Jin Ueda's backspin touch is NEXT LEVEL!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2010
How about this for a return of serve! :D

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Dec 2017
Can anyone explain how so much backspin is produced when the stroke almost looks like a casual push. There does not seem to be much of a chopping action or wrist motion. Presumably he is producing the spin just at the moment of contact which is a real skill.

If I was trying to return this shot thinking it was a weak back spin it would go straight into the net!
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Jun 2017
Look at the pop in the elbow in each shot. He’s fully extending his arm through the push every time, and doing it but keeping the contact thin to produce the spin. It really is extremely skillful. I see it as similar to what you would do on a hook serve as you finish the motion. I know I get a lot of under on my hook serves by trying to do this and it’s hard for an opponent to read it.
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says Aging is a killer
Do it. Do it till you're satisfied.

Can anyone explain how so much backspin is produced when the stroke almost looks like a casual push. There does not seem to be much of a chopping action or wrist motion. Presumably he is producing the spin just at the moment of contact which is a real skill.

If I was trying to return this shot thinking it was a weak back spin it would go straight into the net!

Best way to find out is to try it with a robot. Within 10 mins you'll be able to get that double and triple bounce fairly consistently. Do it 10,000 times and you'll be an expert.:)
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Aug 2017
Take it right off the bounce for maximum energy. Make thin contact so most of the energy goes for spin. The heavier the serve, the easier it is to do.
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Active Member
Nov 2017
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I think it's actually easiest to practice this with a weak, short topspin serve (or no spin serve which gets some topspin from the table).
You'll pretty much immediately find the ball rolling back to the net because you're adding to the spin already on the ball rather than going against it (as you would with a backspin serve), and also if you don't make the right movement the ball can fly off, so you learn to do the right movement to spin the ball and learn to touch it very early.

I would suggest to start practicing with weak topspin serves and gradually transition to backspin serves.
With backspin serves even if you don't make the motion and just let the ball touch your racket at net height you'll get good short balls so you may fail to learn to make the right motion.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2013
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Best way to find out is to try it with a robot. Within 10 mins you'll be able to get that double and triple bounce fairly consistently. Do it 10,000 times and you'll be an expert.:)
Already tried - not that easy. I set the robot to backspin and it was really hard to repeat Ueda return. Double bounce is no problem but most of cases the ball goes off the table, only twice I managed to keep the ball on the table like Ueda but my movement was much more intense then his. I think it is a question of serve he answers and maybe some tacky rubber.
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Feel and touch and how relaxed he is. Also, watch the speed of the racket in that tiny movement through the ball. He has this tiny whip action going.

I don't think the serve he is receiving is topspin because of how he is touching the bottom of the ball. I think, if it was topspin he would need to contact closer to the back of the ball and push down. That would give you a lot of spin though.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2010
Don't know why you are insisting on this, simple thing is he is pushing with an open bat angle , as Carl said, if it was a topspin or side top he would have to go down on it vertically ... the thing is , this is not something that is impossible to do , its his consistency that is surprising ..
Agree with you all.

But - the server motion is not very well visible, though I may speculate that the serve is with a big portion of top-sidespin and Jin Weda is just multiplying it with cut and side.
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