Joola Dynaryz AGR and ACC rubbers Review

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One thing that surprised me on Louis's video is that he states AGR has 52,5 degrees of hardness. Most things I've read about AGR on forums reported 50 degrees, instead.

Yogi, do you know what the actual hardness is?

This is a first look video on the rubbers.
He will post a review soon too.

I'm interested in seeing it because his level is decent, so I wanna see if he can handle it.
If you look at his Xiom O7 hyper review you could see he had a hard time taming that rubber,despite his level.
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Feb 2020
AGR is way faster and spinnier.

I would like to pay much respect to your efforts. I have read many of your reviews and can't help but notice how your rating/opinion of spin changes. I recall you mentioning 05, rhyzer 48, z1, rhyzer 50 and now agr as spinniest.
(omega 7 was mentioned by someone somewhere, perhps not you)
Could you perhaps recap which of these rubbers would mostlikely produce a classic unblockable/over-the-table-blocked return on full power openings?
very much obliged!
I would like to pay much respect to your efforts. I have read many of your reviews and can't help but notice how your rating/opinion of spin changes. I recall you mentioning 05, rhyzer 48, z1, rhyzer 50 and now agr as spinniest.
(omega 7 was mentioned by someone somewhere, perhps not you)
Could you perhaps recap which of these rubbers would mostlikely produce a classic unblockable/over-the-table-blocked return on full power openings?
very much obliged!
I did not say that AGR is spinnier than T05 but i can say it has the same amount of spin with more catapult effect. As a company produces newer rubbers, the importance of producing rubbers that are as spinny as tenergy because it has been the benchmark of rubbers for the last decade. I would definitely feel the spin increase since i am the first one alwaysto try out new rubbers. Also, what is the point if you cannot have better rubbers than what you have produced before? Other companies will sure over take the sales.
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Oct 2016
Read 5 reviews
T05 is not the spinniest rubber but has ability to play like 45-50 sponge.
The biggest difference is sponge, Butterfly has the best sponge in market
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Feb 2020
I did not say that AGR is spinnier than T05 but i can say it has the same amount of spin with more catapult effect. As a company produces newer rubbers, the importance of producing rubbers that are as spinny as tenergy because it has been the benchmark of rubbers for the last decade. I would definitely feel the spin increase since i am the first one alwaysto try out new rubbers. Also, what is the point if you cannot have better rubbers than what you have produced before? Other companies will sure over take the sales.
So, despite all the obligations, could you still make a recommendation, as to answer my search?
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Active Member
Jun 2018
No one mentioned how's lifting backspin balls. I have bad experience with the new soft top sheet hard sponge rubbers when it comes to lift chopped balls. I tend to brush , so Rhyzer 50 is a bliss for me.but Omega 7 Pro and Asia were a disaster with their soft top, although Pro plays wonderfully on my BH
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Oct 2016
Read 5 reviews
Thin topsheet is very easy for open backspin so agc and acc should easy open EVery backspin
Xiom omega 7 is without new Technology.
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Jun 2018
I don't know the new technology involved in AGR and ACC. I hope it will be similar to Rhyzer 50. The thin top sheet of Omega 7 doesn't help in lifting cause anyway we have to involve the sponge
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Feb 2020
'Looeelooee TT' has posted a follow-up video review on YouTube. It is called 'Joola Dynaryz Rubbers REVIEW!' Unfortunately, I cannot post links yet, but you can search for it using the above quoted.
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Jul 2018
What is this ssp technology business??? Are they putting microchips in rubbers now?

Omega 7's don't have low-throw. I don't like the rubbers but they have more grip and higher throw than T05.
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I have been using since one week ca. the new two Joola rubbers Dynaryz, an AGR 2.0mm black on FH and an ACC 2.0mm red on the BH.
I generally agree with Loole review: I have used for a year a Rhyzer PRO 50 (max.) on the FH and first a Rhyzer 48 (max.) then a Rhyzer PRO 50 (max.) on the BH, and my impressions, using the Rhyzers, was that, although the hard sponge hardness, the grippy topsheet gave still a not too hard feeling from the rubber. With the AGR I suddenly felt an update from that: my topspins were suddenly more powerful but at the same time without losing too much control. I am not a PRO player but also not a beginner: the AGR is more direct that the Rhyzer, I have a harder feeling but still the dewll time of the ball on the rubber is there and I don't have the feeling of "losing" the ball because of the hardness. I had the same feeling from the ACC, I am using it on the BH and I can say that I have a sensation of more control now rather than before. I really feel the ball more than before with almost the same speed. I am mainly a FH player and I think these rubbers are an improvement from Joola. Nobilis is the blade I am playing since almost two years.
I never used the Dignics so I can't say more about this comparison.


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