same for me. K3 for example is very nice, at first, but too expensive. I'm not willing to pay 60, 70, 80 € per sheet for the newest so called "high-performance" rubbers (K3, Bluestar, Genextion, Nuzn etc.). I can use the Target National or the Vega China to the same effect. They last pretty long too, certainly longer than K3.
I am really disappointed by the tackiness (or lack thereof) of the various hybrids. So I am going to stick with Chinese rubber on my forehand side.

Now, half of my blades have H3 neo provincial blue sponge on them and half of my blades have Sanwei Target National. I am happy with them. I don't feel the need to test other Chinese rubbers either like Battle II, Battle III, Loki Arthur China, etc. etc. At some point, there are just too much noises! I know what my forehand likes and I am going to stick with these two rubbers only.
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I am really disappointed by the tackiness (or lack thereof) of the various hybrids. So I am going to stick with Chinese rubber on my forehand side.

Now, half of my blades have H3 neo provincial blue sponge on them and half of my blades have Sanwei Target National. I am happy with them. I don't feel the need to test other Chinese rubbers either like Battle II, Battle III, Loki Arthur China, etc. etc. At some point, there are just too much noises! I know what my forehand likes and I am going to stick with these two rubbers only.
He, he
That remains to be seen :)

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Nov 2020
I play with STN now, I think about almost 3 months, boosted with 1 layer, after 2 months re-boosted with 2 very thin layers. Actually I'm glad I tried it, but I think I won't stay with it. The Rxton 9 top-sheet is a bit nicer for me, a bit softer and more elastic. And the sponge of the STN is not bad, but again Rxton 9's sponge is closer to H3 sponge, perhaps a bit heavier?

Anyway, the STN, well any chinese dense sponge rubber, they change the properties as the booster evaporates. Feels like it becomes harder, less elastic, and I have a lot of over-the-net-out balls. These drive me crazy. And somehow I have the impression, that after reboost, they change the properties even faster. So now, STN after 1 month after reboost, feels harder, slower, less spin ;-(

And ESN, having taken a bath in mineral oil, will change too. We are f... Anyway, just ranting... Cheers...
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Jan 2024
I play with STN now, I think about almost 3 months, boosted with 1 layer, after 2 months re-boosted with 2 very thin layers. Actually I'm glad I tried it, but I think I won't stay with it. The Rxton 9 top-sheet is a bit nicer for me, a bit softer and more elastic. And the sponge of the STN is not bad, but again Rxton 9's sponge is closer to H3 sponge, perhaps a bit heavier?

Anyway, the STN, well any chinese dense sponge rubber, they change the properties as the booster evaporates. Feels like it becomes harder, less elastic, and I have a lot of over-the-net-out balls. These drive me crazy. And somehow I have the impression, that after reboost, they change the properties even faster. So now, STN after 1 month after reboost, feels harder, slower, less spin ;-(

And ESN, having taken a bath in mineral oil, will change too. We are f... Anyway, just ranting... Cheers...
Thanks for sharing your experience, I recently posted something about boosting Target National and after 2 months seems like a good option. I still prefer Target National because of price and possibility to test different things on it with out feeling that I’m losing lot of money.
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I still like my Sanwei Target National. Oddly enough, I have not boosted my current supply of STN. One sheet I boosted a while ago bubbled up, near the logo of Sanwei, which did not affect my playing. But it was the first and only time when a sheet of rubber bubbles up on me. At that price though, I am fine with one sheet bubbling up.

Once I am done with this set of blades/rubbers, I will boost the STN and put it back on!
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