Joola Dynaryz AGR and ACC rubbers Review

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Oct 2019
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We’re always so eager to jump in new stuff and much less so in sharing experiences with the familiar.

Durability is not something you can judge for the shiny and new.

As a whole modern day durability is piss poor, with little exception.
The durability is poor because performance is high. It is common pattern, tuned car engine fails more easily, overclocked computer parts tend to break more frequent, I think same applies for rubbers. The more boosted it is (even from factory) the quicker it will deteriorate. Hurricane brick tend to last forever while ESN rubbers fade after month or two of usage. I think said pattern is prominent.
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Jan 2017
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The durability is poor because performance is high. It is common pattern, tuned car engine fails more easily, overclocked computer parts tend to break more frequent, I think same applies for rubbers.

Yes, up to a certain point. Sriver used to last for years, but now it doesn't anymore. Either way, we should stop this madness and put longevity first and foremost when assessing the quality of things. The question should not just be "how does this play when new?" but also "and how will it play two years from now?". Resource exhaustion is real.
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Oct 2019
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Yes, up to a certain point. Sriver used to last for years, but now it doesn't anymore. Either way, we should stop this madness and put longevity first and foremost when assessing the quality of things. The question should not just be "how does this play when new?" but also "and how will it play two years from now?". Resource exhaustion is real.
I think this is a topic for another thread. If someone wants to have fresh rubbers every 6 months he will do it either way. I haven't yet a person who disposes rubbers. They usually are reused in this way or another. Sometimes people sell their old rubbers to less advanced players sometimes they donate them to Africa. I personally either sell them with blade I don't use OR keep them in the wardrobe to use in returnboard.
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Bought both ACC and AGR, both in 2.0 thickness... Played with them for a month, then decided that ACC is not for me, it's a bit too soft and bouncy for my liking on FH (I have very wide motion on my FH, IMO for ACC on FH more modern compact motion is better) and it's tough to serve with it (not easy to generate a lot of spin on serve and make low short serves)... Initially I was going to use AGR on FH, but after playing with it, almost imidiatly decided otherwise, I can't control and feel it, but on BH it's different story, on BH for me it's an awesome rubber, very sharp and controlled top-spins, amazing agressive controlled block, great short game and serves... As for why AGR is so different for me on FH and BH, IMO it's because of the wrist, I tend to use wrist a lot on BH, and almost not using it on FH... IMHO ACC is good rubber, but not worth the price, GEWO Nexxus EL48 is on the same level, but more forgiving and it easier to generate spin with it (especially on serves), but it cheaper. AGR is a great rubber, but somewhat difficult, IMO you have to use wrist with it to make it shine and to control it, but even with this it's not very forgiving... So now I use AGR 2.0 on BH and Gewo Nexxus EL50 on FH, works great for me...

P.S. Also, about durability... IMHO not very good, ACC especially... after 1.5 months of play I placed new AGR on my main blade, and placed my "old" AGR on my second "training" blade... both ACC and AGR is playable after 1.5 months of play, but they look like my GEWO Nexxus EL-series after 3 months of play... and if we consider that Dynaryz not very cheap (more expensive than GEWO Nexxus EL for example), that is deffinetly a thing to consider...

P.P.S. The last straw in my relationship with ACC was the final match (for the 1-st place) of one tournament, my opponent had good block control and I had to strengthen very strongly with FH so that he could not block (otherwise it did not work with ACC, the ball was too simple for the opponent), as a result, in the second half of the match my hand was "cut off", the top-spin did not fly at all, and the short game crumbled, because feeling was gone... With EL50 instead of ACC, I think the match would have turned out differently, not the fact that I would have won, but I would hardly have felt so helpless in the end... If someone interested, here video of the metioned match, playing ACC [black,2.0] on FH and AGR [red, 2.0] on BH (I am Lykov, in a blue-green T-shirt):
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Feb 2020
Thinking about switching to nobilis +AGR whats been your experience. Coming from nittaku fastarc G1s and septear lead.
I have been using since one week ca. the new two Joola rubbers Dynaryz, an AGR 2.0mm black on FH and an ACC 2.0mm red on the BH.
I generally agree with Loole review: I have used for a year a Rhyzer PRO 50 (max.) on the FH and first a Rhyzer 48 (max.) then a Rhyzer PRO 50 (max.) on the BH, and my impressions, using the Rhyzers, was that, although the hard sponge hardness, the grippy topsheet gave still a not too hard feeling from the rubber. With the AGR I suddenly felt an update from that: my topspins were suddenly more powerful but at the same time without losing too much control. I am not a PRO player but also not a beginner: the AGR is more direct that the Rhyzer, I have a harder feeling but still the dewll time of the ball on the rubber is there and I don't have the feeling of "losing" the ball because of the hardness. I had the same feeling from the ACC, I am using it on the BH and I can say that I have a sensation of more control now rather than before. I really feel the ball more than before with almost the same speed. I am mainly a FH player and I think these rubbers are an improvement from Joola. Nobilis is the blade I am playing since almost two years.
I never used the Dignics so I can't say more about this comparison.
Hi, Yogi, My blade is DHS W968, and I'm using Butterfly D64 for my BH, how much do you think AGR can improve my BH shots? Tks.

I cant say as i only tried D05 and D09c but to be fair i liked it on both sides than ACC.
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Thinking about switching to nobilis +AGR whats been your experience. Coming from nittaku fastarc G1s and septear lead.

Nobilis would be more controllable with AGR or rather AGR on Nobilis.
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May 2016
I quite like both of the rubbers. Having used mainly tenergy 64 as of late, swapping to either dynaryz rubber didn't require much of a change at all, if any... Initial testing, t64 was easier for me to generate spin on serves. Though a few tweaks here and there brings out the spin of the dynaryz.

To me the main, and real noticeable difference was in the feel and sound. The ACC has that distinct ESN style POP when hitting/looping the ball. All in all a wonderful rubber. However, the price isn't so drastically below a tenergy sheet that I would recommend it on that aspect alone. 65 vs 80 dollars, and with tenergy most likely lasting longer...

I ask myself, would I swap to this over tenergy if the price was the same? Probably not! All things considered, though I love that purple sponge color ;) Yogi's initial review seems to cover everything I might have mentioned, so not worth delving into, aside from personal preference.

Having said that, I do use the GOLDEN TANGO rubber instead of tenergy for the chop/loop game now.
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Feb 2020
thanks a lot for the comment. I like the septear's control however struggle with the handle size (too short). I believe my game would benefit from both blade and rubber change as well..
Nobilis would be more controllable with AGR or rather AGR on Nobilis.
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Thinking about switching to nobilis +AGR whats been your experience. Coming from nittaku fastarc G1s and septear lead.

My experience so far is very positive. Then it depends on your style of game. Compared to Rhyzer, in my opinion you loose a bit of control with the Dynaryz. Maybe you can give a try to the ACC as well, softer than AGR. Regarding the Nobilis, for me this is the blade. But this is just my personal feeling. I have tried many many other blades, and in the end I have always come back to Nobilis.
Never tried the Nittaku Fastarc. I am now giving a try to DNA Pro H, and at the moment the impressions are really positive.
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Feb 2020
I changed to Fastarc G1 recently on my main paddle. It s a very spiny rubber with decent speed. I am an all round attacker around USATT ranking of 1800-1900. I have a friend who has a nobilis and gives amazing spin with this blade with the help of rhyzer or AGRs (now). I also block aggressively and actively and find his topspins hard to predict after it bounces off the table. Therefore , I believe my next step is to move to that setup for myself as well. I have good control on my spins and direction however, the umph and unpredictability is missing in my current setup plus not happy with the handle of my current blade as it is short and have slightly larger hands than an average player.

My experience so far is very positive. Then it depends on your style of game. Compared to Rhyzer, in my opinion you loose a bit of control with the Dynaryz. Maybe you can give a try to the ACC as well, softer than AGR. Regarding the Nobilis, for me this is the blade. But this is just my personal feeling. I have tried many many other blades, and in the end I have always come back to Nobilis.
Never tried the Nittaku Fastarc. I am now giving a try to DNA Pro H, and at the moment the impressions are really positive.
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I changed to Fastarc G1 recently on my main paddle. It s a very spiny rubber with decent speed. I am an all round attacker around USATT ranking of 1800-1900. I have a friend who has a nobilis and gives amazing spin with this blade with the help of rhyzer or AGRs (now). I also block aggressively and actively and find his topspins hard to predict after it bounces off the table. Therefore , I believe my next step is to move to that setup for myself as well. I have good control on my spins and direction however, the umph and unpredictability is missing in my current setup plus not happy with the handle of my current blade as it is short and have slightly larger hands than an average player.

Let me say that if the spins of your team mate are so hard to predict, it is not only because of the rubbers, but mainly of the movement and the stroke he makes. I don't think that there would such an enormous difference if your team mate would use a Fastarc G1. If you are mainly an allround player, my 2 cent advice would be to stay with Fastarc or go to Rhyzer because my experience with the AGR and the ACC is that they are harder, so sometimes you loose in control. And the Fastarc or a Rhyzer would give you anyway the chance to have aggressive blocks.
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Sep 2018
I was thinking of buying a set of dynaryz rubbers and using it with a Rossi emotion pbo-c blade. However from your review yogi it looks like you felt that agr had a higher trajectory than acc while joola states in their catalogue that acc has a trajectory of 7,5 and agr one of 5,5, also i was wondering what others thought of this. I like faster rubbers, but if the arc is too low i wont be able to control it. What do you guys think, is the agr arc pronounced enough to control it easily(-ish).
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Dec 2020
I am using dynaryz for one month and I am very statisfied with rubbers. I use them on both sides. In combination with my slower blade they doing really good job. Especially when it comes to counter attacking opponents topspins. Rubbers were very stiff for a longer time when I put them on blade and after about 20 days I got used to it.